As they were strolling in the streets, they came across a weird street in the one side of the shopping district, there are many strange things are being displayed., like old sticks, bones of savage beast like that many weird things are being displayed there.

As the kids moved along the street, they see some peoples there buying these weird things. As viki and sucharitha moved along, they noticed chanakya is not following with them. They turned around to look for chanakya, as they turned around what they see made them skip their heart a beat.

They see that chanakya is standing somewhat far away from them and he put a pained expression on his face and his entire body is full of green shades and some of these shades are started to crawl along his body as if they possessed life.

As the chanakya is moving along with viki and sucharitha he suddenly felt intense pain from all over his body, every part in his body felt like being dipped in the strongest acid the only place he felt less pain is from his blood. He is controlling himself from screaming by greeting his teeth.

As they see chanakya they run to him and tried to touch him, but is stopped by chanakya. When sucharitha came near chanakya or to be more precise the location where he is standing, she also felt some light pain all over her body, but it negligible.

"Chanakya what happen to you and what are these green shades on your body?" asked viki with voice full of tension and worry.

"I only know that it these… green shades are poisonous…... and previously mentor also said that I have poison in my body, which is deeply rooted into my whole body…... and mentor told me to try to clean it by using medicine purified by yudhisthira…., I don't know why it is acting now and I think some thing here triggered it. We have to search for it or to move out of here" said as he is moving randomly.

Viki felt relived that chanakya is able to analyse the situation, he along with sucharitha both looked around try to find out something which is strange.

As sucharitha is looking around she has neared a stall where an old man is sitting and there are different types of stones are present before him and among them there different shaped and different coloured ones are present and at the same time chanakya is also move in that direction and he felt the pain in his body is intensifying even more and he become certain that there is something in the things the old man is selling, that which has brought him into the present situation. As he is not clear on which is he needed, he had to check each one which is not possible.

As so he thought of something asked viki to go to the old man as only stayed the farther away from the shop. Viki followed Chanakya's instructions and went to the old man.

"Hello there, sir" he greeted the old man, who is not aware of viki's presence.

"Tell me young man what do you need to buy, everything here is most special gems and extracted from a high grade mine, so tell me what do you want to buy" asked the old as he heard viki's voice.

"Really? These are extracted from the higher grade mine, you are lying, right?"

"No, no why would I lie? These are really from a high grade mine, look this one it is from lakjin mine and everything is of the same value, so which one do you want" said the old man as he looking at viki, he thought a naive kid and thought of scamming him of some iron coins, because viki is wearing very fine clothes he just buys from the market, as sucharitha insisted on. He is no more than 10 years also.

Viki is also wanting to give the old man the same type of impression, so he also followed along with him and pretended to be shocked and asked as,

"Really, then I want to buy all the stones and state your price" said viki as he put an arrogant face which perfectly suited to him.

Sucharitha, who is watching the whole situation felt dumb as she sees the new act of viki. He can lie without bat an eye and make stories on the spot and now he is acting like rich kid.

But the old man doesn't seem to noticed his act and thought as real and he put a serious face and said as,

"This little brother wants to buy all the gems here will costs high and I had collected them by facing dangers, the cost will be high, even so do you want to buy"

Clearly, he picked them from the waste of the mines and on the road side but he is uttering lies with a serious face.

"What do think this young master is poor, state your price and don't talk any non- scene"

"Okay I will tell you the cost and along with coins you also have to give me one herb, which I ask you, what do you think of my condition?"

"What herb do you need" asked viki without further talk.

He seems to be calm on outside but he full of worry for Chanakya's situation and he thought with money he will be able to buy all the stones but now the old man is asking for an herb, he don't know whether he has the one the old man needed.

"Okay, all the gems will cost 50 aluminium coins and the herb is yucca Capparis, pay and take these gems"

As viki heard the herb the old man needed he felt relieved, even though it is a high ranked herb, he has more than ten of those herbs. So, without a second thought he gave all the coins, he has with him and the herb to the herb to the old man and took all the gems and without turning back he left from there, before even the old man counts the cions. When old man looked around for viki, he didn't find a single trail of him. After that the old man also leave the town and moved to the next town as he clearly scammed viki, so if viki's family come and find trouble with him, he will be in danger.

After paying for the old man, three of them moved into an empty street and as the stone were kept in the universal bag the pain of chanakya decreased a lot.

"So, tell me now what to do?" asked viki as he looked worriedly at chanakya.

"Take one, one stone at a time from the universal bag and pass it to me" said chanakya without any pause as there is less pain.

Viki nods his head and started to took out the different stones and passed them to chanakya to see the reaction.

It continued for almost 20 minutes without getting any reactance from a single stone and they thought of brought not correct one. There are only 10 more stones left to check.

Viki took out a round bead like one from his universal bag, which is somewhat dim green colour. As viki took out the bead the pain of chanakya increased to the maximum and he screamed painfully which reverberates in the entire street.

"Viki…. Pass …. The bead…" asked chanakya with full of difficulty.

Viki quickly through the bead to chanakya. As chanakya took the bead and the green coloured bead lit up the entire street and chanakya pains passed the maximum point and as he unable hold on the pain, suddenly the green coloured shades started to fade away at an astonishing rate and the pain is also decreasing exponentially and in just ten seconds the poison in Chanakya's body is entirely cleaned without leaving any single residual.

Three of them were shocked by the scene, which happened before them. Chanakya who is about to pass out from the pain is cleaned of the poison within a mere ten seconds. Even though he appears to be some what weak, but he is completely out of danger and there is not even a single trace of poison in his body.

"What is that thing? and when did you get poisoned" asked viki.

As he clearly unaware of chanakya is being poisoned.

"I am also unaware till mentor told me. She said it is fully integrated into my body and it has to be removed slowly by the passage of time and when I asked her how I got poisoned, she said I will find out in the future, if I went to the outside world"

"Whatever may be you are safe now that's all matters. Right give me the bead one for a second"

Chanakya gave the bead to viki without a word.

Viki took the bead and looked at it for a second and passed his yuan qi into it and the bead glowed and viki is covered in the green light and there is no pain or any sign of poison in his body.

After that viki passed the bead to sucharitha asked her to pass the world energy in her body into the bead, as the world energy passed into the bead it started to glow and contrary to viki, sucharitha felt intense pain all over her body and red and green shades appeared on her body and within two second, they started to fade away and sucharitha also let a painful cry. After that the skin on her body started to become even more tender and smooth. Her face has become healthier. Even thought she have faire skin previously; it has now become even more faire. Sucharitha felt even energetic then before.

"What is going on here? she is also poisoned" asked chanakya with face full of shock.

As he looked at viki he sees a serious look on his face. From the look chanakya understood that viki know about her situation and seems like sucharitha is not aware of it.

As far as chanakya know, sucharitha is treated as goddess in her family and because he knows this fact, is the reason why he felt shock from sucharitha being poisoned. So, he decided to ask viki about it.

"As I thought" murmured viki.

"Viki, what is happening? how I seem to be also poisoned?" asked sucharitha, as she is completely clueless.

"About this I will tell to you when the time comes and from now on you don't go for any treatment from the doctor and if your grandfather insists, at that time I will go along with you. So, without me being around don't go for the treatment" said viki with a serious tone.

As sucharitha heard his words, she asked why she didn't go for a check-up.

"As for the details I will tell you after confirming something, so until then don't ask anything"

"Okay, but you have to tell me, when the time comes"


After that viki picked every stone on the ground which he brought from the old man, as he thought they may be useful. Viki told chanakya to stay in a hotel for today and he will introduce him to Raghavendra in right time.

After that viki picked sucharitha and run towards pandava family.