What did she just say? Are you joking with me?
I look around after hearing "Dear husband." The Class Rep looks at me, smiling. As if she did not hear such disturbing words. She does not even look a little fazed.
The maids and The Butler are still bowing. There is no weird expression on their faces. They have been maintaining a calm and collected atmosphere since the arrival of The Mother.
There is only one person that has the same thought as me. And that is my girlfriend. I can see the confusion in her eyes.
What is up with these people?
How are they acting like everything is normal?
Is this how it is in this mansion?
"Don't be suprised, dear husband. All will be revealed tonight! Now, let's go to the living room! Chop chop!"
The Mother looks at me with her lusty eyes. The pupils are heart shaped.
I have seen those eyes before. Those are exactly how the princess looked when she was on top of me. Those are the eyes of an insane person.
It feels like there is another but more mature class rep attacking me.
This is disgusting. What is she thinking? Am I thinking straight? Is it really what I think it is?
Is the value and moral of the world just something you could throw away?
I was apathetic, not stupid. What is right, what is wrong, they were crystal clear to me. That was how I was able to keep a fake mask on my face everyday to deal with everyone. The fact that I could fit in rather than being tossed away by this cruel society proved that my thoughts on the intergrity of mankind were correct.
But now, I am not so sure anymore. The way The Mother acts, the way she looks at me.
It gives me the creep.
I look at the door, and I look at The Girl. My mind is contemplating a plan.
If we run now, we can escape this hell hole. Freedom is just behind that brown wooden door. It is not far, just a few steps.
I could just talk to The Girl telepathically, tell her to run with me. We could just sprint out, leaving everything hear. All the wickedness that was present can be thrown away if we act now.
Who am I kidding.
Escape? No chance. How on earth are we going to escape with this amount of people?
If they have maids and a butler, they should be able to afford top notch securtity systems. Body guards could be lurking in dark corners of the mansion, electric fences could be wired around the vicinity, all of those new AI system that can manage a city could also be watching my every move right now.
Not to mention The Class Rep is someone who can order others to take away lives at an instant. I am not afraid of death. But what about my family? What if the princess gets mad from us escaping, and then uses our families to threaten us?
How are we going to live after we escape? Are we going to keep on hiding?
I know that our daily 'normal' days are over. Yet I keep clinging on to some kind of illusion that things will return.
I do not want anyone to suffer because of me.
Time to stop.
I am not that important.
After all, The Girl got in this mess because of me. I was the sole reason for why she was also here in the first place.
If I could erase my existence without a trace, eliminating the memories and knowledge of others about me, I would do it. No one would ever remember me, and I would be able to die without regret.
I look at the door one more time and stop thinking about trying to escape.
The chances for success is minimal anyway.
Our destination is the living room.
It is the big and formal room right in the middle of the house.
With first glance, the style of the room also revolves around a similar theme of modern and futuristic. It is simple, yet elegant.
We quickly find a sit. I choose to sit on the left side of my girlfriend, while the princess sits with her mother. Good ridance.
"Now then, I guess we owe you two an explanation!" Lying on the white sofa infront of us, The Mother says. "Please, excuse my mannerism, dear husband!"
"I don't care." I reply.
"See, Mama? Can you feel his cold gaze? Can you now understand his attraction? Oh, husband is just so, violent to us!" The Class Rep squirms.
"I see. Very attractive, if I do say so myself." The Mother acts calm, but I can see her body trembling a little.
I am utterly disturbed. Nauseous feelings keep building up in my stomach. How can a mother say that to her daughter's self-appointed husband?
"Ehem." She clears her throat, trying to compose herself. "The first thing I would like to say to you..."
I know that it is going to be something straight out of an insane person, so I brace myself. However, I wish for it to be something cliche such as "Don't talk to my daughter or my family ever again." I would stand up, bow, say my words of appreciation and walk out, never to return.
The percentage for something so ridiculous at this stage is so obviously low that even the thought made me feel like I was losing my mind.
Before these last few days, I have never hoped or wished for anything. Since things to me were natural and logical, I did not feel the need for superstitous thoughts like 'wish' and 'hope'.
Until I got hit in the face by reality. There are forces on this world that you cannot fight back. There is no logic in that. You just have to accept your fate and move on.
