As everyone had taken their share of the medicine and reached the peak of the blood condensation realm, they are ready to move out of these mountains. The mountains are not that easy to cross from the outside world.

Everyone went to meet their parents and told to them about moving out of these mountains, naturally they didn't agree to it. Off course they will not agree as they don't know what the danger lurking out of these mountains and before reaching the outside world, they had to cross the mountains. As it is a well-known fact in the village is that there are man eating monsters out there and they leave no bones after kill someone.

The kids relentlessly persuade their parents, but they didn't agree to them. It had continued for the next few weeks and as they explained why they want to go out and what they had did for going out of these mountains for numerous times, at last their parents start to think of it.

In the mean time sumithra went to visit Chanakya's parents to conform about what she thought of. As she heard the details from Chanakya's parents she is shocked to the core.

According to them that Chanakya is not their blood related child and he is adopted by them. He was given to them by man with full of wounds all over his body. When Chanakya's father went to hunt and got lost in the forest and was chased by a big monster as he was about to get killed, it was split into two by a man carrying a severely ill baby in his arms. After he killed the beast he gave the baby to him and asked him rise him.

"ah! Right he did give me something along with Chanakya, wait a minute I will bring it" said Chanakya's father as he moved into other room.

After more than five minutes he came out with a pendent in his hand. It is craved with a life like picture of vast ocean with endless high tides, as for the material used to make is somewhat seems rather expensive one.

"this thing is given to me along with chanakya, and the name also not us given to him. He called him like something as "young lord chanakya", so we called him as chanakya. Because I was saved by him and as we don't have any kids, we rise him like our own child" said chanakya's father.

Sumithra didn't uttered a single word from the moment she looked at the pendent, only staring at it without blinking her eyes. Gupta is also shocked to the core as he looked at the pendent.

After sometime they both leaved a heavy sigh with a complex feeling in it. But they both looked at each other and understood that it not the place to talk about and looked at chanakya's parents and asked about what happened to the person, who entrusted them with chanakya.

"you don't believe it even if I say it to you. But you specifically asked I will tell you he is actually flied like a bird without wings and after that he shinned brightly and after that when we were able to see clearly there was not a single trace him and ah! Right after that there was some shinning lines floated in the sky and they moved opposite to the village side and before we can blink they were so far away" said chanakya's father with a look of remembrance.

"but, why are you asking about it now"

"oh, it is nothing and leave it for now and did you think of what chanakya had said" asked gupta.

"yes, I did hear, but the mountains are very dangerous so I didn't want him to go out" said chanaky's mother who is silent for the entire time.

"sister rani, it is for his own good please let him go out not only him but others also going, please sister let him go" said sumithra.

"sumithra it is very dangerous out in the woods and you are telling me to send my only son into those dangerous place" asked chanakya's mother without giving damn about sumithra.

"viki is also my only child didn't we sending him, try to under stand it sister" said sumithra with some impatience in her voice.

As he gupta caught the impatience in his wife's voice he stepped forward and talked to chankya's father by leading him to other room. After thirty minutes both move out and chankya's father starts to persuade his wife and finally after an she agreed to him. After talking for sometime both sumithra and gupta went to their house. Before they went out of chanakya's house gupta said to chanakya's parents that at the time of departure they have to let chanakya take the pendent with him.

As they entered their house silent enveloped the whole room.

"I think the ocean god temple is more or less destroyed" said gupta by breaking the silence.

Sumithra also sighed with full of sorrow.

"I always feel that he is so annoying and more cleaver than his age, so he is son of her, no wonder he is intelligent boy and even with suppression of the poison he is able to catch up with others" said with sorrow in her voice.

"do you think she is still alive" asked sumithra.

"I am also in confusion, as the pendent clearly is the one my brother gifted to those two, at that time they didn't married at. So, I am also uncertain. We don't know anything about the current situation of the outside word and even the current year" said gupta.

"even if you are uncertain of whether he is her son or not I more than clear that he is certainly her son. That annoying attitude with highly talented personality is her main trait and chanakya fits clearly into it" said sumithra with a look of remembrance.

"I will certainly agree to it, but that dynasty rulers had ocean blue colour hair as their main trait and chanakya doesn't have that blue colour, do you think of any reason" asked gupta.

"I think it is due to the poison and after his blood got cleaned I did noticed a light ocean blue colour hair is present within those gray hair and his head is also growing new hair and after he crossed the next realm his will be fully ocean blue but I don't think it is that easy for him" said sumithra.

"let's hope everything went well" said gupta with a sigh.

It took a month for everyone to convince their parents and ready to move out.

Everyone assembled at the village outskirts, not only the kids parents are there but also every single one from little kids to elderly ones came to send them off.

With few words being safe outside when crossing the mountains, they did also packed some food for them.

Gupta gave some weapons to the kids as they had learnt about how to use them during their training and sumithra gave them a map which shows them the safe areas in the mountains and shortest root to cross the mountains.

As like sumithra had instructed chanakya's parents had given him the pendent.

As everyone is ready to move out, sumithra went towards chanakya, who is next to viki.

"chanakya show me the pendent your parents given to you "

Without any hesitation chanakya took out the pendent and showed to her.

"try to drop a blood essence on it "said sumithra couldn't help the quiver in her voice.

The remaining kids who are looking at them are surprised as they noticed the change in her voice but they didn't voiced it out.

Chanakya also didn't understand it and even so he followed her instructions and dropped his blood essence on it.

As the his blood fell on it, it suddenly gave a bright blue light and disappeared from chanakya's hand. In the bright light there was a woman who looks like water goddess, having a long blue hair shining eyes like blue gems and having a smug on her face. Both sumithra and gupta were able to see her, when everyone is closed their eyes. Now they are certain of what they had speculated.

Everyone were able to open their eyes after few seconds and the pendent is no where to be seen. Chanakya looked around him and looked at sumithra to ask about what is going on, as looked at them he see that both are looked like in great sorrow. He didn't quite understand it.

"mentor where is pendent has gone to?" asked chanakya.

After sometime of silence sumithra pointed her finger at viki and said that it has inside of viki.

"what it is inside of me? Wait I had read about it somewhere, ah! Right only a bloodline artifacts can be merged with our body by dropping a single blood essence. But how can it react to my blood" asked chanakya.

"about that you will have to find out, so be safe on the outside and if your hair has tuned into blue in the future try to dye it regularly into gray" said sumithra with serious tone.

Chanakya didn't able to make sense of what she is telling but he is clear about one thing that is for his own good, so he nod his head to her.

"I think everyone is ready. So, without any delay everyone move out and be safe and stick together with each other and don't ever mistreat each other. Finally don't reveal about where you came from and nobody will ever talk about your cultivation techniques and don't forgot to conceal your cultivation. The main important thing is never ever talk about yudisthira's special constitution. That's all move out" said sumithra.

Before they moveout they bow to both sumithra and gupta and said in unison,


After that they went into the woods and disappeared from the villager's vision.

After they were out of their vision villager's mourned and one by one moved into the forest and only both sumithra and gupta were only looking at the direction of the kids.

"they will be safe, so let move in" said gupta as he took sumithra into his arms.

"I do also hope so" said sumithra as a trail of tears dropped from her eyes.