when viki and his friends are moving towards the village a thing suddenly got on viki's face. startled by the sudden appearance of it. by removing that thing out of his face viki started looked at it. the remaining kids are also looked at it with confusion as they had not seen it before.

"do any of you know about what it is?" asked viki by looking at the others, as to to see if any of them may know about it.

no, I didn't see it before.

me also.

me too.

"leader why don't we ask our elders in the village about it" suggested one of the kid.

yes, leader we can ask our elders about it as yudhi suggested said chanakya.

okay we will do as yudhi suggestion said viki

after that the kids started to move towards the village. after sometime they entered the village and started to move towards one of the huts which is made of palm tree thatch. and as they are ready to enter into the hut an old man with white beard came from the side of the hut.

"oh look who is here isn't it little viki and his friends. what's the matter? asked with gentle smile.

"grandpa Chand we want to ask about something can you spare some time for us" asked viki with cute smile.

"you can ask any thing little viki" said the elder with a smile.

"grandpa can you tell me what this thing is" said viki as showed his showed the thing in his hand.

"oh that is, it is used to lit up fire with ease. we use it very often as we get them from the outside of village by windstorm" said that elder with gentle smile.

"then what is it called?"asked viki with his cute voice.

"I don't know what it is called" said the elder.

"what? you don't know about it?" asked viki with a surprising look on his face, as he is the oldest member of the entire village.

viki fell into dilemma as he thought the elder will definitely know about it and so that's why he didn't enquired about it with anyone else in the village.

As if seen through the thoughts of viki the elder said with kind smile on his face that" little viki you don't have to be depressed even I may have not know about it there will be certain someone in the entire village who may know about it.

"even the oldest member of the village, you don't even know about it, then who can know about it?" asked viki with confusion.

"you know that person very well" said the elder.

I know very well? who might be asked viki with even more confused.

"because they are your mother and father" said the elder with big laughter.

"my mom and dad ?" asked viki with surprised look.

"how can they know about it even you are unaware of it" asked Bheem.

right,how can they be aware of this mysterious thing called as?

yes how is it possible?

like this the discussion between kids are going and they all surprised by it.

"because they came from other side of rakasi mountains" said the elder.

what viki's parents came from the other side?

even it is possible for people to be in the other side?

then we can also go to that side?

the kids are even more surprised this time.

"well we may not be able to cross the rakasi mountains because there are man eating monsters are roaming" said the elder with dreadful expression on his face.

what? man eating monsters is true?.

I had also heard from my father about those.

me too, how scary.

kids are again started discuss among themselves.

"then how did viki's parents came to this side" asked Chanakya with thoughtful look on his face.

"I don't know how they came but when they came to the they were full of wounds and baby viki was in their arms as a just born baby" said the elder.

"they will know about it, go ask them" said the elder.

"okay, thank you grandpa see you later" said viki as he moved towards his home.

after traveling for sometime the kids came near to the viki house and they are starting to hesitate to move into his house.

seeing them hesitating viki shaked his head helplessly as watching them and said that"don't fear about my mother she will not even touch your hair rather getting angry".

"but leader previous time she chased us throughout the entire village" said Chanakya with fearful expression as if remembering a nightmare.

"because at that time you didn't cleaned properly yourself before entering into the house" said viki.

"what, for that silly thing she had chased us" asked one of the kid with strange face.

"oi, shhh don't talk loudly or else mother will hear" said viki with lowered voice.

"mom says that without proper hygiene standards we will get ill and suffer from different diseases and some are even leads to death and my mom said sometime ago there was a deadly virus which caused the death of many mortals" said viki with serious look.

"what someone dies if they are not clean?"

"there are deadly diseases?"

"and what are mortals?"

everyone started to voice out their doubts. and viki leaded them to the place where they can clean themselves.

"first properly clean yourself and then we will get inside and ask about it" said viki as he is cleaning his hands and feet.

followed by viki everyone started to clean themselves and followed behind viki into his house.

the house was as very clean and tidy, but there was no one in the entire house.

"there is no one present in the house" said one of the kid.

"looks like mom is in the back garden, let's go" said viki as he lead the group.

everyone followed behind viki into the garden and one can see different types of vegetables and leafy vegetables in the entire garden. in the middle of the garden there was a woman who is plucking the weeds in garden,wh can it be other than sumithra.

"mother,I am home. what are you doing?" asked viki as he moved towards his mother.

"oh,viki welcome back.oh! your friends are also came looks like they cleaned themselves before entering the house, not bad" said sumithra.

"how can we come in without cleaning,if we didn't have cleaned we will be chased down as mad dogs around the streets" murmured Bheem.

"oi, Bheem did you say something? huh?" glared sumithra at Bheem.

"no no aunty I didn't say anything" said Bheem with removing the sweat on his forehead.

"then, what is the reason for all of came at once ?" asked sumithra as she is weeding in the garden.

"mother, we found this mysterious thing outside of the village asked around the village about its name, but no one knows about it, so we came to ask you" said viki as he showed the thing in his hand.

"how many times have I told you to don't go outside as it is dangerous, why don't you behave well" asked worriedly as she is checking on him.

by looking at the the scene infront of them the kids are shocked as looking at sumithra as in their imagination she was devil's reincarnation. but looking at her now their imagination is starting to shake.

"mother, I am fine we just went out so that we can plant some seeds that's all" said viki as he moved into her arms.

"whatever it is if you want to go to outside bring me or your father, okay?"said sumithra without any decrease in worried look on her face.

"okay, now tell me what is it? asked viki as he showed the thing in his hand.

"oh, it is just a piece of paper, why do you have to call it as mysterious thing?" asked sumithra with a strange look.

"mother you only said if you don't know about something you call it as mysterious thing and now you are asking me why I called it as mysterious thing?" asked Viki with unhappy face.

"don't be mad, mother is wrong okay" said sumithra with a chuckle.

"aunty what is paper and what it can do? asked Chanakya.

"a paper is a paper and what else it can do"said sumithra.

"I mean what are the uses of the paper and what can we do with other than burning, there are other uses also, right?" asked Chanakya.

"Chanakya is right there are other uses other than burning it, as expected of the smartest boy of the group" said sumithra with appreciation.