*I forgot to put this up front but everyone in the story is 18 or above*
"Since we are going out, there is a chance that we will also have physical contact." The Girl said.
For the both of us, we do not understand the concept of "shyness". There is no reason for us to feel shy as it only attracts more attention from the surrounding.
Our main purpose in life is to become a part of everything after all.
Normal couple should have sexual intercourse. I do think that in order to be average, we also need to do something about that too.
"But we are still too young for a child. So if we are having sex, we should have protection."
"I agree. I also have that in mind. Still, I don't think that we should do that right now, though? It can wait until, how does normal people call it, we get to know each other more?"
"That's true. I'm just telling you that I don't mind having sex with you. Having a baby will be something for the future. When we have enough financial resources, I would like to deliver our baby under the best circumstances possible and if possible, genetic manipulation as well."
"I can understand why you want our child to be born under the best care. What about the genetic manipulation?"
"I don't want our child to be like us in the future, completely average in every way and always trying their best to fit in. It is exhausting. I would like to use genetic manipulation to adjust the appearance for our baby at least."
"You've got a point there. It certainly is very tiresome to be like us."
At this point, I am already suprise by how far she has thought into the future. Is that "normal"? Is this how other people think when they are in a relationship? Honestly, I have no idea.
"In my case, no matter how I try to improve my conversation skill, if I could not practice it with real people in the class, it wouldn't work. I think it is because of my appearance and the way I talk. I don't want our offsprings to possess something similar. I don't understand when to appeal to the other person or why I have to do so. In the end, I just tell them bluntly what I have in mind. Other people tend to be a bit more roundabout than I am."
"So is that the reason why you are being bullied?" I asked.
Her eyes suddenly look straight into mine.
That is when I can see their colors. It is also brown, just like mine. They say the eyes can describe the feelings of the owner. And if I am understanding it right, she feels a bit perplexed.
"Sorry for misleading you before. It is not like I am being bullied, it is more of an isolation in class." She gazes down after saying so.
"Firstly, I don't think isolation is NOT bullying. It's just a different type. Rather than attacking your body directly, they are targeting your psychology. There is no reason why you should be like that."
Stopping my sentence to think for a while, then I say:"I wish I was there for you."
"...what did you just say?"
"I wish I was there for you."
"Are you saying so because you're trying to be a normal boyfriend consoling their girlfriend? You know it makes no sense trying to be someone else when you are with me right? Being 'normal' and all."
"No, I honestly think so. I understand that what I just said is completely illogical since the events had already happened in the past. For some reason I just want to show you that I care. Not just that, from now on I will be by yourside everyday. You would still be bullied by everyone else. At least this time I will be bullied with you."
"Should a normal boyfriend say something like 'I will get rid of the bullies' or 'You will never be alone' in this case?"
"You told me there is no need to be a normal boyfriend, right?"
"I did say so, didn't I?"
"I am also tired of putting on a smiling face to make everyone happy. I don't get the urge to become a normal person in this world. Why is it us anyway?"
"Don't know. Do you think it is because of an unknown disease or something?"
"I have thought about that, actually. So I have searched online for something that can make us feel like this. There are 3 possible causes: mind alternating virus similar to rabies, a psychological pandemic, and lastly and the most ridiculous: alien."
"No it's not ridiculous. Anything is possible." She nods, and then.
"Let's get back to our previous topic. The baby one. I do hope we can have physical contact and I do wish to bear your child. Even though not right now."
"Please take care of me from now on. By the way, I am still a virgin." I bow.
"Please take care of me from now on. I now you are. I am too." She bows.
"Out of curiosity, do you feel sad or anything?"
"What do you mean?"
"Because I asked a personal question related to your circumstances. The bullying."
"You know we don't have anything called sadness."
"Of course."
"I felt a little glad to have someone to talk to, though."
"Yes. It feels like fluttering inside me."
"In that case, I also feel glad to be able to talk to you."
We both smile. And I reach out for her hand.
"Why don't we start our physical relationship by holding hands?"
"Please do."
I gently hold her left hand. It is an indescribable feeling.
It is soft, warm and a bit sweaty in her palm.
"It is a bit sweaty, sorry about that."
"Don't worry. I like it."
"I like your hand, too."
I feel my void shining a bright light, strong and blinding.