"You see, dear husband, Mama gave birth to me after the pandemic. But she did not mate with anyone. Being the Genius she was, she did not see a man who was worthy enough for her." The Class Rep sits down and starts explaining about herself.
"That was when she got a genius idea! Eureka!"
The Mother then continues the conversation.
"Why not cloning myself and see what would happen next?!"
"Thus, I was born!" It returns to the princess.
Confused, I interupt them.
"Why would you want to have a child if you did not find a suitable partner? Isn't that just really irresponsible for the both of you?"
"He cares about us!!" The two clasp their hands together happily. "My dear husband, we need to correct your question. It is not why. It is WHY NOT? Why not clone myself, inject the baby and the mother with nanomachines to connect our consciousness together to live a life of two instead of just one?"
That is just a bunch of silly excuses, yet I cannot say anything. I do not have the rights to judge what she did or the needs to do it.
In my mind, the fact that she used her own body to do experimentation on was already crazy enough, giving birth to herself then doing something on that younger version of you was even worse. What a psycho!
"Scientifically, it was possible, you know? So I just went ahead and did it. It was not like I could ask someone to do it for me since the moral council would yell into my face whenever i bring that kind of topic up. A bunch of old snobs!! They ARE the one slowing down the evolution process of mankind!"
The Mother stops to drink and continues.
"I created the vaccine. Do you know that?"
"We all do. You are a celebrity."
"Nice! So the vaccine kinda did something to the body." For the first time ever, I see The Mother and The Class Rep being shy.
"Isn't that how vaccines are supposed to be?"
"Hah. Guess I have to come clean to our dear husband."
The Mother takes out an equipment that looks similar to a piece of glass, touches it and put it on the table.
"So you guys probably now how a virus works, right?"
We nod.
A holographic video then pops up. It shows the simulation of a virus from being outside of the cell to the last process which is making copies of itself.
"Okay. The vaccine put into the body the weakened version of the C virus from 18 years ago."
A virus comes into the body through the vaccine. The virus only floats around without any kind of movement.
"The thing is..."
A cell nearing the virus then incorporates it into the cytoplasm, dissolving the outer layer.
"...instead of destroying everything. The nucleus absorbed the virus into the genome."
The hologram continues, showing parts of the DNA makeup of the virus merging with the DNA of the cell.
"We call this The Merge. This was an unprecedented event in all of our human history."
I stay silent. There is not much to say. I do not have the knowledge to disprove or to agree with her.
"The Merge happened to a few only. It was an insignificant amount comparing to the threat of the world at the time so there was nothing to be done. After that, we developed newer version of the vaccine, so The Merge was no more. The generation who had The Merge was your parents, also me." The Mother points at herself.
Right now, when she is explaining everything in a calm and professional manner, I cannot help but comparing her to the first impression.
So she can be serious when she wants to.
I hope she stays like this, I hope THEY stay like this for good.
"Why are you staring at me like that!!? You're going to make me blush?" While I was looking at the two, they both noticed and squirms.
And I notice a deadly gaze.
"Ehem. The Merge really did nothing to harm the people who had it. At least after 18 years, we have found nothing. Their offsprings, however, are very peculiar."
The hologram then changes to a specific part of the cell.
"Dear husband, what is this?"
"Isn't this the mitochrondia?"
"Hurray!!! You got it. What do want for the prize? Money? Power? Or...us?" The Mother shows a devilish smile.
"Please continue!"
"Ahn! Yesh!....The mitochrondia is where the cell generates energy in the form called ATP. Let's not get too into it. Some thought that it was a bacterium came from outside the primal cell billion years ago."
"The Merge had a same mechanic, although it was with a virus."
Another holographic image appears.
This time, there is a big nucleus colored with a light purple in the middle and a ring of smaller spheres floating around.
"These are newly discovered. Well, not that new because we hid it from the general population! Hehe!" The Mother and her daughter try to act cute.
I close my eyes.
"Hmph!! These spheres around the nucleus are called Neomite. They are composed by the virus DNA attached on the human DNA. A human carries the Neomites is called Homo emovere. Only a few of these can survive with the Neomites in their body. The more they have, the harder it is for the baby to grow into an adult."
"These things create mutation inside the body to a great degree. Most would die because of cancer."
"That's where it's peculiar?"
"No. The ones that live would develope abnormal abilities. Your telepathy, her teleportation, her telekinesis. They are all thanks to these neomites! Isn't fascinating?"
So in my body are full of these little guys that can cause cancer.
I really wish I was among the dead right now.
"Why are you attracted to me?" I turn to the princess. "Please do not give me hafthearted answers such as my face or my actions or my care. Why are you obssessed with me?!"
She looks at The Mother. They both smile.
"Because we are compatible! Our genetics, they work on an astronomical level. Our children, our children's children will be unfathomable. That is why we need your seeds, dear husband!"
Then The Class Rep closes her distance to sit next to me.
"Mama was never attracted to someone before. She had always been working in the labs, so her lovelife was technically zero. She would have loved to relive her life, and so she created me as her daughter. Their marrige was actually a fun ceremony to create a foundation for me, your class rep. Father was never into Mama anyway."
She then touches my cheeks.
"Dear husband, you should know this. It is not because of your genes. We did not care about that at first. You were never our target. But whenever I looked at you, I just got so curious. Mama and I was both so curious about you. You kept a fake face on you all the time, but you blend in so nicely. When you were alone, you created an aura that felt like you were not coming from this world. You helped me because you thought it was normal. That was wrong. You helped me because yoy felt the need to do it. Normal people would not do the same thing!"
"Do you remember our first encounter? I almost fell down the stairs with the stack of paper? You picked them up for me, reorganized them, and just left. You did not even hear my invitation for a drink after that. And the second time when the pervert took a video of my undies? You helped me and returnes back to your stall right after. In your eyes, I have never been a special someone but you still helped me."
"You did not ask for reward, you did not do so to earn our love. You did it because it was a normal thing to do. Despite my efford coming close to you, you have never taken a notice."
"What are you not like other men? Why didn't you fawn over us like bees towards honey? Aren't we beautiful? Charming? Rich? Why didn't you pay attention to me? Why didn't you reply my invitation? Why did you choose her instead of me??"
"We have never felt so humiliated like that. It felt so good to be looked down upon. Your cold gaze, your cold words, your unloving actions towards us. They are so very addictive!! Thinking about them, we are already wet!!"
They keep getting more and more close to me. Their words started calm, but gradually became heavy and downright disturbing.
"Do you know what triggers the activation? Dear husband?"
"Feelings." I answer.
"As expected of our lover! It always starts with a spark of something inside our consciousness. Peopld who have the neomites inside will have a mental disability. It is simply genetic, not because of the environment. Doesn't matter the type. For you, dear husband, it is apathy. For me, it is megalomania. For her, it is inferiority complex. We all have a mental problem that voids us from a specific emotion spectrum. Once that void has been ignited, we will be able to control the ability."
"There is also one more thing." The Mother says.
"Because we share the same mind, the megalomania was actually from me, not my daughter. You can say it's hereditary to an extent. Fufu. By the way, when we have developed an emotion such as happiness..." She looks at me, then to The Girl. "...or disgust and shame, will ultimately become emotional dependant. What these people lack will only be fulfilled by that special someone."
"In layman terms, you created feelings to me and The Girl, we will be a bit,...too caring. Let's put it like that! The neomites work based on emotional hormones. When they are lacking those substenance, they will devour the cells and the body. Which means death by missing someone too much."
"So from now on, please don't ever leave us, dear husband!!!"