As they are discussing among themselves the beasts didn't wait for them to finish their discussion and attacked them from all directions.

"let do it" with a loud roar like voice bheem is first to jump on the beasts with a mace in his hand, which was given to him by gupta even though it is mortal grade weapon but the material used in it not any simple materials and due to not having any runes inscriptions on it is mortal grade. He is the not the only one having a weapon, everyone has got weapons of same quality by gupta and if any other mortal grade weapon is to clashed with theirs that weapon will definitely get blasts into pieces.

Followed by him sahadeva attacked with an axe in his hand. He is moving his axe according to axetechniques taught by gupta, almost everyone's fighting style is originated from gupta. By his each slash, which is powered by his elemental energy metal the attack is becoming more and more powerful. Vasusena didn't using any weapons, he is using his bare fists to fight with the beasts which are coming in his direction and by each punch the beasts are getting burnt by his fire elemental energy and they are screaming from the pain and even so they didn't back down and continued to attack him. Nakula is using a sword to fight with the beasts in his direction and he learnt his sword arts from sumithra not from gupta. Partha and yudhisthira are using a spear to attack the beasts coming in their direction. Parthas attacks are as swift as lighting and by his each attack the beast are getting paralyzed for a brief moment and in that movement partha gives a finishing blow to the beast. Yudhisthira attacks not as swift as partha's, but because of the body cultivation and special constitution, his body is perfect without any impurities so his simple thrust of the spear is as powerful as bheem's attack. Vishwakarma is using mortal grade stick as his weapon and by his each swing combined with his earth element the beasts are vomiting blood from their mouths clearly the internal organs are getting destroing. Chanakya is using a thin needle type weapon which is half of his size and with his each thrust of the needle the beasts are falling lifelessly on the ground

Chanakya is the only one who is using minimum strength to kill the beasts and he is the one to kill most of the beasts. He clearly aims for the weak point of these beasts that is the middle of their lower jaw. At the centre of their lower jaw presents its weak point, even if he tells others about it, they will not be able kill in single strike.

As he looked at the situation with other's he can help but feel angry on them. He had clearly said them to preserve their energy but not a single one is doing so. They are going all out. At present almost 80% of the beasts were killed and remaining ones were are near to their death and the kids were also not unscratched they do also suffered many injuries on their bodies and some are deep wounds. After another ten minutes every beast is lying dead on the floor. Just as the kids were about to cheer on their victory they heard a loud howl and it is not a single howl. At least 5 beasts howled at the same time.

As everyone looked at the source the howl they fell into despair. As they had seen five more red head jackals and among them one is more than 3 meters tall and there is something different from remaining redhead jackals, as per the remaining four are at least 2.5 meters. The kids were somewhat able to speculate the order of these four and from their observation they can say that, the four beasts are in the peak of the 5th order and as for the tallest one among them they cannot understand its order. But chanakya can speculate that it is at least a peak 6th order or newly promoted 7th order monster beast, either way they were doomed and viki may be able to fight with the most powerful one but he will not be able to kill it. It is at that movement they had understood why chanakya told them to preserve their strength.

"if you had known that there are other powerful monsters near, why didn't you tell us" shouted bheem at chanakya.

"do you think I had any other choice, even though the savage beast didn't think before action and move on instinct but there also some exceptions, don't you see the big one is some what different from the other beasts, it is clearly a mutated one. So not to alert it I had told you all to preserve your energy as much as possible as it didn't know our actual strength. But you people, not even single one followed my words. At least viki had agreed to me" chanakya released his pent up frustration due to their actions.

Everyone realised their mistake and felt that they had became stupid as their strength increases and they become unknowingly arrogant of their strength. Now at this movement they were able to clearly see what is correct and what is wrong. Their way of thinking is also start to changing as even if one's strength increases, they didn't have to become full of themselves and as there is more to learnt in this world and not to get arrogant with their friends and family. As they thought of their family, they suddenly got ashamed of themselves as if they did go on in this direction, they may be also despised their family as their parents are not cultivators.

