As they heard that only one page enough circulation art made this much of scene, they are unable to imagine what kind of scene will be present if total circulation art gets integrated.

"what happened why are you all make that type of faces" asked vikramaditya with confusion.

"okay, we will tell you what happened here? and why everyone is surprised, so after that you have to clarify our doubts also" said sumithra, while sorting out her thoughts.

"okay, now tell me what is going on" asked viki.

as sumithra is narrating the things that were happened, viki also became surprised beyond what words can describe.

"this is what happened while you were cultivating and now your turn to clarify our doubts" said sumithra.

"I will ask my first doubt, how many times did feel like your strength or your aura increased "asked sumithra.

"what are those?" viki asked with uncertainty.

as sumithra had forgotten that they didn't started teaching about cultivation to these kids as viki had cultivated to the peak of first minor realm.

"oh, right we didn't teach you people anything about cultivation right, okay now I will show you, what does that mean by increasing strength or aura" said sumithra as she looked towards the kids.

"vasusena, you come here. what is the name of your cultivation art?" asked sumithra.

"It is called as great sun circulation art, mentor" said vasusena.

"right, it is called as great sun circulation art and you get great results if you cultivate in day time than the night time. so as now is day time and the sun is shinning brightly, so take out your circulation art and do as stated in it as I will guide you" said sumithra.

"okay, mentor" said vasusena as he seated on the ground in padma asana.

He started to circulate the world energy which enters in his body by circulation of his secret art.

as he is cultivating, the temperature around him started to increase and his aura is also slowly increasing as time goes by.

everyone looked at vasusena as he is circulating his secret art, as it is their first time watching, when someone is cultivating, as they are unable feel anything other than pressure from viki's, because his cultivation stage increased at a frightening rate.

as everyone is observing, vasusena's aura started to steadily increased.

"there are five sub-stages in each of the stage. They are beginner, primary, intermediate, advance, and peak. there are total nine stages to cross one minor realm in the mortal great realm. There are total ten minor realms in the mortal great realm" said sumithra as they are observing vasusena.

"now vasusena has entered into the beginner sub-stage in the first stage, as we can say he had started his cultivation. look closely his aura is increasing, it is due to him being absorbing the world energy and refining it in his body, that refined energy will be stored in his pseudo meridians, as the quality of the the energy stored in your meridians increases as so your stages increases" said sumithra.

"the reason why I choose vasusena out of all is because he is the oldest one among all of you and he is the one with highest potential in cultivation and the one who can cultivate in the day time, so he will be fast in crossing the stages if someone is there to instruct him" said sumithra.

"as you cultivate the strain you will put on your body is so high, even if the energy nourishes your body, if you use it to nourish your body, then you have to re cultivate the lost energy, so if you want to specifically nourish your body, you have to do it when you are refining the world energy in your body. but if you don't nourish your body specifically, there won't be any problem because when you cross one stage to other the energy which is stored in your body will undergo a quality and quantity change at that time the input world energy increases and it will nourishes your body, look how fast is vasusena's aura is increasing and he is in the primary sub-stage now" said sumithra to the kids.

As they are observing the changes happening in the vasusenas aura, as he is completely immersed in the circulation, his body started to feel some what strained after cultivation for such a long time, for his first time.

vasusenas aura has becoming more and more thick and he had at last entered into the peak of the first stage.

"viki look carefully, he is about to breakthrough to the next stage, that is what I am asked for" said sumithra.

viki nod his head at her words and looked closely at vasusena.

under everyone's eyes, the energy around vasusena started to vibrate and absorbed at fast rate by him and his body suddenly released some black substance and suddenly after that his aura increased to new heights.

after that completions he doesn't felt fatigue and as he was about to continue his cultivation, he is stopped by sumithra.

"don't strain too much for your first time, you may feel better after your breakthrough, but after sometime after you get more stained, so take some rest now" said sumithra.

"okay mentor, as you says" said vasusena.

"now, viki did you get what am I trying asking you?" asked sumithra.

"yes, so that was called as breakthrough from one stage to another. then that means I had experienced it for 13 times" said viki.

"what!?, 13 times?. are you sure?" asked both gupta and sumithra with unbelievable look in their eyes.

the kids also looked surprised as well, because just now sumithra had said that there are total 9 stages in one realm, but viki is saying he had passed 13 stages.

sumithra fell silent in her thoughts and after sometime, she showed an expression which is beyond comprehension.

gupta looked at his wife and understood that she had tackled the current situation.

"viki, don't ever tell to anybody about it and you kids also has remain silent about it "said sumithra.

even though, they didn't get what's going on, but they are certain that it is most crucial point for viki so they nod their head and viki also said he will remember it.

"okay it is getting late, so we will start from tomorrow, now go and take some rest in the training hall" said sumithra as their dorms got blown away and it is getting dark.

"mentor, now can you say is it possible for us cultivate for one realm in 3-4 years, by using this world energy" asked chanakya.

as sumithra is about talk something with gupta, chanakya's voice rang in her ears.

"are you asking it is enough?, it is more than enough for 10000 people. but because you are cultivating higher end techniques so for you people can advance more than enough for three minor realms within 1-2 years" said sumithra with bright smile.