Except for Chanakya everyone has reached the 8th stage of the blood condensation. As Chanakya is only in the 3rd stage of blood condensation. As everyone reached this stage they stopped their cultivation because according to sumithra they had to improve further only after taking a certain medicinal liquid called as blood condensation liquid which is made from the different herbs. She did personally prepare it and it has to be fermented for two years to get the maximum output. So, they had stopped their cultivation and started doing thing they are interested.

Nakula is learning about the herbs, theories, formulas and condensation techniques from sumithra as she is taken him as her student and gupta who didn't do anything in the time of their cultivation, now he is teaching them about martial arts.

Vishwakarma is fully immersed in the formations and artifact's books which were prepared by both sumithra and gupta. Even the both are not proficient in them, but they do carry those with them, especially gupta don't know where he got those books, but when Vishwakarma asked him for the books regarding to formations and artifact's he specially built a wooden house which is full of books and they are uncountable even when someone tries to count them, they need full day only to count them.

Bheem and remaining members are cultivating in the body refining art under the supervision of gupta. They did also learning the fighting skills but they were unable to display them because if one wanted to fight with martial skills they have to pass the energy in their meridians in certain points in their body they are called acupoints and they are currently in closed state. For this reason they can only learn them not able to practice them.

They did learnt the skills which are suitable for their elements but yudhisthira is able to learn any type of skill because of his special body. But everyone learnt one skill in the common that is a movement skill.

Everyone is doing what they are interested with and Chanakya is also the same he is also learning more about the outside world. He learnt everything in the books very fast. The books he read will be more than enough to fill a 4 stored building, he had studied to the very last book from gupta and sumithra even if it a normal story book and he has storied knowledge about everything that is offered by sumithra and gupta. He had completed reading about the alchemy theories and formulas before nakula and the formation and artifact's books before Vishwakarma. His memory power is comparable to that of sumithra and gupta.

But his cultivation has only raised to 5th stage even after two years of everyone reached the advanced stage. it has started to worry both sumithra and gupta at this rate it will take him at least another three years and it will be serious impact to others if their cultivation is stopped for 5 years.

As they are thinking about him, sumithra suddenly think of something and shared her idea with gupta and he also thought it will work.

After that they assemble the kids in the cultivation hall. After everyone has seated in their seats, sumithra started talk like this,

"I think everyone is busy with their own work. The reason why I had called all of you is to show you something. Yudhisthira, Chanakya come to the front" said sumithra.

Both of them moved towards sumithra immediately and stood silently.

"it has been two years since everyone except Chanakya to reach the advanced stage of the blood condensation" said sumithra.

"I think it will take three more years for Chanakya to reach the 8th stage and it may affect all of you if you don't cultivate for 5 years. So, I had thought an idea to increase to increase his cultivation to the 8th order "said sumithra.

As she had told about it everyone were surprised as she said previously sudden increase in the cultivation is not a good thing, but why is she now saying like this. Everyone is surprise but Chanakya didn't seem surprised and seems to know about the process.

"you don't have to fear about his cultivation becoming unstable, because there will be no drawbacks" said sumithra as moved toward yudhisthira.

"give me one drop of your blood essence" asked sumithra.

Without any hesitation yudhisthira took out a drop of his blood essence by cutting tip of his finger with yuan energy. After that he had somewhat become tired.

As the blood is moved out of his body the surrounding world energy starts to hum around it. Sumithra took the drop of blood essence and injected into a small container which has some of different type of liquid already presented. It is in the colour of light gray.

As the drop of blood fell into the liquid it melted into it and after immediately sumithra opened the lid of the container and a black smoke is started to diffuse from the liquid. As the very last smoke is diffused from the container the liquid in the container transform from light gray to dark gray colour. It became more shiner.

"Chanakya come and drink it" said sumithra.

Chanakya without any hesitation started to dink it. As the last drop of the liquid feel into his mouth, his body suddenly shivered and he suddenly sat on the floor and started to circulate his yuan energy in his body and as he is circulating his yuan energy, his cultivation started to rise from 5th stage to peak of the blood condensation stage within ten seconds.

As everyone witnessed it, they become both shocked and happy. They become shocked because of the effect of the liquid and happy because Chanakya has reached peak of the blood condensation. As his cultivation has rise to peak the blood condensation, the impurities in his blood were washed out and formed a thick pool black liquid around him. As sumithra looked at the impurities, she fell into her thoughts as there was a dangers poisonous substance is present in it. She is not able to think of a way for it to be presented here as it only available in the outside world only and after sometime she thought of asking his parent about it.

After that she is able to understand why his cultivation is very slow compared to others, it is because of that poison. After thinking about it she is astonished by the thought that came across her mind. As the poison is used to supress the aptitude of a cultivator and the amount present in Chanakya's body is very high and very concentrated, even if it is that much high his cultivation speed in not low when compared to a normal cultivator. If he is not suppressed by it, his cultivation speed is even faster than viki.

After Chanakya has reached the peak of the blood condensation, everyone took their own medicinal liquid, but it is normal one as they don't need the one which is took by Chanakya.

As like that one month has passed and with the help of the medicinal liquid the kids all reached to the peak of blood condensation, except for viki who is in the 13th stage of blood condensation. Clearly the medicinal liquid is not enough for him.