"sorry for the earlier, did you have any idea of how to get out of the current situation" asked yudhisthira.

"there is one way that is to kill these beasts and another is to stall them for sometime to restore others of their yuan energy, but first you have to restore your energy and clean the medicinal liquid made by Nakula for the injuries, while others guard you" said chanakya.

Without wasting a second after they heard Chanakya's idea, everyone formed a circle around Nakula and yudhisthira. as they were not able to kill them and get out of here in their current state. Even if they are in their full strength fighting three 5th order savage beast to death is not so easy.

Surprisingly the beasts only looked at the kids and didn't attacked them, even thought the four jackals were eager to kill them but were restrained by the strongest one.

Chanakya retained most of his yuan energy and stamina, so he didn't guard them and moved along with viki towards the five jackals. Both of them looked at each other attacked the jackals simultaneously. The beasts also didn't stand quite anymore and attacked at viki and chanakya, they didn't even glance at remaining kids as if they are turtles in a jar.

Vikramaditya and chanakya dashed towards the beast and surprisingly viki also have the same type of long needle as chanakya and he did observed the whole fight and able to grasp the way chanakya is killing the beasts. So he along with chanakya thrusted the needle towards the centre of jackals lower jaw and killed two of the four beasts in a fraction of seconds. As they had watched their pack members died just like that the remaining two jackals attacked ferociously at both viki and chanakya. Both of them suddenly changed their weapons from long needles to sharp swords and cut at the incoming beasts.

The attacks of these beasts are simple, they either attack with their front legs or with their bodies. Even sometimes tries to use their mouth to bite at them. Even at this time the big one is not attacking. Both vikramaditya and chanakya didn't missed this chance and attacked relentlessly.

As they were attacking the beasts the kids are started to gather yuan qi into their bodies. Nakula has finished making the healing medicine from the freshly picked herbs and yudhisthra had purified it of its impurities. As they had drank the medicinal liquid, their deep wounds started to heal at the rate of visible to naked eyes and completely healed within a single minute and they only felt light weakness and fatigue due to blood loss. It is only possible because of the high grade of the herbs and yudhisthira's purification. If they are low grade ones, even with yudhisthira's purification they will not be completely healed because their bodies had become that much stronger.

As the mutated beast observed the kid recovering from the injuries it had become threatened and made its move at that time the remaining two beasts also fell on the floor lifelessly with numerous wounds on their bodies and a needle thrusted in the centre of their lower jaw. For viki these two beasts were not a threat and he can kill them at any time he pleased but he is fighting with them only to stall time for others to recover. As he observed that the beast is about to attack the kids he suddenly unleased numerous slashes and in the middle of these attacks chanakya perfectly thrusted two needles into their jaw.

As it is about to attack the kids, viki dashed between the kids and beast and thrusted the sword at the jackals paw, before his sword touched the paw of the savage beast the sword got flew out of his hand due to overwhelming force and viki got thrown away by the force and the jackal also fell back on the floor.

"it is actually able to use yuan qi" shouted chanakya.

As it is well known fact that savage beasts will only fight with their body and they won't be able to use the yuan qi. They did also absorb the world energy but the absorbed energy will only strengthen it body and they will not be able to use this energy in fights. Now chanakya is able to understand why it is leader, even its strength clearly it either peak 6th or early 7th order, but to become leader of the pack it has to be 8th order, so it is able to use yuan qi which is not possible for the savage beasts. Clearly they were in danger, to fight with a savage beast in the early 7th order which is able to use the yuan qi with the blood condensation peak cultivation is a very stupid thought. Even if viki's body is stronger it didn't be able to fight this beast.

Both viki and the beasts stood up at the same time and looked at each other and viki picked his sword and ran towards the beast and the beast also run towards viki. The beast attacked with its paw covered with yuan qi on it. At this moment viki clearly got heavily injured and his breath became unstable and moved towards it as he covered his sword with yuan qi.