"...I am not married."
The Mother shows her ring finger. There is nothing on it. Not even a ring mark.
"Why are you telling me this? I don't think it's important. Please only tell me valuable information from now on."
The mother and daughter pair twitches.
What the is going on?
"Huband, dear husband! We will not keep you away from anything. Just be a little patient. We need to talk for quite a long while, too." They both say the same thing at the exact same time.
"You see, we are one." They point at each other while.
Kill me. Anyone. Please. This is madness.
"We are not trying to fool you, dear! We are indeed one. We share the same consciousness!"
"If you are not talking serious, please let us go!"
"Still not believing us, huh. How about we show it to you?"
"No, thanks."
"Gu... Such rude remarks!" They tremble. "We can show it with an easy test. Please, we will now cover out eyes with eye masks. Dear husband if you could just touch anyone of us at a specific point. The other will point a finger to the same location. How about that?"
I think about it for a few seconds. The premises seem fine. There are many factors like mental conditioning already implanted on me though. There is also a possibility that they are telling the truth. To be honest, after all the things that had happened today, I do not think that sharing a same conscious is out of this world anymore.
"You can touch us ANYWHERE for how long you prefer!!!" The Class Rep says.
"Personally we would like to be touched here, here, and here." The Mother continues.
I want to refuse, honestly. I do not want to touch them. These perverts. I know that the test should not be harmful because they wanted me to do it, but I cannot get myself to do this twisted test willingly.
The only person left would be my girlfriend. I cannot let her do this. What if this is still another trap?
"I'll do it." My girlfriend says. I think she also understands why I did not want to do it. "But you'll have to do something for me later in return." She turns to me.
"I would die for you, dummy." I smile. "Thank you!"
The Girl looks away, her ears are slightly red.
"LOOK! MAMA! His smile!"
"Oh my!!!"
I stop smiling. I am not going to let these people enjoy anything that I can control.
The Girl stands up and walk towards The Mother.
They proceed to put on eye masks.
"Go ahead." Together, they say.
Thus, my girlfriend first touches the right arm of the princess.
At the same time, The Mother says: "Right arm, bicep."
Next, she touches the nose of The Mother.
The princess says: "Nose."
I send The Girl a telepathic message.
"Do the same location on the both of them?"
"I think so too." She nods at me. Her eyes light up a sadistic look.
Stands back a little, my girlfriend charges at the most private parts of the other two people.
"Guuuhh. Wha...??!!!" They scream at the same time and fall on to the floor.
"Where was it?" I ask them.
"Here!" They spread they legs at the same time. None are wearing panties.
Immediately, I move my gaze. I accidentally meet my girlfriend's glare. Those dark, abyss like pupils are probably going to kill me one day.
"I did not tell you to touch them there." I try to explain myself.
"Should I just pluck your eyes out?" She comes closer. "I will scoop your eyes out. Feed them to you so you remember not to do something like that in the future. How about that?"
The correct thing to do now is to apologize.
"I am sorry. It will not happen again." I protrate myself.
My hope that my lifespan is not so long. Maybe next year will be the end of it.
"Stop it!" The mother and daughter say. Again, at the same time, with the same tone and attitude.
"Do not scare husband!"
"Hmph." My girlfriend stays silent. Did something happen to both of them?
"So, do you believe us now? Dear husband?" Then, they turn to me.
"Not 100%. I do think you have a connection. Not the consciousness thing."
"Well. At least you know we are almost one. That is good enough for us! Do you feel happy? You have another wife now!! Another beautiful, cute, loveable wife." The Mother says.
I keep quiet. That should be the best strategy right now.
"Oh!! That poker face of yours!! It keeps driving us crazy!!" The two say.
They have no weakness. They find pleasure in whatever I do. There must be many screws loose in their heads.
"You know, when we made love. Mama was feeling it too. Technically, you were making love with the two of us at the same time." The princess whispers to my ears.
I can feel my friend reacts to that.
"How about we do that again, with Mama's real body this time?" Then comes the succubus's voice.
I cannot withstand this any longer. I need a distraction or else I am going to lose control.
"Please explain why you abducted me!"
"Mu. Not fun."
"Fufu. It's fine, daughter. We need to explain that to him anyway."