By hearing sumithra's words chanakya is visibly surprised.

as previously sumithra had said that the world energy is barely enough for them and it will takes 3-4 years to cross one minor realm, but now she is saying that it is more than enough for ten thousand people to train, how can he not be surprised.

"Does this situation has anything to do with the formation which was triggered by viki" asked vishwakarma.

"yes, it is related to the formation. as I said it one of the greatest formation and that to it is a natural one" said sumithra.

"okay, now everyone get some rest as it dark, we will start at tomorrow morning" said gupta.

"yes, trainer" said the kids in unison in high spirit.

after that everyone moved into the place where they will get lectures from sumithra everyday, because their dorms got blown out by viki's action.

the night has passed without any hick ups as everyone is fallen quietly into sleep.

as the sun is rising in the eastern horizon by dazzling rays, without anyone waking them up, the kids got up from their sleep and moved towards the near by river to clean themselves.

after finishing their cleaning everyone moved towards the hall which was built by gupta, specially for them to cultivate.

they went into the wooden house and sat on the floor randomly but in a systematic order with one another.

as they had seated on the floor, sumithra and gupta both entered into the house and examined everyone.

"I think everyone can able to understand the circulation techniques given to you and I assume you had gone through them" asked sumithra.

"yes, mentor. we read through some part of it and some what able to understand them" said chanakya.

"of course, you will understand every character and stances, if there is something that you even unable understand in the starting techniques, it means I had wasted my time teaching them to you previously" said sumithra as she looked towards bheemasena.

"yes, mentor I am able to understand them" said bheemasena as he rubbing the sweat formed on his forehead because sumithra had specially teaches him even after she teaches with everyone.

"okay looks like everyone had gone through them, so you have some idea right?. now sit in the padhmasanam and start to feel the world energy present in the surroundings" said sumithra.

as everyone heard sumithra's words they immediately get into the padmasanam and starts to feel the surrounding world energy.

they had immediately felt that something is different and looked at sumithra.

"mentor what is happening" asked chanakya.

"oh you are asking about the concentration right?" enquired sumithra.

"yes, mentor previously when the world energy entered into our bodies we didn't feel like this and we now feel more like as it become more potent" said chanakya.

"no, it is not right. yesterday when I had cultivated I didn't feel this easy and this concentrated" said vasusena.

as we know that he is the who had cultivated under the mid-day sun to demonstrate to others. he didn't feel this much concentrated world energy.

"that is because I had built a energy gathering formation around this room" said sumithra with smile hung on her face.

before any one utter any voice, one person immediately got up from his place.

"mentor, what is it energy gathering formation?, do you know formations?, can you teach me" asked vishwakarma with exciting voice.

"hold on kid, I only know some basic formations and arrays. my knowledge in it is superficial. for sit down and I will teach you after sometime" said sumithra, not knowing what to do with this boy, as when it comes to building something, no one stop him.

"okay, yesterday you had seen vasusena breakthrough, so you had general idea of how it feels, and you will now feel it with your own body" said sumithra.

"yes, mentor. we had felt it" said partha.

"okay, now concentrate the energy entered into your body and move it according to the circulation method in the techniques, if any of you have any doubt or feels something wrong immediately consult me or your trainer" said sumithra as she indicated to gupta who is standing beside her all this time without saying any single word.

gupta only nod his to sumithra's word as he is observing the kids.

everyone closed their eyes and start to move the energy that entered into their body in according to circulation techniques.

"mentor, I think I had some trouble here can you look at it" asked chanakya.

as sumithra heard his voice she immediately moved towards chankya and checked him as a frown appeared on her face, as from her observation she didn't noticed any problem.

"you don't have any problem, try to circulate again" asked sumithra.

as he heard her, chanakya started to circulate and beads of sweat is starting to form on his forehead and the energy is moving without any problem.

realization suddenly struck to sumithra as she watched chanikya, at the same time chanakya opened his eyes only to see as sumithra is looking at him as she would beat him to pulp.

"mentor, why are you looking at me like that?" asked chanakya as he moved backwards.

by his voice everyone stopped their circulation and looked at them.

"you have nerve to ask why am looked at you like this?" said sumithra as she hit chanakya's head with her fist.

by taking her fist chanaya made a shrill sound as big mountain formed on his head.

"what did I say before cultivation is like taking the power of the world to enhance us increasing our vitality. in this vast world what is your place is, as you feel ant as a insignificant existence before you. the same is like you to this world. if an ant is trying to steal your food, what will you do?, you will definitely slap it to paste. as you know how hard it tries to get the food it need" said sumithra.

