
Ban and Ariana continued their conversation for more than an hour.

Ban even received a device to check the elemental affinities and a skill that can determine when one has a physique.

"Ahem! May I interrupt the conversation?" Flora approached Ban and Ariana while smiling. She could tell that her son has interest towards this cold woman judging how he happily chatted with the latter.

"Oh. What is it, mom?" Ban asked. He was immersed in the discussion that he wanted to ask for more.

"Nothing much. Look at the stage below." Flora pointed at the anxiously waiting kids. She continued, "After you left them hanging, most of them did not enjoy the feast you prepare. After they grabbed something, they returned on their post and waited, it's almost two hours now. They are eager to know your next action."

"Oh that." Ban scratched his nose bridge with apologetic expression.

"I'll find you again later to discuss this topic further." Ban turned to Ariana as he thanked her again.

"Alright." Ariana nodded calmly.

Behind Flora was the curious Nana. She eyed Ariana for quite a while now. After learning her name was the same as friend of her mother, her interest picked.

However, all her questions have already been answered. She didn't need to seek Ariana anymore.

Still, she wanted to confirm if her conjecture was true. After all, the Ariana in front of her was in disguise.

Ban excused himself as he went back to meet the kids below the stage.


Seeing Ban again, the bustling scene became pin dropped silence.

"Seems like everyone here have already decided."

"However, I sensed some hesitations."

Ban thought for a bit and said,

"Since we have a bit more time, I'll reveal some information before you decide."

"Well then." Ban chuckled and continued, "I can tell you guys have the same question in mind."

"Once you join my sect, you'll became like us. A new entity."

"I have one comment about that. Divergents don't stand a chance against us."

"It's not even called a match in simple term."

Ban shrugged as his expression refuse to tell any lies about it.

Vernard and others also nodded in affirmation. They are after all, Practitioners that has limitless growth.

However, there are some who dont. Especially Nancy and Candy who were having question marks on their faces. But, they are not dumb enough not to get suspicions regarding the abnormality of Ban and his family.

"I can't reveal any further of this information. So without delay, let me know your choice."

"Those who accept shall remain in position."

"And those who decline, go to one side. We'll respect your decision."

Minutes past...

Ban found it no surprise when all of the kids remained in position.

This meant that he was successful on recruiting them.

Ban then called for Alice who will be responsible for explaining the term Profound Practitioner to the kids in simple terms.

While Alice on the stage who busied herself, Ban suddenly dragged silently by Nancy and Candy to the side with pouty expressions.

"I heard all of your friends and families already turned Profound Practitioners, what about us?" Candy almost teared up.

"I was about to surprise you two. I'm planning to let you become Practitioners today. Those who are still Divergents will also be converted today." Ban made a wry smile.

"Really?" Candy cheered. Her expression turned sour as she continued, "No wonder Eliza beat me up in swimming competition, I was cheated then..."

Nancy on the other hand had a serious look, "Isn't a bit high profile? Transforming more than a thousand kids into something powerful? What if.. What if the higher ups of the Arena got a whiff of this matter?"

"Let them. It's not like we did something that harm their interests, right?" Ban replied with a smile.

'Your boss, Ariana, is here supporting the establishing of the sect. I'd feel weird if the Arena find trouble with us.' Ban commented on his mind.

"Is it not? Well, you are building an army that might threaten their authority of the world. It might not pose a problem for now, but it will eventually be in the future." Nancy did not relaxed as she added.

Ban turned silent. Glancing at Ariana for a while, he ultimately shook his head in denial.

It may or may not since those individuals are private elites of Ariana.

Even if he had the backing of Eastern Realm Ruler, or anyone related to Ariana, it will still bring doom his sect one way or another if he provoke this cold goddess.

'Do I seduce her for a guarantee? Cough* I better not. She hates men in general.' Ban's face twitched for a second, but he felt tempted. He was having a dilemma on how to solve the problem which isn't a problem yet.

"We'll see about that. The sect shall be in low profile in the meantime." Ban waved the matter off. He wasn't planning on opposing someone powerful for the time being.

"Alrighy then. You have to be more cautious when doing something big from now on. This sect is a huge responsibility to bear alone." Nancy nodded as she smiled.

"I'll keep that in mind." Ban also nodded. In fact, her warning aren't far off.

If he really offended someone powerful when he just started ll building his own force, things might get difficult to move on when that happens.

"Hey you two! Why are you flirting in front of me? That's not fair!" Candy complained cutely on the side. In truth, she also wanted to butt in, but their conversation was somehow serious so she obediently sulked from their side.

Ban and Nancy could only laugh at Candy's antics.

"Oho? Someone's having a good time chatting with friends?"

Ban, Nancy and Candy turned their head to see Eliza approaching them with innocent smile on her face.

Following Eliza was the stoic Elena walking at them with grace.

"I am indeed." Candy replied with a charming smile. Her action became elegant as she clung on Ban's right arm while her melons stuck on his arm real tight. Her eyes had a hint of mischief as she stared at Eliza.

"Oh yeah? How come I saw you getting left out by their conversation. You're like a lost little lamb." Eliza fired back as she clung on Ban's left side. She glared at Candy like an angry kitten.

Ban made a wry smile as he began to mediate their all out war.