Part 1: The void

Roars woke Reeve. He was in the middle of a grass-filled, the sky was darkening so he assumed it was about to rain.

He sat up and looked around at the barren waste around him, it looked like a dumb, filled with huge metal chucks that belonged to ships, planes, and other alien engines and he should know because he was one of the few people that ever saw the Avengers ships up close and it didn't look anything like the engines here.

He stood up marveled at the place, even though it looked desolate, it was beautiful and Reeve couldn't help but let his eyes wander. This thought came to an abrupt stop when his eyes landed on a gigantic, dark, transparent cloudy dog with a glowing fireball for his eyes and it was coming for him.

So he ran. He ran as fast as his nonathletic legs could take him, he could feel his institutional uniform getting caught in the debris around him and tearing as he pulled harder to keep a bit of a distance between him and the cloudy monstrosity behind him.

He was doing pretty good until his left leg muscles started spasming leaving him to curse himself for not doing more sports as he started slowing down. He knew that the leaping would not take him far and that if he didn't find a hiding place then he would be done for.

Thankfully a hinged panel in the floor came into view, he put in the last of his body energy and glided on the rough ground straight into the trapdoor, and closed it behind him.

Breathing heavily, Reeve made his way in the darkness and towards what he hoped would be the front of this bunker or whatever the fuck this thing was. It only took a minute before he reached his destination.

Palpating slowly he was able to find a switch, finally illuminating what turned out to be a submarine. He sighed heavily and slid on the floor where he held his hands tight and started crying his eyes out.

He was tired, first, he was almost killed by a bomb, then he was violated and mistreated by some people( and creatures) that thought him having escaped death was not a piece of good news and shouldn't definitely be celebrated and now he was dead and was in what he assumed was some version of hell.

Honestly, what had he done to deserve this, he wasn't that bad of a person. I mean yes, he hadn't been to church since he came to terms with his fruitiness, and yes he had definitely been what people on earth would have called kinky( having had sex pretty much everywhere) but this was too much of a punishment.

He furiously rubbed at his eyes, knowing damn sure that it will cause his vision to go blurry but he didn't care, he just wanted to sleep. Not just a nap but like a forever slumber type of situation.

He closed his eyes and cradled his legs as he lied down in a fetal position and slept.


Reeve yawned wondering around in the submarine, looking for a place to pee. After a minute or so of searching he decided to just pee in a corner. His whole body shivered as he release the hot liquid, his limbs relaxing and his eyes fluttering close from the pure ecstasy of realizing the dam he had been holding since he woke up in the TVA.

That small experience left him wondering, if he still had the pleasure of peeing or felt muscle cramps, wouldn't that mean he is still alive. As he pondered on the new turn of situations, his stomach gurgled and hunger knocked at his door.

If the first two weren't enough confirmation, this definitely was, there is no way he would be hungry if he was dead. He felt a surge of happiness course through his body as he rummage for food in the submarine.

His hunt was unsuccessful though and he was left to wonder if it was safe for him to go out and find food, but his want to preserve the life he had though he lost overpowered his need for food and he just decided to sleep again.


" I don't relate to you, no. Coz i would never treat me this shitty, You mad me hate this city" Reeve sang, making sure to shout the last part. He had been awake for hours and boredom was eating at him.

He had resulted to singing, something he is very bad at. As of now he was singing one of Billie Eilish's new song that had just recently come out when he was bombed.

He liked the song Especially the last part, he hadn't gone through a break up or anything like that to relate to the song but he just loved the screaming and raw emotions Billie portrayed in the song.

He slid down from the chair he was sitting on and sat on the floor and went on with his singing

" I don't talk shit about you on the internet, never told anyone anything bad, coz that shit's embarrassing, you were my everything-" That line was always a mystery to him, how could one be your everything, but then again he had never been in a relationship so how would he know.

Don't get him wrong, yes he was a whore, having new sneaky links every month but none of them valued him enough to date him, and neither did he. But that's what you got when you take a 19-year-old, with a lot of time on his hands and Grindr.

He sighed wondered how it would feel to be held lovingly, he longed for that love but the system had always been rigged against him, first, he spent 18 years of his life hiding from who he was, and when he finally put himself out there, he only got dl dudes and empty promises, so he learned, learned the ways of the streets.

" And all that you did was make me fuckin' sad, so don't waste the time I don't have and don't try to make me feel fuckin' sad, so don't waste the time I don't have and don't try to make me feel bad" he stood up and swirl around, the accumulated dust on the floor shooting up to dance with him in the air.

"I could talk about every time that you showed up on time but I'd have an empty line 'cause you never did, never paid any mind to my mother or my friends so I shut 'em all out for you cause I was a kid" at this point he was screaming, acting as the main character in a movie or some shit.

" you ruined everything well, always said you were misunderstood, made all my moments your own, Just fuckin' leave me alone " He fell back on the chair breathing heavily, that was some screaming.

He laughed remembering how Jake his best friend back on earth used to get annoyed whenever he started singing. With a heavy sigh, he went back to sleep on yet an empty stomach