As viki told chanakya to stay on the outside for some days before he introduces him to Raghavendra. Chanakya is also okay with this and moved towards the streets to stay for tonight. The sun has already set in the west and it is getting dark and there are some street lights here and there. Viki thought it will take two hours if sucharitha and viki walked side by side, so viki picked sucharitha and run towards pandava family as fast as he could, as he is running in the streets the people can only feel that air is moving fast, they don't even see viki at all. Sucharitha only closed her eyes silently and didn't utter a single word, as she knows it will become late if they walked side by side. Also, she didn't feel embarrassed or shame of being picked by a boy, as she is as pure as goddess ganga, she is only a little girl not more than 11. Like that viki run for more than 15 minutes before he stops, as they reached pandava family.

Viki is fully out of breath because he carried another person for such a distance as run. Sucharitha waited for viki to catch his breath. After few breaths viki stabilised his breath and moved into the house.

As they just entered, they did silently move in the house to not to alert Raghavendra. Viki quietly moved towards his place of rest and sucharitha is also tiered from full day of different experiences, firstly she collected money from morning to afternoon and the experience with chanakya and viki reunion, it is her first time seeing something like that kind of reunion. Also, the Chanakya's poison thing, it is so nerve wreaking, by all these experiences she is exhausted herself.

Viki also entered his room and as he is just about to fall on his bed, he heard a sound of knocking from the door. He went to the door and opened it; he sees Raghavendra is waiting outside.

"May I come in?" asked Raghavendra, even thought viki is currently a servant in his family, he is polite with viki.

"Off course senior, please come in" said viki as he gestured his hand as indication to welcome him in.

"Sorry for the intrusion, how is the day" asked Raghavendra.

"It is fine, senior, is there any thing you want to tell to me"

"Yes, I do have few words to say to you. Today as sucharitha is next to you I didn't say much. Do take care of sucharitha and instruct sucharitha in cultivation, as you are trained by a master, your knowledge will be more refined than me, as you can see, I had to manage the family, so I am not suitable to teach her and if see is progressing slowly in her cultivation, don't haste her. Did everything is fine? you both came late today to the house"

"Everything is fine senior, right! Senior young lady has fully filled her meridians with the world energy and she need a suitable cultivation technique to circulate the world energy in her body"

"What she already completely filled her meridians with world energy, are you sure?" asked Raghavendra as if he heard something unbelievable.

"What senior is there something wrong, she did fill completed the process yesterday and I forgot inform you"

"How is it possible, she did only take six days to fill her meridians completely"

"Senior is not possible to fill one's body in six days? if there is abundant world energy one can completely fill in a single day, as they didn't refine them, so what is there to be surprised of, is there anything that supposed to block her meridians" asked viki.

He pressed the last words, Raghavendra immediately understood and asked with a surprised voice,

"Did you also notice!?" asked Raghavendra with a serious face.

"Yes, I did noticed it"

"How did you able to find it? It is well hidden in her meridians"

"I did find it when sucharitha absorbed more than the world energy she can absorb. As she absorbed the world energy, she lost control of the energy in her body and she fainted after that. I got scared of what happened to her and checked her pulse. At that time, I checked her internal organs and I did find that her all meridians were completely shattered, so without a hesitation I had used a medicine which my master given to me" said viki.

"What sucharitha' s meridians were shattered, when did it happened and why did you not informed me and didn't you said all of your high-grade medicines were you already used before and now where did you get this one" asked Raghavendra full of angry.

"Wait senior let me finish my sentence, it is what my master said me to only use when I am near to death, as previous time I did take many of those lower grade ones, I didn't took this one" said viki continuing his lies.

"So that's how it is, how is it connected to how you able to find little su being poisoned" asked again interrupting viki's worlds.

"There you again, senior didn't I said to let me complete my sentences. The medicine young lady took has the effect of healing along with omitting out the impurities and poison from the body of who had taken it, if one is near death means there may be different reason as them being stabbed by knife or by being poisoned, so my master gave me which works on poison also and after drinking it, young lady vomited the poison out of her mouth, at that time I had noticed it"

"So, that's how it is"

"And if I am not mistaken it is a poison of a fourth order savage beast, right?"

"You did even find it? right it is a poison of fourth order savage beast, blue eyed bamboo"

"I don't understand how did young lady got poisoned, when she is always guarded by someone"

"She is poisoned when she is in her mother's womb"

"What how did that happened?"

