There is only one word that I can use to describe the dinner.
It was DIVINE!
All the meals were incredibly delicious and well made. The presentation of the dishes was no less than pieces of art.
Just by looking, I could tell that the meals were prepared by high class chefs. Honestly, if I were not abducted here today, there would have been no way for me to experience a dinner to that caliber.
Yet there was something strange about it.
While the three of us were having the same thing, there was a side dish that was prepared only for me.
I was skeptical. Of course I worried about being poisoned.
However, at that point, I did not care anymore. Dying did not seem to be that bad after all that had happened.
It was instructed personally by the Butler to eat the meal in a specific way. Throughout the process, his face kept a wide grin.
"This, Young Master, is something regarded as performance enhancement. You will have more strength after consuming this." He said.
"You will feel the effect later." He said.
I guess that was a scheme. They must have put a special ingredient or something into it.
The two girls did not utter a word. Not even when I was communicating with them telepathically.
Everyone knew something I did not. They tried to keep some information away from me. That fact bothered me a little.
After dinner, we were led to The Class Rep's bedroom.
"I'm so nervous! This is the first time I invite anyone to my room! But I guess it is my dear husband, after all. I'm also a bit happy knowing that you will see the true me." The princess blushed.
I did not reply to her.
"Ahn! Cold!" She moans.
What a weird person. I thought.
I turned to my girlfriend to find some kind of agreement. But I was wrong.
My girlfriend looked at The Class Rep like looking at someone similar to her.
She noticed my gaze but then looked a way immediately.
I sighed. In a way, they were similar. They both wanted me to take notice of their true personalities, no matter how disturbing they were.
I just could not abandon my girlfriend, and I have no power to opose the princess at the moment.
I had to accept it.
Haaaaah. Again, I sighed and continued walking.
The moment I stepped my foot into the room, my eyes were filled with an unhealthy amount of pictures and photographs.
Pictures and photopraphs of me.
Covered the walls were my images in different angles and activities.
On the King size bed, pillows with my face on it were all over the place.
Even more so, the ceiling is a gigantic drawing of me in my expressionless face.
"You like that?! I did it myself, you know?" Looking at me proudly, the princess claimed. "I decorated every corner of my bedroom with your presence so that I could always be basking in your gaze. Don't you find it lovely? Or do you feel disgusted? Tell me, dear husband? How does this make you feel."
"It is making me sick." I felt nauseous.
"OH YES DARLING!! Fufu. That's the stuff. Despise me! Look down on me!" The princess's eyes then turned into the heart shape again.
My girlfriend looked around the room without saying anything. I wondered what she was thinking about when seeing something this sickening.
She made a small nod as if she understood something.
"I like the painting, class rep."
"Please do not encourage this." I thought to myself.
The Class Rep seemed a little suprised.
"You do have an eye for fine art, huh. I guess I underestimated you."
"If I can make a suggestion?"
"Go for it. I would love to have comments. No one dared saying anything about my hobby anyway. You and I have a special bond, so I give you permission."
"Why don't we tweak a little bit of the images to a different tone of color and then organize them to create a big portrait of boyfriend?"
"Fascinating!! Why haven't I thought of that?! You are maybe ug....not as good looking as me, but you do have a good head on your shoulders. How about you help me with it? I will also help you with your appearance. The braces need to go, first. No one uses them anymore."
"I would do it without any kind of rewards. I just want to do it for him."
"Nevertheless, we will make you look better. You have to improve yourself if you want to stand by husband's side." The princess disregarded The Girl.
"Then I thank you for your generosity."
"Hmph. Naturally."
I was left out.
No words could reach those two anymore.
My future was so grim in my mind.
We then spent some time in the princess's bedroom.
Let me rephrase that.
The girls spent some time in the bedroom while I stood still like a statue.
I could not understand their views of art.
They kept on discussing the placement and adjustment of the images in an academic manner. Rather than two girls talking it was closer to two scholars debating.
Very uncanny.
Seeing them in the heat of such a conversation, I had nothing to do other than practicing my newfound ability.
Right now, I am closing my eyes and walking around.
