The night has passed and the sun started to rise from the east horizon. Viki woke up early and circulated the world energy in his body, which now basically yuan energy. Because the world energy now in the rakshasha town in not so high, so he cannot increase his cultivation stage to enter to the next realm.

After sometime he came out of his room and moved towards sucharitha's room and waited for in front of the door. He stood there for more than two hours but sucharitha didn't came out and he thought she may be tiered from the previous day experiences and waited patiently outside of her room. After sometime Raghavendra also came and waited for sucharitha.

They two started to converse about the matters regarding how the things going with sucharitha's training. As they are continuing their conversation, sucharitha opened the door and came out, in a colour full blue gown.

"Grandfather, what are you two doing here?" asked sucharitha in confusion.

Everyday only viki is the one who is waiting for her but today her grandfather also waiting for her, which surprised her most.

"Vikramaditya mentioned that your meridians were completely filled and so I am going to give you a suitable cultivation technique for you to circulate the world energy in your body to convert it into the yuan energy, so come with me" said Raghavendra.

"Okay, viki lets go" said sucharitha.

"Vikramaditya is not coming with us. Vikramaditya, you stay here, sucharitha will come after sometime" said Raghavendra.

How can he let an outsider into the family's important place, even thought viki seems a good person to him but he is not certain as the thing going in his family were very strange. So didn't let viki to the place where they kept their family's circulation techniques. But he didn't expect that his granddaughter will not come along with him.

"If viki is not allowed to come, I will not also come with you" said sucharitha with unhappy look on her face.

She is fully attached to viki, as he is her first real friend. The ones who are around her didn't give her the comfortable feeling as viki gives. Even though there are some family heirs who tries to do friendship with her she felt very uncomfortable around them. She has innate ability to detect one is lying or not and one is good person or not. From the first movement she come in contact with viki, she didn't felt a single second uncomfortable around him. He gives the same feeling as her grandfather gives.

"What are you saying, we kept our families all techniques there, how can we let an outsider to there" said Raghavendra.

"Viki is not an outsider and you only said he is my personal guard, so he has to follow me wherever I go. So Mr. personal guard, follow me" said sucharitha with serious face.

The argument between the both grandfather and granddaughter continued for 10 minutes and Raghavendra finally gave out to his granddaughter's argument and let viki to tag along with them.

They trio walked for 5 minutes and reached the place where the pandava family kept their cultivation techniques. The trio entered the building and it is guarded by some people.

As viki entered the building, he can see many shelves of books and the building didn't looked this big from the outside but from the inside it is enormous. There are books everywhere here and viki silently followed behind Raghavendra as he looked around. Even though here books are in the large number but when they are compared to what his mother and father have with them is so small. As he followed behind them, he entered into another room in the building. In that room there only, few books were presented. They seem to be of from ancient times and most of the books are covered in the dirt. In the middle of the room there is a flatform of two feet hight and it is circular one.

Raghavendra went and picked a book from the room and came to sucharitha and gave it to her and said as,

"Try to circulate the world energy in your body according to the process in the book and tell me immediately if you feel any uncomfortable, go sit in the lotus form on that flatform" said Raghavendra as he showed the circular platform.

Sucharitha didn't asked anymore questions and took the book and read it's first page and closed her eyes and try to circulate the world energy in her body according to the process in the book.

Viki did seen the title of the circulation art moon essence art and he didn't understand why he didn't test her affinity and give her the suitable one, but asked her to try this one and told to see if she is okay with it. If she had not a percent of the affinity with the element then there may be some injuries and just as he is thinking of that and about to ask the reason, he saw that sucharitha who just started to circulate the world energy, vomited a mouthful of blood and fell unconscious. It has happened in just a single second.

With a loud cry both viki and Raghavendra run towards sucharitha. Viki is the first one to arrive and picked sucharitha, when her head is about to hit the flatform, he holds her in his arms. Raghavendra has came and took sucharitha into his arms and checked her condition through sending his yuan qi into her body. As he checked her condition, he is horrified as some of her meridians were shattered completely. He fell on his butt and he experiencing great shock and his yuan energy is running wildly in his mind become blank. As viki see his condition he immediately understood that Raghavendra has completely lost control over his yuan energy. So viki shouted in his ear as,


As the reason for his black out in the mind is sucharitha's condition, after the word sounded in his ear, he regained his thoughts and stopped the rampaging yuan energy in his meridians.

"Thanks for your help. I am fine now" said Raghavendra as he looked at sucharitha with tears rolling from his eyes.

"Senior let me give a medicine to young lady" said viki.

"You have that medicine, with you now. Give it to me" asked Raghavendra hurriedly.