"then that means we will also be slap to paste?" asked chanakya and everyone looked at sumithra.

"of course not, unlike as we treats ants, the world doesn't treat us like that as we are raised by the very heavens. the heavens are just. but it will also check us our capabilities as we took world energy" said sumithra.

"when will it tests us" asked chanakya as he is rubbing his head.

"not any near future it will take you some years, after you shed your mortal and enters into semi-immortal realm" said sumithra.

and before any one rise their question in their mind sumithra interrupted them and said that they have long way to go and they will naturally hear about it.

"so, it will be definitely hard to circulate the energy so, with more concentration circulate it according to the technique" said sumithra.

everyone concentrated on their circulation. as time pass by it is becoming more and more hard for them and chanakya is soaked wet with his sweat.

everyone's aura is raising slowly unlike viki and vasusena. vasusena has high affinity with fire and as per viki he is highly suitable with the technique.

after some hour everyone is unable hold on the cultivation and reached their limit and as per chanakya he is panting like a dog as he is out of breath.

"okay, that's all for today stop your circulation" said sumithra.

as sumithra's voice fell everyone stopped their circulation and breathing heavily.

"now move to your dorms" said gupta as he had already rebuilt their dorms.

everyone nod their heads with any words, they moved out of this wooden house.

as they are going to their dorms the energy in viki's becomes restless and it moved automatically.

by sudden change viki caught off guard. he suddenly sat on earth. and chanakya who is near him startled by his action and try to call him, but is stopped by sumithra as she said he is about to breakthrough to the next minor realm in mortal great realm.

as everyone is watching viki, suddenly they feel heavy on their bodies and everyone fell on the ground unable to withstand the pressure.

black clouds were gathered in the sky at some point in time and an unbelivable amount of pressure is coming from those clouds and as the pressure is applied on the kids, who were directly below of the black clouds center.

as they are unable to with stand the pressure and their bones were snapping, due to the unbearable pain they started loose their consciousness with foaming from their mouths.

but viki who is in the middle of the black clouds, didn't loose his consciousness but he is experiencing unbearable amount of pain.

gupta suddenly moved towards the kids and brought them out of the clouds are of influence.

as sumithra tried to move towards viki to check on him is stopped by gupta.

"what are you doing, let go of me. I need to save viki" said sumithra.

"stop it already sumithra, you also know what is happening now and who caused it, with the intervention you or me it will become absolutely impossible for him cross it and he will perish under it" said gupta with myriad feeling in his eyes.

"how can it be possible?, only when one crosses the mortal realm did they trigger the heavenly tribulation. our son clearly in the yuan condensation, why is it happening. did they get jealousy of my son or didn't they get satisfied by the deed they do to my sister and brother-in-law, as they want to torment me even more by taking away my son from me" shouted like a mad women.

after that started cry like a little girl as she fell on the earth as she loose all of her strength in her legs.

as he is watching his wife in this state, he felt like his heart is being roped by thrones filled wire and the pain became even intensified as he thought of his brother and sister-in law, but he endured the sorrow in his heart for consolidating his wife. he took his wife into his arms and moved out of the area of effect.

vasusena who is somewhat better than others watched everything that happened and he is unable comprehend what he had seen. as he is thinking about it, the sky suddenly rumbled and lightning starts to form.

as the lighting is formed and before he blink his eyes it has been rained on viki.

as the lightning strike on viki's head unbearable pain passed along his body and half of his body got charred black and incomparable shrill cry passed out of viki's mouth. even so he didn't passed out.

by looking at the viki's state sumithra who is wailing already, lost control of herself and cried hysterically at viki by that sound the surrounding the surroundings got shock slightly and space started to disintegrate as small black lines started swim around her.

by the sudden change gupta caught off guard and regained his sense.

"sumithra came to your sense you are harming other, if you loose control over yourself, the kids will be in mortal danger" shouted gupta.

by his shout sumithra came to her sense and stopped her power from running amok.

right after that the another lightning strike on viki's head and his life force is started drain out.

by looking at the scene as she senses, viki's life force is declining, she is unable withhold herself and even if the tribulation become the level of her, she does not care about it. she moved towards viki at full speed.

at that time suddenly the black clouds in the sky suddenly become dark green and within a fraction of second fell on viki, by the abrupt change sumithra got off guard.

as the green clouds fell on viki an unbelievable scene unfolded.