Chapter 9 An Invocation to the Holy Guardian Angel, Spirit of the Adversary who resides in Darkness and Light

Let the Sorcerer Cast a Circle about him/her, the Leviathanic – Ourobouris Circle counter clockwise, then in the same fashion, move Widdershins in your alignment with the Four Daemon Princes and SubPrinces, in your own design. Summon then with an Enflamed Mind, the Dragon-Serpent which is the Angelic Essence of the Soul, the Eye of Azal'ucel shall burn forth from the darkness to reveal the Light.

The Circle itself is not a tool of keeping Spirits OUT, rather the circle is the concentration point of which the sorcerer summons forth the Energies within the Earth through Him/her self, that it is the ensorcelling of the shades and elementals of the self – the Great Arcana of the "I", or Luciferian Being. The circle should not be considered a means of protection, the magician who would fear and cower within a circle and still seek to summon forces which he will not become 'one' with, is not strong enough as an individual to understand and becoming in the Magickal Art. The Isolate and Beautiful Luciferian Initiate does not fear the forces of which he summons, rather embraces and by the Will controls them. The same type of mastery must be applied to The Summoning of Goetic Spirits, no matter the intent, but with an aspect of Respect for that which you call. Understand the Shades of the Dead have walked beyond the flesh, and should be viewed as advanced spirits which brings us knowledge and initiation. When invoking/evoking Goetic Djinn, know that these fire-born spirits who fell with Lucifer-Azazel, hold too a special knowledge – and the Self and individual mind is that which will commune with them. Be firm in your Works, yet respectful.

"I am the Daimon who speaks the words of the Immortal Fire, the Holy Flame which emerges from the Lightning Flash and Storm of Chaos bred, so this the angel-serpent shall come forth with the Birthing Knife shedding into storm of Seth!

Spirit of which the Fallen have taken Strength, Isolate and Beautiful, Angelic Essence, Azal'ucel, from which came into being Cain I do invoke thee!

SouthDevil-Djinn of the Burning Desert sands and the Sun, Sortha'n-din – thy stave and fork unto the flame that is my soul shall be illuminated in this blackened light. Shaitan the Adversary, my soul enflamed! AROGOGORUABRAO – THIAF!

EastLucifer revealed as Azazel, bringer of illumination and love, who resides in shadow and light, cover and cloak my spirit with thy twelve wings, serpent skin covered from the shedding of the Dragon, bring now forth the serpent essence of my soul! Melek Tau'us, beautiful spirit of Fire, I summon thee forth! PHOTETH

NorthSet-an, isolator and strengthening force of Storms, that chaos which I have tempered in thy elegance of darkness. I go forth and become as the Eye of Algol, separate and alone in my being. Typhon, present unto me the Tcham knive from which I shall stand forth in my dreaming and waking! Sender of Nightmares ascend through me! OOO

WestLet now the Serpent encircle me, Leviathan the Coiling Dragon of timeless being. I summon your essence unto me! Great chthonic daimon of endless being, I seek to drink deep of your cup and behold the mysteries of the depths! MRIODOM

Aoth, Sabaoth, Atheleberseth, Abraoth!

By the very circle of which I build – I walk unto the crown of Lucifer – that Emerald which shines the essence of Heaven and Hell. That Angelickan Watcher of the Sun shall come now forth to join with the Ahrimanic Shadow, that Angel and Daemon are Joined! I walk unto the Umbrarum Rex, the Kingdom of Shades and the Ghost Roads – Open the Gates unto me!

Guardian of Flaming Sword and Corpse-King of the Scepter – Open forth the Leviathanic Way to me! I behold the center of the Eight – Rayed Black Sun – My essence unto Seth!

Azal'ucel! I invoke the Baphometic Spirit of Fire!"