"I don't even know what are those elements and all the cultivation techniques of my family is present here, so you check here look for the suitable one" said Raghavendra embarrassingly.

He didn't know anything viki had said and how to distinguish the cultivation techniques, so he let viki to choose one for sucharitha.

Viki didn't mind it at and he is more than happy as he doesn't want to let Raghavendra to choose one for sucharitha, previously when he chooses it caused her to get injured.

Viki walked around the room and checked different types books and he is somewhat shocked as each of these techniques were of the best one and these techniques may not be as profound as the ones, he and his friends were practicing but these are also good one, even thought he didn't understand them completely. He had checked the room completely and didn't find any suitable and just as he is about to ask if there is anymore, he find a book in the back of some other books. It seems to be fallen there when someone is checking the books here.

Viki picked the book from there, he started to remove the dust on the book. As he is clearing the dust both sucharitha and her grandfather came towards viki.

Viki finally removed the dust from the book and he can see the title of the book that is KANTI CIRCULATION ART.

"I don't know such a cultivation art is present in my family, then vikramaditya is it the suitable one for little su" asked Raghavendra.

"Let me see senior, what is inside of this book" said viki as he started to read.

After reading it for five minutes, he got a clear idea that it is a light attribute secret art and that to its high grade one that is comparable to that of some of his friend's secret arts, which were given by his mother. He is not able understand how this level of cultivation technique be present in pandava family, where not even an affinity stone is also not present. Whatever it may be with this secret art and sucharitha's high affinity with the light element, she will progress more comfortably and fast.

"Senior it is the light element secret art; it seems to be of high grade one also. With this young lady's cultivation will progress rapidly, congratulations senior" said viki with face full of smile.

"HAHAHAHAHA, then my pandava family will be rise from its misery. I will have to trouble you to guide little su in cultivation as you seem to be more knowledgeable than me, come little su get the cultivation art and practice in it. I don't even know there is this cultivation art in my family"

Sucharitha came front and took the secret art from viki and sat on the circular flatform in the lotus form as instructed by viki, she started to read the secret technique and after sometime she closed her eyes and tries to move the world in her body according to the instructions of viki, at first, she felt somewhat difficult and as time pass by she felt extremely comfortable with the flow of the world energy in her meridians.

As Raghavendra looked at her condition and didn't find any problem with the technique he finally relaxed and observed from the side as sucharitha is circulating the world energy in her body. He can tell that at first sucharitha is facing some difficulty, but as the time passed by, she is having an extremely relaxed expression.

As sucharitha is circulating the world energy in her body according to viki's instructions, the world energy is started to convert into yuan energy and by conversion her aura is also started to increase at an alarming rate.

After an hour or sometime, the aura emitted by sucharitha has suddenly increased as some of the world energy released and reabsorbed.

She had officially entered into the 1st stage of the of yuan condensation.

After that as she is about to continue the circulation of world energy, viki has stopped her.

"Why are you stopping her let her continue in her cultivation" said Raghavendra.

He is in the high spirit as he had witnessed his granddaughter being promoted to the 1st stage of the yuan condensation within an hour. Even his son when cultivating in this stage he took 4 days to reach to the level of sucharitha, even thought his son cultivated for 5 hours a day. So, he didn't understand why viki is stopping her.

"Senior did you forget that young miss has just reached 1st stage and it is not good for her to continue, as her body must have developed some fatigue and one thing we have to remember is not to hasten in the cultivation, so lets stop for now and I will train young miss in the cultivation so you don't have to mind her, I will look after her" said viki with a sincere and reassuring tone.

As he thought of it, he also feels like what viki said is true and let him guid her in the cultivation.

After that sucharitha took the cultivation art book with her and the trio came out of the room and before Raghavendra is going to his check on his family, viki asked him to keep sucharitha's element and secret art as a secret from others and not to tell to a single one. He also seriously reminded him to not to mention to anyone that sucharitha has entered into 1st stage in yuan condensation and he told that he will let sucharitha to practice an aura supressing technique to conceal her cultivation from others. As Raghavendra first didn't understand his meaning but after some though he understood why viki asked him to conceal the matter regarding sucharitha element and cultivation. So, he nods his head and moved to check his family affairs.

After that both sucharitha and viki came out of the house to meet chanakya as they had previously promised to meet in the market and it is already afternoon 2'o clock, so they hurried to outside.