Putting my concentration on the surrounding, an image of me standing in the middle of the room and the 360 degree around me appears. Putting me as the center, a sphere of vision surrounds me. The image is not much different from viewing a character in third-person.
There is a limit to the volume of vision that I can currently see, though. The radius of the sphere is about 20ft (6m).
Also, if I focus hard enough, I can 'see' through objects. I can 'see' through my girlfriend's clothes.
"Hey! What are you doing?! Don't act like a pervert!" She yells at me.
"Sorry, just testing something."
"Husband, you can look at my body anytime you want. How about I give you a striptease?" The Class Rep seductively says.
"I refuse."
"Hnnngh!!!!" She twitches in ectasy.
Where is the dignify class rep that I know of?
What is this abomination as a person?
But suddenly, she stops shivering.
"Ah? Oh. Mama is back. Let's go greet her!"
"How did you know?"
She says nothing, just points to her head.
Intuition? Is this what this is? Or does she have some other abilities?
"Let's go!!" She grabs my hand and pulls me outside. I hold back.
"We need to get my girlfriend, too."
"Okay. Okay. Sheesh!"
I shorten my distance and hold the hand of The Girl.
"No matter circumstances, I will take care of you."
"I know."
She smiles. It is heartwarmingly beautiful.
"Come on!! That can wait for tonight! Mama is waiting for us!"
We proceed to exit the room, closing the door behind us.
After a few minutes, we have reached the front door.
"So this is where the front door is." I take notes of its location.
There are maids on both sides of the huge front door, waiting for their master to come back.
I guess someone must have called to inform them of her arrival.
The mother of the creature known as The Class Rep.
What kind of mother could have raised such a twisted daughter?
Inside my mind, I draw out the possibilities of what kind of person the mother could be. Then I realize there is no way a normal person could have created The Class Rep.
There is a high possibility that her mother is also insane.
I stand with the two girls, waiting to meet the mother.
"After this, you're going to let us go right?" I ask a question to kill time.
"It is 9PM already! You should stay the night. We have contacted your households and have gained the permissions from your parents. Don't worry. You two can stay in the mantion with me tonight and we will go back to school tomorrow. Then you can decide whether or not to stay here with me..." She makes a wink. "...or to return." She makes a sad face.
I do not response to her shenanigans. At least we are not being held prisoners. That is one good news. Looking at my girlfriend, she also sighs in relief.
The Class Rep continues.
"Starting tomorrow, we will spend time at school like a couple! Yayyyyy!" She stops for a second and pouts. "I was REALLY envious with her on the day you made the scene infront of the school gate, you know."
"So envious that I could MURDER someone, haha! I almost ordered a total wipe out. Fufufu. But now that we three are connected, I don't need to feel like that anymore."
I almost got my girlfriend killed.
Not only that, her entire family would have been murdered as well.
Sensing negative thoughts once more coming out of me, my girlfriend says.
"I was happy. I had no regrets. If I were to die, I would have passed on without care."
I am lucky to have her by my side.
"Hey! Don't be like that, husband. I didn't do it, right? I thought of you a lot so it was fine to be a bit posessive. Everything worked out in the end, don't you think."
"I have nothing for you."
The Boy can hear the sounds of a car closing in.
It should be in front of the door right at this moment.
The Butler opens the door, moves to his right and makes a bow.
At the same time, the maids, who have been waiting on the left and right, also make a deep bow.
Everyone then says their greetings at the same time. They are perferctly synchronized like a choir.
"Welcome home, My Lord."
My Lord?
That should be addressed to a man.
Clop. Clop. Clop.
From the outside, a woman in her high heels slowly makes her way in.
She is wearing an outfit that is similar to a normal researcher, but her charm is unavoidable. The plain clothes could not hide her succubus-like body shale.
The mother's appearance stunned the The Boy and The Girl.
She is a world class beauty, no doubt about that.
But the reason why they were stunned is because of the similarities between the mother and her daughter.
They are like twins, but one is older.
"I'm homeeeeeee sweeties!!!!" The Mother sings. Her voice is as soothing as music.
She looks at the only boy in the mansion.
"I'm home. Dear husband."
The succubus licks her full red lips.