"If you want to know fully about it you have to know about the incident that happened 12 years ago in rakshasha town"

"What is that incident senior, tell me in detail"

"In the past 300 hundred years of our stay in the rakshasha town, we were the most powerful family in the surrounding 10,000 km. But due to the corrosion of time, my family starts to decline and even so it not as strong as before but it is most powerful then the immediate neighbouring town forces. It was until the incident what happened 12 years ago, my family started to declining rapidly. The incident is attack of the savage beasts. No one knows why the savage beast attacked the town, they usually present in the depths of the forest and they at least stay 50 miles inside the forest, but at that time the savage beasts that attacked the village in no less than 1000 and those beasts not going back to the forest, even after we had chased them, we only have the option of killing them. At that time many peoples were died. All families have experienced heavy losses and finally we had killed them to the very last one. At that time, we don't know when both my son and daughter-in-law were got poisoned by savage beast, blue eye paambu. It is until six months after the attack we find that they were poisoned and my daughter-in-law is pregnant at that time"

"didn't the doctors find out when they tested miss when she is pregnant"

"They did tested but they didn't find it until she is six months pregnant, when we find the poison in there bodies, it is already seeped deep into the body. Even more the poison in the body of my daughter-in-law had seeped into little su, which almost had killed her, but due to the help of both her mother and father, she was able to stay alive. In the mean time the realms of both of my son and daughter-in-law are started to decline. Just as sucharitha born, both of her parents passed away, living her alone in the cruel world" said the old man as tears were threaten to overflow from his eyes.

"Senior, what is the cultivation realm of young ladies' parent" asked viki with a sad look on his face.

Even though he didn't see the parents of sucharitha, he felt sorry for her, as he is unable to imagine his life without his parent and he fully know what parent love.

"Their cultivation realm is above the mortal realm, and my son and daughter-in-law were the strongest cultivator in the surrounding 1000 miles and they are former disciples of heavens holding sect, one of the seven sects in the rakshasha region," said the old man.

"Such a powerful cultivator?!" exclaimed viki.

He didn't felt curious of the other details, but he is felt surprised by the fact that Raghavendra's son is much stronger than him.

"After the death of my son and daughter-in-law, my family declined to the last of the five great families and now there are no decent talents in my family" said the old man and his expression become even sadder and said,

"After little su birth, she is always weak and there is no hope for her being able to cultivate as her meridians were being blocked. After I learnt that I tried every possible medicine to cure her from her illness, but there is not a much of them worked on little su"

"Then why didn't ask help from that sect were young lady parent went to, as they are former student of that sect., they may have a way to cure young lady"

As viki mentioned this matter the face the old man become as black as the bottom of the pot and said with gritting his teeth,

"We did asked for their help, but they didn't even spared a look to my family"

"Okay senior, hold your grief. From today onwards you don't have to fear of the condition of young lady, she is completely healed and even if there is any hidden poison in her body, I will remove it" said viki confidently.

as he already removed the whole poison from her body. He just needs to heal the damage caused by the poison and she will be completely fine.

"Are you sure? she fully out of the danger?" asked Raghavendra with little worry.

"The medicine which is taken by young lady is the highest grade one and I don't know how powerful the sect which senior had mentioned previously but even for that sect it will be absolute impossible to have this grade of medicine, so rest assured, young lady will be absolutely fine" said viki with a reassurance smile.

Don't know why, when Raghavendra seen the smile of viki for the first time he felt like he had seen the smile somewhere before. But he is not able to remember, where he had seen. At final he felt completely relieved.

"Okay you take rest, tomorrow I will give a circulation technique to little su a cultivation technique to start her cultivation journey" said the old man as he is stood up.

"Right! Senior, don't tell anyone regarding young lady being cured from her poison for the time being and not even to the doctor. Keep it as secret and I don't feel some thing is quit not right in its place" said viki with a serious expression.

"What happen, is there something that you didn't mention?" asked Raghavendra with grave look.

"I don't know it correct or not but I feel like someone is trying to harm young lady"

"Why do you say?"

"Because, in the waste vomited by young lady, there are some poison herb residuals and also when both me and young lady is searching for some herb related books in the doctor's room, I did find a sack of gold coins and now can't you see something fishy in here" said viki with a grave look.

"What did you say? Is everything you said is real?"

"Everything I said is 100% true"

"Then why didn't said it previously and now your mentioning it" asked with some doubt.

"Because at that time I felt like someone is eavesdropping on us, so I didn't mentioned it"

By hearing Raghavendra felt completely shocked as he clearly didn't find anyone.

"Then I go and interrogate the doctor, how dare he?"

"Wait senior, I think he is not the main culprit and if we catch him the real culprit will definitely get alert, so observe the doctor's actions secretly and don't even mention it to any other person and not even your family elders and regarding our conversation keep it as secret between us and trust my words, even though I come recently to the family, I can clearly say that my life is being saved by young miss, so I won't harm her or her family"

"Okay, I will keep it as a secret and observe the doctor, you rest for today," said the old man.

The old man silently went into the with many thoughts running in his mind, he thinks of whether what viki said is true or not.

After the old man left, viki felt on his bed and felt asleep.