mission mangoes

"you cowards, you had abandoned your leader in the face of single person, and again you call yourself as my subordinates" viki shouted at the little kids infront of him.

"but leader, mother's are super scary if they get angry even father's will not voice out a single word of disagreement. especially your mother really a reincarnation of devil if she get angry, at that time what can we do with our meagre strength" said a kid who has well built body who stands out of his group.

"Bheem you're the one who gets major out of goods we get and you are the first one frightened out haa" viki said with a sneer as if trying to imitate adults only to fail because of the baby face of his.

"leader we are truly sorry for today's our act of cowardice and we are seeking your forgiveness" requested a kid who having a full shaved head with only few strands of hair on back of his head.

"Chanakya looks like your head is improving fastly recently" said viki with a mockery smile.

"thanks for the compliment" said Chanakya.

"hey it is not a compliment, well I will leave this here and let's start our plan for today's mission" said viki.

"here is the plan for today's mission, first according to our intelligence target will gets at this point at that time and the target will be straight under the branch and at that time leader will engage a conversation with the target to distract and in the meantime we will complete our mission, this is all. said Chanakya with proud face as if completed a plan for the human development.

"you all heard that right, follow the instructions of our strategist and complete the mission, all members be prepared", said viki.

All of them are preparing for the mission and feeling like a soldier's who are ready face a bloody battle. Chanakya is explaining the details and way to complete the mission without any hiccups and in the meantime Bheem is busy with himself in stuffing his mouth sweets.

"leader preparations are completed" said Chanakya.

"let's commence the mission" said viki with serious look but for other it looks super cute.

viki is standing in the middle of the road which is formed by the people by continuation walking in that way. He is right below a big and aged tamarind tree which is having many branches. it is a old one but it have lush green leaves to hide in the tree.

Chanakya is signalling to his comrades as if saying to follow the plan. kids are moving towards the trunk of the huge tamarind tree. Bheem is standing right next to the trunk and with both hands fingers interlocking and bends downwards at that time with getting signal from our little strategist a kid moved like a released arrow from bow (well, that was what that kids feeling) and put his right leg on hands of Bheem with slight shrink in his posture and with the help of Bheem's push he Soares into the sky and barely able to reach nearest branch and picked up the branch and crawled up after that six more kids followed behind the first kid and moved to the branch right above viki.

After sometime few women were moving towards viki with having cane baskets on their heads which looks heavy as if having something in them. they're moving towards viki while having conversations between them.

they came near to viki at that time viki was preparing for the chance to talk to them but before he could start talking the group of women started conversation with him.

"little viki what are you doing here?."

for dinner why don't you come to my tonight.

no, little viki come to my house we fish for tonight.

no, come to my house.

like the women's arguing with eachother without giving viki a chance to talk and he stared at them blankly as he had prepared so much for starting the conversation with them. but he soon collected his thoughts and signaled to his team to start the mission.

by getting signal from viki the kids right above him on tree branch started moving down with supporting one with other and they were moving towards baskets on the top the women's.

likewise they moved and suddenly noticed that baskets are moving downwards and they are unable catch them.

women's are talking with viki non stop without him say any word and viki also noticed that they won't be able to get those in the basket at this rate and starting to thinking how to make it happen and after sometime as he was unable to come up with any idea he looked towards the little strategist and as if expecting that our little strategist tried showed a cute expression and signaled him to try it as to others it is ugly one. but as our little viki tried it becomes a level of national treasured expression and the women who are waching viki by seeing the face his cute expression of national level one their heart skiped a beat by his cuteness. after a moment of silence with satisfied look in their faces looked at one another and inadvertently lifted their basket lightly. by taking the chance the kids above fastly collected the goods and throwed higher and kids above catched them and after taking some more and signaled to viki.

but before viki could talk the women infront of him said at the same time as"little viki don't forget to come to our house for dinner".

After that they started to move towards the village while having conversation like this,

I wanted to stay there some more time.

yes, I do wants stay and look at him some more time.

hey, Stop this if we stay there some more time how can we able to let little viki eat those fruits we prepare for him.

whatever it maybe little viki is super cute, and the way tries things are also cute as we deliberately prepared those fruits for him and his little friends.

"comrades let's commence the mission", hahahahah said a woman who is imitating like little viki.

even if we tried to give him directly he won't take those try to get them his cute acts.

let's look how many the children are managed to get,oh like always it's thirteen.

whatever we can get to see his acts that is satisfying.

true,true said the remaining woman.

After completing the mission the kids gathered below the neem tree and started to distribute the goods, we can now see that the good are not any thing else, that's mangoes and a total of thirteen.

"let's distribute the goods". said viki

"leader let's now call them as mangoes, please leader"pleaded one of the kids.

yes, leader let's now call them as mangoes

"okay, whatever" said viki helplessly.

"let Bheem takes five and remained eight will be for each one" said viki.

as like every time the distribution was like that only, so no one complianed about it.

"Chanakya I feels like they were deliberately increased the distance than the ones ww predicted" said viki with a thoughtful face.

"yes, I do also think so" said Chanakya looking at the remaining members.

you are the only one who feels like having an adventure as everyone in the village knows of and only acts along with to see your adventures, get a clue leader everyone thought to themselves.

without knowing the thoughts of his friends viki immersed in his thoughts.

after sometime everyone one completed their fruits and collected the seeds of the fruits.

"just like every time we are going to plant these seeds in the outskirts of our village for the future generations" said viki.

all moved outside of the village and planted the seeds and poured some water. we can can see many small plants and few saplings in that area as it filled with young generation of different types of trees in one place.

after finishing the plantation work they started to move towards the village at that time suddenly a thing came flying sticked on viki's face which startled everyone.

"what is this mysterious thing?"