Part 3: Variants

Part 3: Variants

" so, there are unlimited versions of you, coming from different universes that are apparently stacked, each on top of the other?" Reeve asked, he was still sitting down, eyes fixed on Loki who just stared at him back.

" Yeah, that's pretty much it" Loki sighed before standing up, he picked up the Crocodile that was already snoring and the floor. Reeve had wondered why Loki had a pet Crocodile, I mean a fox I can get, you know that's as exotic as it gets but a crocodile?!

" Oh my God, that Crocodile is a Loki too?" Reeve deduced, his mind was racing, did he have a Crocodile variant too. It seemed wild but then again nothing had been normal since he woke up in the TVA.

" You should sleep," Loki said as he came back from tucking the crocodile version of himself. He looked pretty drained too but Reeve doubted the Asgardian needed sleep but he decides to voice his suggestion anyway.

" So should you," He said as he stood up and went towards the make shits bunk beds, he heard Loki turn the lights off shortly and felt him take the top bunk. It eased his mind to know the other male slept too.


" Wake up Princess" Loki shook Reeve awake. Taken aback by the name Reeve stared at Loki, who just shrugged and walked off. Loki was a mystery to Reeve, he seemed to be hateful but yet caring, cold but yet sometimes appeared sensitive.

" Are you just gonna stare or what?" Loki called successfully bringing back Reeve from the gutter he had thrown himself into. Realizing he had been staring, he stood up cheeks his face hitting up. He was damn sure if he was any lighter he would be red.

" What's on today's menu my lord" Reeve joked munching on the cold and hardened remains of yesterday's dinner. He stared at Loki who smirked at the name. Loki's smirk seemed to ignite something in Reeve, a carnal feeling to jump at the male in front of him and kiss him.

He was horny, he had spent much time without human contact. That made him wonder how long he had been here anyways, it was hard to determine the time, as nighttime never came. The sky always looked grey as if rain was about to pour but never did.

" After you finish, you are going to leave," Loki said coldly and you could hear the record scratching, Reeve went to object but Loki cut him off.

" See us Lokis survive, you are just going to be a liability, that I can't afford" Loki continued his features hardening with each word. Reeve stared, tears threatening to spill. He had finally met another person, he wasn't gonna go back to that dump of a submarine.

" No" Reeve stated, standing up and storming back to bed. Loki rolled his eyes at the stubbornness of the boy who he followed to the bed bunks.

" Listen, kid-" before he could finish his sentence the curled-up ball on the bed stirred and glared at Loki. Taken aback by the fire in his eyes, Loki backed down almost hitting Croci who just stared at the drama unfolding in front of him.

" Kid?! Why do you act like you are older than me, for fuck sake we are the same age. You can't be older than 19" Reeve screamed, letting his tears flow and Loki had to fight the urge to not go dry those tears.

" Am not" Loki sighed moving around the angry boy to sit down on the bed. He looked at his hands ashamed of how vulnerable the boy was making him feel.

" I have pruned ions ago when I was pruned yes, I was nineteen but after reaching the void you can't age any further" Loki felt ashamed of his age, which had never happened before, he felt as if telling the boy in front of him that he was an old man in a teens body.


" For years, I believed I deserved the punishment, I cared about him you know?" Loki had finally opened up after Reeve told him how he had been pruned to which Loki had laughed. Something about being bombed was funny to him, leaving Reeve to wonder if he should be worried.

" I loved my brother and I killed him" As of now Loki was talking about how much he regretted killing Thor, he was staring at his hands as if a huge imprint of his brother's blood was still there haunting him.

" I spent ages alone and in self-pity and when I finally met some of my variants I made a family for myself, but now I have lost it all again," Loki said looking at Croci who had fallen asleep again this time on his back.

Reeve could not help himself but hug the crying boy in front of him, Loki had told him how boastful Loki had betrayed him and how classic Loki had left with Lopt and Sylvie to stop the mastermind behind the TVA.

To Reeve's surprise, Loki accepted the hug and even returned it. He could feel the male shaking in his arms signaling he was crying and Reeve held on tighter.