Little viki

The sun is shining brightly as it is risen from the east horizon with its bright golden glow. As the sun's rays falls on the earth it gives the warmth feeling of a newly born as being held within the arms.

In a certain village when the sun giving of its warmth the villagers are bustling with full of energy. The main occupation of the villagers is farming as they plough their lands and lives their lives honestly. The adults are walking towards their fields with farming equipment's. As the teens were helping out with their family household work. Some energetic little kids were moving around the streets as if they are saying as we are busy with our work of causing trouble for our mothers. At centre of village there was a big Banyan tree with a stage around it which is made of mud and sand.

On top of that stage a little kid was standing having pitch black hair with slightly golden coloured pupils when one looks closely and he is looking into the vast sky with both of his hands folded behind him with a look of scholar ready for giving his lecture to the ignorant who are seated below the stage.

The people ready for that scholars' teachings are none other than little kids who running randomly on the bustling streets and now they have look of determination ready for following to the sea of fire or land of swords with the scholar who is standing on the stage.

"Students, ready for the today's class, as today we are going to know about very important thing of our life, are you ready to hear about that?

"Yes, sir" said the group of little kids with solemn looks on their faces.

"Okay, now once again I repeat our secret plan so hear it properly" Said that little kid.

The little kid who doesn't make any sense with one sentence to other one looked extremely excited. It is what makes little kids look adorable. If the kids are imitating the adults, it can be said to be the sight to behold.

As he was ready talk about it, the kids who are down below were looked at him with look as if seen a ghost, no to be specific behind him.

"What happened" asked that kid as turned around only to see a woman with a roti stick in her hand with bright smile on her face. when that smile was seen shivers started in the entire body, even though the smile is beautiful. The person who appeared behind him is his mother.As he was ready to escape like his life is depending on how fast he can, his mother picked the kids ear to pinch it.

"Help, help somebody help the devil is going to eat me, students help" shouted the little kid only to see the empty space.

"you cowards, come back and help" yelled that kid but no one turned back.

"You little brat who are you calling devil"

"Sorry, sorry, sorry mother I am wrong, please have mercy oh great goddess"!

humph you trouble making kid,

hahahahahah hahahahah

the street was bustled with heartful laughter. As they watched the mother and son duo.

"Sumithra why don't you just forgive him for today" suggested an elder.

"yes, sumithra just for today" said another person in the group.

"you people, you are spoiling him like that" said that women with helpless look.

"Yes, dear just forgive him for today" requested a man who appears to be in his thirties.

He has a tall stature and muscle body. Even though his face seems to be of man his thirty but he does have white hair present along with greyish hair, which seems to be his natural hair.

"Father, save me" asked for the help with cute face.

"don't you want to enter into the house? huh?" questioned the woman with a serious look.

"no no you continue" said that man without retorting.

"This brat mischievous deeds are increasing day after day, yesterday he broken Ramana uncles cheese pot, day before yesterday snuck into kavya aunties house and completely emptied one of her gee pots and there is no end to his mischievous", said sumithra with a helpless look on her face.

"We don't care about those little things, so just forgive him" said an elder who is addressed as Ramana uncle by sumithra.

"But he has to disciplined or else who will marry this mischievous brat" said sumithra.

"I will let my daughter to be married off" said by a group woman in unison.

hey, kavya your daughter is fourteen years are you eligible, humph.

as if your daughter is any less than my daughter.

"well, my daughter Will be perfect".

"hey, you don't even have a daughter".

"yes, that's why I said" will be perfect".

well, well let's stop it here for today don't fight over my son, why you people are always with his side, dear even you also spoil him.

with heart-warming laughter all villagers said that "it is because he is treasure of our village, our lovely one".

"LITTLE VIKI". shouted all the villagers with full happiness in their voices.

We cannot see this type atmosphere and situation any other places, can only see here in this village. The reason for this is even thought they had been living here since a very long time and don't know about outside of the village, they were constantly under the threat of savage beasts if they crossed a certain perimeter of the village, because of that there will be food shortage in most of the time and have to live with starvation. But after viki parents came to the village from the outside, they had never experienced any form of the misfortune for the past four years, because of it viki is considered as villages good fortune and adored by everyone in addition to this his actions of mischiefs are also funny.

"Whatever you may say, viki let go the food will not taste good if it is not hot".

The woman took the little kid into her arms who appears to be a four-year kid as we get a feeling of that if we pinch his cheek even lightly, we get milk as he has milky cheeks.

yes, this was created by a four-year child.

as mother and son duo moved out of the street the villagers are also moving to their respective works with bright smile on their faces.

sumithra seated viki on a wooden chair and started to prepare food for viki.

"Mother, what are you preparing now" asked the kid.

roti and curry, replied with sweet and beautiful smile which is in contrast with smile on that stage.

sumithra appear to be a young woman in the early twenties. viki has inherited the colour of his hair from his mother only. But the color is different, sumithra eye color is black. But like her husband she also has some strands of white hair, not to the point of her husband. Because of her pitch-black hair they did stand out most.

let me help you, mother.

no need sweety you sit there and watch, I will make it for.

no, I will help you said viki.

seated next to his mother started to make round shape with his small and delicate hands.

as both mother and son are making roti their father came into the house and seated next to sumithra as mother and son are making roti.

as sumithra is putting a raw one on roti tawa a Speck of fire falls on viki's hand.

unable withstand the burning pain he started to cry, startled by cry of her son sumithra turned around and saw the burnt on her son's hand as she also starts to cry with her like a little baby girl as like little kids cries when another kid is cries.

viki's father consolidated both mother and son.

as pain subsidized viki stops crying as his mother didn't stop, as he looked at his mother tear started to form again. and he felt sorry for his mother as he is the one insisted making along with his mother. with both of his small little hands he started to rub his hands as he was trying to remove tears on his mother's face and try stop her crying.

mother, please stop look there is nothing here pain also gone look.

hik...hik...hik...why don't hik...hik.... you listen to me, said viki's mother trying to stop the hiccups.

viki, you know that your mother will not be able to restrain herself if you start crying.

"Sorry mother" said viki with a meek voice.

"viki I will not be able to bear to see you in pain so please viki don't get hurt" said sumithra tearful eyes as they read from crying.

"yes, mother I will not get hurt" said viki with tearful eyes.

As strong as you appear, you are not able to contain him getting hurt sumithra, well we can say that he is your world, thought to himself. As he also started to fall into a memory recollection and unknowingly tears started to leave his eyes.

sumithra hugged viki in her arms with tears.

After that they had their breakfast and viki's father has gone for farming works and viki's mother is doing household works at that time our little viki's slowly snuck out of the house and moved towards a neam tree in the eastern side of the village.

"viki moving to secret place again?" asked a teen girl.

"sister how did you know about it?" asked with surprised look.

suddenly as if coming to realization said "did you planted a spy in my group. looks like it is time to weed out the spies. ha-ha I will weed out them and you won't get any information in the future."

with a proud look as if accomplished greatest thing he moved towards the Neam tree.

The teen girl laughed to herself and surrounding people also laughed and move on to their own work as everyone in the know about viki's secret place.