Chapter 8 The Body of Shadow

The Demonic or Infernal Aspect or Body of Shadow is equally as significant in the development of the self. The Shadow is developed by meditation initially and eventually by dreaming. One should approach the Shadow as the Devil-initiatic guide, be it as Mephistopheles, Belial, Lucifuge or Shaitan. Some Luciferians invoke the shadow as the Demonic Feminine, as Lilith – Hecate or Babalon, the Crimson Mother of Succubi and the Beasts of the Earth. Some view Ahriman as correctly the Initiatic and Sorcerous Daimon of the Shadow. The Shadow is the Vampyric Guide, the shape shifting and phantom body of self.

The Luciferian Path works with such Demonic Forces as Initiatic Guides, and is related directly to the self. The Shadow is significant as the Adversary as it is the Dreamin Body with sloughs off the waking physical body for the dreaming or astral plane to go forth to the Sabbat, or the darkness of night. This is the Immortal and Fiery Eye of Shadow, which aligned with the Body of Light, grows eternal and is able to separate from the physical body. When working with Goetic Demons or Angels, allow the Shadow and Light aspects of the self to invoke them and gain their knowledge and attributes, that under Willed association, you will grow in the perception of self. That which you seek from such contact you will ultimately grow in self by doing such.

The Body of Shadow is developed by the following techniques:

Decorate your temple or chamber in a visually appealing manner, dragons, demons, the popular image of Set, Lilith, Babalon upon the Dragon, ect. The dark consciousness should be emanated within your Black Temple and that the Demonic force of which you shall become by this Work.

You may anoint yourself in Hecate Oil, Lucifer Oil or even Abramelin Oil. Sit quietly on a comfortable spot, facing a black or fogged mirror if possible. Begin first by staring into the mirror and focusing on the very features of your face. Seek to understand what you tell people by your features, who you are beneath the surface. This face will in turn become a mask of what you are underneath the socially constructed self-makeup. Begin focusing on what you are in the dark aspects, that which drives you and your deep desires. Your form will change in the mirror, begin shaping it unto what shadow form you wish. Now close your eyes and begin to enflesh the Body of Shadow.

Visualize yourself summon a great blackened shadow, which is fiery and violet in the fire of spirit. The shadow has long beast like talons, a face which becomes both a Horned Demon Head, scaled with serpent skin and a Wolf head arising further from the shadows, growling in a human and beast union. Your shadow grows and expands, and may change form according to your Will and Desire. Descend below the earth, allowing your Ahrimanic Shadow to absorb and associate with other demonic elementals, feelings and emotions. Understand that this Shadow is you, it is the darkness cast down from the Bright and Illuminated Body of Light which you have summoned forth. You are perfection incarnate, Luciferian Brillance and Darkness.

Now you may arise from the Demonium of the Earth to take flight with the wings of the bat or owl. Rise up into the stormy and cloudy night sky, and fly forth to the Sabbat Fires in the Ghost Roads of Hecate. As you fly you approach a great Shadow which is enflamed in front of you. This shape is hellish and demonic in every way. Its essence is black and haunting, but as you greet this form it will take shape. The face is that of the Horned Devil, the almost human visage which is scaled and speaks a deep and hidden ancient language with a Forked Tongue, his eyes are Yellow and Crimson, and you feel close to this being. The body is blackened shadow with talons holding a Forked Stave, which is the same as the Luciferic Angel you embraced previously. Another head arises from the shadow, which is the Animal shaped face of Set, which has a horn arising from the head of Blackened and Violet flame; its eyes are the same as the others.

The body is of great blackness, from which a plethora of beasts and demonic shapes circle the Daimon in a counter-clockwise manner. From the Left Eye of this Bestial Lord of Darkness, a great lightning flash shoots into your eyes, this throws you into a state of ecstasy. A single question is asked, which you know the answer to by instinct. You will never be able to turn back from the Path, as the Lonely Path of Godhood shall be marked upon your brow as the Mark of Cain. As you are shadow, allow yourself to grow close to this Infernal King and enter his essence. Open your astral eyes as this shadow, and understand you may take any form you wish. You are Vampyre, Incubus, Set-like and Immortal in essence. You become as Ahriman, the Infernal King who shapes the World according to his desire. You may communicate and seek various points of congress with all Goetic Spirits in the Dreaming Plane, your gate is the Dream. This is the Sabbat Body of which you shall go forth.

You may fly forth to discover a Great Crimson Goddess before you. She is robed in Red, and her head is covered with a Caul bloody with the Mark of Birth. Her hands are pale ivory, with blackened and animal like nails, sharp and cruel. She is encircled with a Great Red Dragon, and two other heads emerge from her red robe – Hag Like and hissing with serpent tongues. You ask her to lift her Crimson veil, which she does – A skull is beneath, the Eyes are of blackness. Before you this skull becomes flesh and a face which is of great beauty looks at you. Her eyes are still Black as Pitch, and she speaks to you of that which you would tell no one. She knows you more than anyone else, lover friend or family member.

This Goddess, being Lilith called Hecate, Ruha-Az or Babalon is the Goddess of Flame, she is the succubus queen, Vampyre and Dragon rider. She opens forth her robe and spreads her lips wide, to reveal teeth and a slithering tongue. She invites you in. The teeth retract yet the tongue still slithers as you grow close. You shall go unto her, muse and lover, mother and harlot – Feel this sensual fire within, open your Eyes with Her within. She embraces you and you are drawn close to kiss her. Before she touches her lips with yours, she drinks of a golden chalice which is filled with blood. She licks your lips with another serpent tongue, and the taste of blood drives you deep within her. The embrace is the paramount of ecstasy, from which shakes the foundation of your being. As you are close to Her, another hand brings up a skull bowl of blood, which was catching the fornication of her lips below. This is Her sacrament, the elixir of the Beast and the Venom of the Infernal Sabbat. Drink Deep and know the Vampyric Reawakening to the Shadow.

When you go forth to the Sabbat or seek dreaming consultation with the Goetic Spirits, always remember this union with both aspects of the Shadow, and the Light. This is a mirror of yourself, that by Magick you become God-like, welcome to the awakening and BECOME!