Just they are about to go to the market area, they see chanakya is standing at the corner of the street and seems to be thinking something.

Viki and sucharitha moved towards him and as he detected someone are coming towards him, he turned around and saw that it is both viki and sucharitha. He waved at them and moved towards them.

"What happened? why are you two are late, is there any problem" asked chanakya.

As he is waiting for them from 8'o clock in the morning and it has been full six hours and he also started to feel somewhat hungry and just he is thinking of go to restaurant to have his meal.

Viki explained everything that happened from the start to end.

"What? You used that thing mentor has prepared specially for you. Did you forget mentor's words, did you forgot what type of danger you are going to experience when you cross the realms and knowing that you had used that medicine, are you out of mind?" asked chanakya with full of anger.

He saw how terrifying it is when viki is crossing the realms and he did learnt from the books that, that type of tribulation only occurs when one is crossing from the great mortal realm to the next realm. But viki has to experience it in each of the realms he crosses. For that sumithra has prepared that medicine to help viki in that situation, but now he saying that he had used that medicine.

"Show me the sack, I will see how much is present now" asked chanakya seriously.

But viki knew if chanakya see that sack he will surely get angry, so he said that he kept that in his room and forget to bring it. But chanakya didn't believed him and checked his universal bag and took out leather sack. If others try to took something from the universal bag of the viki and his friends, they won't be able to find even a single thing. Only with aura of the viki and his friends can took something from each other's bags.

As he sees the remaining content of the sack as only below the half of the total, chanakya felt like he is going crazy and asked to tell him exactly what happened and viki didn't hide any thing this time and said everything in detailed.

After hearing it chanakya didn't felt like saying anything and thought to himself as even though sucharitha had saved him ones did he have to go that far as using that medicine, he knows that viki has other medicines for healing but they are not as potent as this one. But he didn't mentioned it now, as sucharitha is right next to them.

Sucharitha who is standing next to them didn't understand everything but she did understood that viki has used the thing which he needed most on sucharitha, to save her and felt touched, but didn't say anything.

"So, tell me now what to do, as the low-grade herbs are completely sold out. What should we do now, our entire money is used to buy those stones. So, what is the plan now" asked viki as to change the topic.

"Yesterday after we parted I went into the forest and collected some of the low ranked herbs and we can sell them for today and tomorrow we will go into the forest and collect more of the high ranked one. But before that let me eat something I didn't eat in the morning also" said chanakya as he rubbed his noisy stomach.

"Let's go and eat, we also didn't have our lunch, sucharitha let's go"

As like that the trio moved towards the restaurant, after both viki and sucharitha disguised themselves.

They did ordered some thing which is famous in the restaurant and eat to their full. They paid their bill and moved towards the shopping district.

As they entered the shopping district it has already been 4'o in the evening, as sucharitha's house is far from the shopping district and also viki let her walk as she just reached 1st stage of the yuan condensation, it helps her to relax her body.

They opened a shop and started to sell the lower grade herbs. As they had sold their herbs here yesterday, they were able to sell them easily today. It took them two hours to completely sell all the low-grade herbs. They got an income of 4 aluminium coins. After that they decided to meet early morning tomorrow and went into the forest to collect more herbs, to raise their income to 100 aluminium coins, which they are going to use to get certificate to sell the higher-grade herbs at market price. Viki asked chanakya to stay in the town and rest somewhere and don't go to the forest. Chanakya also agreed to him and said that the reason why he went forest yesterday is because they were short on money.

After that viki and sucharitha moved towards the pandava family and chanakya moved towards a hotel to stay for the night.

In their way to home viki imparted sucharitha with aura supressing technique. She did remembered it and after some practice she is completely able to completely hide her aura and no one can find her being a cultivator. Viki also taught her some of the movement techniques. Like that they walked towards the pandava family. Sucharitha is a good learner. After she reached 1st stage of yuan condensation, she become even more sacred, the aura around her had become holly. Viki is holding onto sucharitha's cultivation technique and studying it carefully. As he understood something he will share it with sucharitha. Viki also let her the movement technique he thought to use as they move towards the pandava family. The people in the streets looked at their way of behaviour, mocked them. But both viki and sucharitha didn't even looked at them. As they are moving in slow phase it took two and half hour to reach the pandava house.

As they entered the house, they were welcomed by Raghavendra's angry look.