The were still roaming aimlessly in the mountains but it is clear that they are nearing to the edge of the mountains and if they walk for one more month, they will be able to reach the out of the mountains. As they continued their journey, they were not able to find any trace of the beast's activities in their area. They know that it means either there is a powerful beast is in the near by or the area is frequently passed by human. If the area is frequently passed area by humans that means they are near to reach to outside world. But if it an area of the powerful beast it is troublesome. So, they hesitate to move forward as they don't know if there is any danger or not.

At finally they decided to move forward as majority of the kids were inclined in it. But chanakya warned them for to be careful of the unknown danger. But due to the fact that they were not faced any trouble with the beasts they faced until then they didn't listen to his suggestion. So helplessly he had to move along with others.

As they moved forward they didn't noticed any abnormality and continued for in that direction for more or less ten days and at that time they finally noticed an abnormality, that is there are abundant amount of herbs and their value is very high than the ones they had previously collected in the previous full year and the value is higher than the total herbs collected by all nine kids.

They kept them in the storage bag called as universe bags, which has its own independent space. If other than the owner of the bag to search it they won't be able to find anything in it and sumithra made them look like an ordinary bag to others, so if one wants to identify them, they have to surpass in her strength.

As chanakya analysed the situation because the higher grade herbs appeared here like weeds out in the wild. If it is a human passing area then there won't be this much of the herbs and there is also another explanation for the current situation that is if it is a private land of someone trying to grow high value herbs also possible, but either way it is dangerous. As he analysing the present situation he heard a howl of beast from the certain direction.

Everyone has clearly heard the howl and looked in that direction. But they didn't see any beasts and the trees are also not so big like before.

"what do you think the beast would be?" asked bheem enthusiastically.

"how do I know only by hearing its sound" said chanakya with annoyed voice.

He is fully mad with other for not listening his suggestion. He felt restless as he heard the howl. So how can he talk normally with bheem.

As bheem is about to refute to chanakaya, he heard a very loud howls from all directions and it is clearly from a pack of beasts which are moving towards them.

As they watched the surrounding savage beast were approaching them and from the looks of it they are surrounding them. Those beasts has a very strong body with full of fur on their bodies and the colour of the fur is black on their entire body and only their heads have different colour fur, it is thick red colour as if their head is dipped in the blood. Even their eyes along with tooths in their mouth also blood red colour.

As they watched these beasts, the name of the beast ringed in chanakya's head which caused his hearts to be skipped one beat. Because their details are that deadly. Everyone knows savage beasts runs by their instincts and if they sensed any danger from others they will run away from there. But these red head jackals are the type of beasts who fought to their last breath and in general the savage beast does not live in the pack more than ten, but red head jackals live in group are of minimum of 30 creatures and from the looks of the present situation there seems to be 50 jackals and their strength is varied from the 1st order to 4th order. These are all not the scariest things, the scariest thing about the red head jackals is that there will be a leader in the pack and to become the leader of the pack it will have to have strength to overwhelm the entire pack and there won't be a pack which doesn't have a leader. It will not make a move at first and let it pack fight. So, to become the leader of the pack it at least have to be a 7th or 8th order monster beast.

As everyone got surrounded by the beasts and they didn't know the full knowledge on the beasts and chanakya also didn't explained to them to not to shake their hearts. So, they are looking at the beast with expecting eyes.

From what chanakya can see they were in the middle of these beast territory and more precisely they were trapped in middle of their territory. If they want to leave from here they have to kill these beasts to the very last one. They may be able to kill every beast here but as for the leader it uncertain whether viki is able fight with it.

"let's kill these beasts and improve body cultivate" said bheem who is waiting for everyone to ready.

"okay, lets fight" said partha

"then, what are all waiting for, let's go" said vasusena.

Just as everyone is ready to move.

"wait, everyone try not to go wild and try to conserve your energy as much as possible and viki you don't have to enter into the fight and stay out of it" said chankaya.

"what are you saying chanakya, if we don't fight wildly how can our body cultivation increase and we are strong now and we don't need viki to support us from the side and he can fight along side us" said bheem with an impatient voice.

No one objected to bheem's words as if they support his words and they also felt that chanakya is becoming more cautious.

"bheem stop arguing with chanakya and whatever he said there will be reason behind it and so I will not participate in it" said viki, as he clearly knows chanakya will not talk ideal words at this time.

"see, you will always sides with chanakya" said bheem in dissatisfaction.

"isn't it a good thing if I will not participate in the fight. You'll get to fight to your heart content" said viki as he knows that bheem is simple minded.

"yes that's right you don't interfering in it" said bheem.

"so without any ideal chat let fight" said sahadeva.

Everyone moved in eight directions as the beast also started attacking them. Viki stood in the same place without moving and observing the surroundings. As they reached in front of the beast and try to attack them which are of the more than double their size. They took out their respective weapons and started their attack.