Part 5: The beginning of the end 1.0

Loki held Reeve close to his chest, he was still high on the sex and he would be lying if he said he didn't want more. But Reeve was tired and Loki wanted him to feel comfortable.

He remembered how the boy had squirmed under him as Loki pounded him harder and he could feel himself get hard again. Closing his eyes he decided to go look for Croci before he jumps on that addictive ass again.

Sliding away from the snoring boy, he stood up and dressed quietly not wanting to wake the sleeping beauty. This time he decided to wear fewer clothes putting on only pants and a shirt.

Opening the hatch, he breathed in the fresh air around him, funny how he never liked the air around but now he felt like floating, not only that but the sky had brightened and for the first time, the sun was visible. Probably to match his happy mood.

Stretching his hands, he set route looking for the prissy crocodile who had waddled off somewhere. Now that his brain was not sex-driven Loki was starting to worry, what if Crocci had been caught by Alioth, he would never forgive himself for that.


Loki had looked everywhere and had no luck. He stood at the top of a small hill and called out for Croci but no answer, not even a roar that he usually got when the little lizard was angry.

His heart was pounding, his vision was getting blurry as he ran towards Alioth, he had no plan but if he had to get croci out of that dog's belly then so be it. He had always been plagued by guilt over what happened with Thor, if he was to lose croci because of his desires he would not survive it.

To his relief, Alioth was stuck, the dog seemed to be twitching leaving a huge opening in the middle that led to a castle in the far end. The green magick signature surrounding the guard dog gave Loki his answer, his variants had successfully enchanted the motherfucker.

But he still had a problem on his hands, where was Croci if he hadn't been eaten by Alioth.


Loki shut the trap forcefully scaring Reeve who was huddled in bed awake still high on the sex. Reeve went to greet Loki a huge smile etched on his face but that quickly crumbled and worry took its place on the boy's face.

" what's wrong?" Reeve asked, sitting at the edge of the bed, his gaze fixed on the other male. Loki was pacing around the place, anger flaring from his pores. How could he have been this stupid, Croci probably felt betrayed, he was a Loki after all (sensitive).

" I lost Croci because I was thinking with my dick rather than my brain," Loki said pulling at his hair, Reeve quickly stood up and dressed before going to give Loki a hug, which he swiftly rejected by sliding out of Reeve's hand.

Though hurt Reeve tried to calm the other male " It wasn't your fault Loki and we are going to find him" Reeve suggested and Loki shook his head chuckling darkly.

" Yeah, yeah you are right. It's all your fault, you made me vulnerable, you manipulated me and made me act out of character" Loki responded, his face hardening and his facades building up.

" That's not fair" Reeve countered and backed away a bit hurt by Loki's outburst. Loki knew it was not fair, he knew Reeve was not to blame but he wanted someone to blame and his growing affection for the boy was scaring him.

" Do you know what's not fair? Croci being alone, scared, and probably about to be eaten, all because we wanted to fuck" Loki countered making his way up the stairs and opening the trap door before effectively shutting it forcefully.