Honestly, I am quite worried about The Girl's words.
I mean, I appreciate her passion in food, but are we moving too fast?
Yesterday, we were complete strangers.
I take a big breath, look straight into her eyes and say: "On second thought, how about we wait a bit for the marriage registration?"
"Excuse me?!"
Her voice is calm yet cold. I actually get goosebumps because of that.
Furthermore, for some reason, I feel like the colors of her eyes change instantly. From a dark brown color, it changes into a pitch black like the abyss.
It was the color of a blackhole, where no light will ever escape.
This is bad. I have to diffuse this asap. I never thought she would react so negative.
"I think we should get to know each other more. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying we should not get married in the future. The point of dating to me is to build a family after all. It's just I'm not yet ready for such a big responsibility while not making any income or have a suitable lodging for the both of us."
I try to explain to the best of my ability. My hand reaches out to hers and I hold it firmly.
"I understand. I also agree with you. Our capabilities right now is not nearly enough for a wedding, not mentioning housing and children and possible genenetic therapy. Next time please explain them immediately or use different wording. I almost misunderstood, you know."
Says The Girl. Her eyes slowly return to their normal color.
"Sorry about that."
"Don't worry too much. Nothing has happended yet."
She continues.
"You know. I have to come clean a little. It was not the first time yesterday. I actually have paid my attention to you for a while."
"Really? I didn't know that."
"Of course you didn't. What's the point of you finding out that I was interested? It's not like I could suddenly ask you out. My social standing and my appearance guaranteed a rejection, don't you think?"
I keep silent and start thinking. It is actually true that I would reject her. I would not want to go out with someone I was not interested in. And with the me before, dating was out of the question. There was no way for me to pay attention to the other party since everything would seem redundant to me.
"See? Your silence answers it. You're definitely thinking something about dating and how it is so annoying to take care of someone else, right?"
I nod my head.
"I had the same feeling too. Before I paid my attention to you, I would also think about dating someone and how dating was so unnecessary. Frankly speaking, what I thought about you was not 'love' in my opinion. I was having an interest in you as a person and how you cope with fitting in, that's all."
The Girl says so while focusing hers eyes at mine, then on the bacon.
I make a big sigh and push my lunch box closer to her.
"There you go, have another one..."
"Don't mind if I do."
"...if you tell me when you started noticing I was, well, not normal. I thought I put up a good show for everyone."
Using my fingers to grab the lunch box, I pulled it back at the right moment. Her chopsticks then miss the bacon and hit the table.
She was startled.
"Please have another piece."
"Fine. The time is really vague but I think it should be last year or something. You did give me an impression of being a normal person. You got average looks, average scores, average relationships. The image was strong, really strong."
"Then how did you find out."
"You tried to change that. You went out of the safety box. I think you wanted to achieve something different, right? Anyway, after that, everything got better for you. It still did not pay much attention to you at this point. But what you did next, gave me a hint."
"I went back to being normal again?"
Says the bacon person. She bites into the meat like a kid eating candy.
"So it was because I slipped off."
She puts up her other hand signaling me to stop.
"Naut eally." (Not really) *gulp* "Still, there was no evidence that we were the same kind. Your action was only a hint. The rest was thanks to my...um...investigation."
"Investigation?" Did she hire someone to check up on me? The dedication of this girl.
"Yeah I kinda followed you a few times."
"You what?!"
"Don't get mad. I just got my admitted to the same cram school that you were going to and followed you home a couple times."
"I don't know what to say."
With one hand still being interlocked with her fingers, I use the other to cover my face.
"Then don't. Just know that what I did was to find out more about you. So I had good intentions."
I stay still for a second.
"What about the roof top?"
"That was a real coincident. I was in the neiborhood with my parents. And then I saw you. So I followed your steps."
"Did you really want to jump?"
I try to keep my voice as calm as possible. But there is already something dark rising inside of me.
Right now, the biggest, most important thing in my mind, is whether or not she used her life to threaten me and to put me in her grasp.
If that was the case, then I will end this so called Relationship without any remorse.
The Girl probably senses my resolution. She probably brought this up, knowing things can progress into a bad situation. However, she still did it.
The Girl turns her entire body towards me, looks straight into my eyes with a look of determination.
She says only one word.
"Thank you. I am really glad."
I can see tears building up on her eyelids at this point.
The Girl continues while holding back her voice. She tries not to make any sobbing sound, and that makes her voice a little coarse.
"I am truly sorry for deceiving you like this. I just didn't know how to get things going. When I thought about you jumping, my mind went all black. The fact that you asked me out knowing nothing about me and calling beautiful for someone so horrible like me is nothing but bliss. You are my true savior. You helped me in creating an ego of my own, even though it is so pity and small. Because of that, I like you. Please go out with me."
After that, she prostrates. Tears are flowing out uncontrollably.
I just can't believe this girl. She really had me cornered. Her methods are really tough on herself but also very effective.
Feelings have been building up inside my body since the time I laid my eyes on her. I felt mad, I felt relieve, I felt joy, for the first time of my life. Feelings for someone, feelings for my own.
I also got an ego, thanks to The Girl. It is also small and pity, because it depends solely on her mercy.
If she is gone, it would be shattered to pieces.
I do not care about that. I only want to be with her.
And so, I also get on my knees.
"Please take care of me from now on."
"Please take care of me from now on."
I lift her up and give her a big hug while her tears keep drenching my uniform.
Parmesan: Hey guys. It's P. So this is my first take on problem & problem solving. What do you guys think?
And one more thing. I am thinking about yandereS.
Good night. It's 3AM now.