"I do have, but you have to leave from here and wait outside. I will call you after I treated young lady" said viki with a serious tone.

"Why, I need to go outside I will stay by the side, you treat her" said Raghavendra without moving from there.

"That won't do and I have to do it alone, don't waste time undecidedly, it will be dangerous to young lady" said even more seriously.

As he heard it will cause danger to sucharitha he didn't stayed a second and moved out of the room and waited outside.

Viki took the same medicine he used previously and took a mouthful and passed it sucharitha mouth to mouth and cleaned his mouth and called Raghavendra to come in. he did only give a single mouthful this time because there are only some meridians were damaged and there is no poison this time, only some damage caused by the poison is present so one mouthful is enough.

As Raghavendra entered the room he picked sucharitha's hand started to observe her condition and what he seen make him feel like he is in some kind of illusion, because there is not a single damaged meridian's in sucharitha's and every single one as good as newly formed one, it didn't even two minutes from him going out and coming in. He had rechecked again and again to conform until he is stopped by viki saying it will harm her if he did check again and again. Even though there is not a single wound in meridians, sucharitha is still unconscious.

After that viki asked why he picked up this type way to find the suitable art only to hear that it is the way they pick up their cultivation art. As from Raghavendra's words most of his family women will cultivate in that art and even sucharitha's mother also trained in that technique, even thought she is not from their family because she going to marry his son, they let her to practice in it. So, he thought she is also be able to train in that art, so he picked it up. Just as they were talking sucharitha has woke up from her unconscious state. She is not aware of what happened because the pain she has experience when the meridians were shattered is exceeded the limit and caused her to fell unconscious and this time Raghavendra explained what happened and asked her whether she want try another one and sucharitha is also agreed to test another one, but they were interrupted by viki.

"Senior, what are you doing it may be dangerous if you try randomly. Don't you know that each person have different affinities and they have different degree of affinity to different elements and if one has zero affinity with all elements or only having an affinity with single element, if such a type of people tries randomly, they will severely hurt themselves with that technique"

"Then what can we do, is there any other way to test which one is suitable"

"don't you know about affinity stone, which is used to test the affinity"

"Affinity stone? what is that?"

"don't you know about the affinity stone, let me show you"

Viki took out fully transparent stone from his universal bag and showed it to Raghavendra and said as,

"This is called affinity stone and it one way to test the affinity of cultivator toward the different elements and by that we will be able to tell which technique is suitable and which is not suitable"

"If you did have it with you then why didn't you mention it earlier" asked Raghavendra with a blaming voice.

"What are talking senior? I thought you have one in your family, how can know you use this type of crude method" said with slight anger in his voice.

He is angry not because Raghavendra blamed him, but because Raghavendra put sucharitha in danger. But Raghavendra has not able to understand it and thought that he angry because he blamed him.

Sucharitha who is sitting on the side cannot look at them quarrelling and asked viki to how to use it, by her voice viki got immediately cooled and started to explain about the stone uses, this Raghavendra caught the change of viki's attitude and temper and thought of something but denied it.

As from viki's explanation Raghavendra understood that the stone is used to test the affinity and the process is very simple as they just have to pass the world energy stored in the body through the stone and it will give the result and it is completely accurate, as the world energy in our body will be somewhat effected by innate aura its properties will change to that of the cultivator's element.

"So, I just have to pass the energy in my meridians, right?"

"Yes, you just have to pass the world energy in your body and we will know your affinity" said viki with a smile.

Sucharitha took the stone into her hand and took a deep breath and poured her energy into the stone.

Just as her energy entered into the stone, the stone started to emit a dazzling light which caused both viki and Raghavendra to close their eyes. As the light shined in that room, the room has filled with the light.

"Stop pouring the energy into the stone sucharitha" said viki with eyes closed tightly.

Sucharitha stopped pouring the energy into the stone and it took entire five minutes to the stone to stops it emission of light. After one minute both viki and Raghavendra were able to open their eyes.

"What happened? what's going on? Didn't you say it shows your elemental affinity then why is it shinning"

"It is shining because, her elemental affinity is light. Because we are in the closed place it has become like this"

"What her affinity element is light? What is that?" asked Raghavendra.

"Like I said everyone will have their affinity element and the degree of affinity which vary from one person to another. From the looks of the current situation sucharitha has high affinity towards light element and has very low to non to the remaining elements. it may be the reason for the previous incident. So, your family has any suitable one for the light element"

Viki took the stone from sucharitha and kept it in the universal bag, the stone is still giving off light from it as it shows the degree of affinity for the light element sucharitha has.