Part 2: Loki Laufeyson.

Note: instead of kid Loki, this Loki was pruned at 19. so, he is a teen Loki

Loki felt betrayed, he had formed a bond with that good-for-nothing boastful Loki, honestly, he should have seen it coming. They were Lokis after all, betrayal was their most prominent trait.

It made him wonder if Croci here would do the same to him. The ungrateful bastard better not, Loki had been taking care of it since they met. It never seemed to show any appreciation to him Carrying it around in his arms like a baby (Not that he didn't like it).

Loki felt lonely. Boastful Loki was in a ditch somewhere probably dead, classic Loki had gone back to help Sylvie and Lopt ( alternative name of Our Loki). The feeling felt familiar, it felt like the first 100 or so years he was alone in the void before variants of himself started popping up like nothing.

He could have joined Lopt and Sylvie in their adventure, but he had spent so much time here that he was scared of what the word had become. He didn't belong there anymore.

Croci started squirming in his arms and he knew it was hungry. Loki put it down and started looking for those purple void turkeys ( Narvas). They tasted horrible but Croci did not seem to mind, after all, he was a crocodile.

He could see a herd of them in the far end, so he approached stealthily, he had given his flaming sword to Lopt so he will have to just use his hands. He wondered if they had also been pruned or if they had been created by the mastermind behind the TVA, like Alioth.

Distracted by his thoughts, Loki did not realize a black boy had run by and scared the Narvas who in turn scattered. Loki, however, managed to catch one before they could all disappear, standing up he started to leave but the boy stopped him.

" Ohh my God, another human being?" He excitedly questioned pulling at Loki's cheeks and clothes.

" Not a human, human" Loki rolled his eyes before shoving the boy away and walking towards Croci at the peak of the hill. He could hear steps behind him and knew the boy was following him.

" Can you like fuck off" he turned around sharply almost realizing the squirming bird in his hands. The boy just sheepishly smiled at him and rubbed the back of his neck.

" I don't know where to go," he said innocently, and Loki felt a tug at his heart. He hadn't seen a lot of people apart from variants of himself but if his memory served right this boy in front of him was cuter than most Asgardians.

" Not my problem" Loki answered coldly, and the boy pouted. With a sigh, Loki gave up and resumed his walk. A few minutes later he heard the steps behind again and he couldn't help but smile at the stubbornness of the boy.


Loki was in his bunker, comfortably nested in his throne, the meat was almost ready but Loki's eyes rested on the boy who wandered around looking at all the furniture Loki had made on his own from the debris of planes and ships.

The boy skidded around like a child in a candy store and Loki felt that damn tug at the bottom of his heart again. With much effort he tore his eyes off the boy and focused on the meat, seconds later it was ready and he put the fire out before handing Croci a leg.

" Hey" Loki called and the boy turned to Look at him, the boy had beautiful brown orbs, that vindicated innocence.

" want some" Loki lifted a piece of meat and the boy stood still. Loki could see the boy trying to refuse the offer but before he could answer his stomach did. It groaned signaling starvation and Loki smirked. Stubborn.

The boy having been exposed, took the meat eagerly and munched, his face contorted in disgust but still ate as hunger was eating at him.


" Aren't you going to eat?" The boy had asked after some time. He had his mouth full, which had Loki scrunch in disgust. The boy had no manners.

" No, I don't experience hunger" Loki informed. Asgardians ate because they wanted to, not because they needed to. Food didn't contain any nutrients they needed.

" What are you then?" The boy asked, looking at Loki with full orbs, meat discarded on the floor.

" Am a God" Loki eagerly answered, they were finally on his favorite topic. Himself.

" A God, like Jesus?" The boy asked incredulously and Loki frowned. Before he could ask who Jesus was, the boy cut him off going on a rant.

" Ohh my god, I knew it, am dead. Am I in hell? but I don't deserve it though. Do I?" He questioned Loki.

" what's up with everybody and hell!" Loki sighed remembering that Lopt had asked the same question when they found him.

" No, No this is not hell and you are not dead and I am not Jesus or whoever it is you said" Loki answered the hyperventilating boy. This only seemed to make things worse as the boy panicked further.

" Than were am in, what is going on?!" he urged, fear tainting his beautiful face. Loki sighed wondering how to explain to the simple human mind the wonders of the universe.

" Okay breath first" Loki suggested and the boy took in a deep breath.

" When you are ready, I will tell you everything." Loki proposed and waited until the boy was calm enough. He didn't know what was worse having your freedom take or being in hell.


" What?" The boy shouted, he was fuming. Loki could see dark circles around the boy's face and he made a mental note to suggest a period of rest.

" That's unfair" the boy called and met Loki's eyes. Loki could see tears in them, so he made another mental note, The boy was sensitive.

" so this- this void, is the end of time," The boy asked, he had caught on quickly and Loki had to admit he was impressed. But then again he was human, humans had proven to be able adversaries. They should have been extinct by now, yet again they seem to go up against all odds and thrive.

" yes, exactly" Loki answered to the boy and he could see the boy's hope deflate.

Loki wondered if the human race had gotten better, according to the other variants he had had a chance to talk to, Thor would join the mighty army of Earth's hero that was capable of great feats. Even defeat Thanos. Maybe this human wasn't as useless as he thought.

" Reeve, Reeve Warlock" The boy spoke up after a moment of silence. Loki looked up but the boy wasn't looking at him anymore, his eyes were trained on Croci who was happily munching the piece of meat Reeve had left on the ground.

" Loki, Loki laufeyson" Loki introduced and the boy's head snapped at him, his eyes widening.