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The Walls

Homo emovere is the new race of human. And the three of them are three people from the new human race. That is a fact.

Furthermore, if what The Mother said was true, once they start staying away from each other, they would die.

This means that there is no way for The Boy to stay away from The Mother and The Class Rep permanently, as he has felt 'disgust' towards them. Leaving them would be taking away that spectrum of feelings as he has already attached it to the mother and daughter pair.

He does want to be with his girlfriend all the time, but not those two people. And now he has to be close to them?

What kind of ridiculous novel plot is this?

"There is more than one way to activate the void emotions. It really depends on the person and their mental illness." The Mother continues with her lecture. "For example, lately, there has been a serial killer. You guys should have been noticed by the school, right?"

"That person has a heavy case of necrophilia. In short, he rapes dead bodies."

Her face turns serious.

"According to our investigation, he is an 18 year-old kid just like you guys. He lived a normal life, but he was never able to reach climax by masturbation alone. However, one time he went online and mistakenly clicked on an image of a dead female body. Then it dawned on him."

"The obssession started small and simple, he searched and searched on the web for material while pleasuring himself. Until one day he wanted a real taste. On one fateful night, he dug up a body in the city's cemetary. It was cold, foul, filled with maggots, but he achieved orgasm. Once he had tasted the real deal, he only wanted more."

"You guys should be careful. Especially You!" She points at The Girl.

"He likes women, dead women to be exact. And he prefers a warm dead body rather than a cold one. Bodies examined at the crime scenes showed no fighting or struggle present. So he probably killed them in one shot. His ability is similar to body strengthening and he's been using that a lot. All the male bodies were blown away like a canonball hit them. Currently, we are surveiling all the neighborhood so his activities are low. But be sure to take care of yourself!"

The Girl stays silent but keeps her head down. Her boyfriend takes her hand and put in on his lap.

"I'm here." He says, trying to comfort her.

She looks at him and nods happily.

"Don't you also worry about us, dear husband?!" The Class Rep pouts.

"..." Not one word was given.

*Twitches* The mother and daughter squirm. Truly a weird but lewd sight.

"How is he not arrested?" The Girl then asks.

"Think about your question! He can blow away an adult man into pieces without struggling! Unless you mobilize a special force with shields, it will only be another bloodbath!"

"Don't talk to her like that!" The Boy yells.

"Yes!! Anyway, we know who he is, so keep an eye out for this person."

The Hologram changes into someone they both does not recognize.

"If you see him, run! Call me! We will send help ASAP! For this guy, you better use something like a gun! If you can't, then just run away from him."

"How is he so powerful?" Asks The Girl.

"He has been indulging in his fetish too much and has been constantly using his powers. It's similar to using a muscle. The more you use it, the better your body can handle the ability. It is also based on the nature of the perks, too. Right now, we are dividing the system into 2 categories: Modifier and Psychic." The Class Rep answers.

The hologram changes to an image of the bones and muscles inside the body. The bones quickly changes its color to something darker and the muscle fibers increases drastically.

"The basic difference between the two is how we use it. To simplify everything, if you can alter your body to do something, either strengthening your bone mass and muscle mass for a short time or changing your entire body structure, that is the physical nature called Modifier. These people have more access to their power at first so they are really strong in the beginning."

The hologram projector then slowly lifts up from the table.

"And then, you have us. We are psychic. People who uses their brain capability more than their muscles. We can use brainwaves to communicate telepathically, telekinesis, and in the case of her, teleport. The real science behind all of these are still very difficult for us to explain, so we are still study this. The best answer we can give you is 'Information'."

The Boy looks puzzled.


"Yes. We are alterating the nature of others by sending information from our brains, and forcing the particles components to change. Rather than doing that in a particle scale with photons and neutrons, we are doing it in a larger scale with items and our bodies." By the end of the word 'bodies', The Class Rep is already leaning on to the only man present while her mother looks intensively.

Being stabbed with glares from The Girl, he pushes the princess up. His actions only causes her to go a bit wilder.

"Modifiers and Psychics are 2 types of ability users and we although the nature of the two are hugely different, the way to make ourselves more powerful is similar. That is to practice!" The Mother steals her daughter spotlight of the conversation.

"So from now on, you two should live with us. We need to train you for what is to come and to protect yourselves! The world is dangerous out there with users with different agendas. The serial killer is just a pervert that has gone rogue. We have many enemies on the out side! And probably, up there!" She looks to a direction.

"You mean, outside of the walls?"

"Yes, outside of the walls, and outside of our world!"

"Are we dealing with aliens now?!"

"Dear husband, that question is now far too early for you! You just need to improve your strength first..." She changes her voice to a seductive one. "...and give us, especially my daughter, a few babies!"

"What is outside of the walls?" The Boy interupts her.

"Muuu." The both of them pouts. "The walls were built after the near-extinction event to seperate us away from the rest of the world. With so many people died, there was no way we could rebuild all of that in time. That was why every countries are now living inside walls. At least, that is what you must have heard from the government, yes?"

The Boy stays quiet.

The Mother continues.

"Those words were not incorrect. They just did not tell us the full story. Have you ever been to the edge of the walls, dear husband?"

"I have been there once through a school trip."

The Walls are tall, 5 storey building high structure that stays on the edge of each city. It is generally made of reinforced concreate and painted a whitish grey color. Guards wearing thick armor and holding guns are always visible on the walls, constantly looking down on both side of the walls to keep watch.

Even on the school trip, they only got close to it and observed it from afar. Civilians could not go near a specific area round the walls. It has become a bit of a sight seeing location because of the location and the security.

"Then have you ever though why there must be guards with weapons over there, on the walls ?They are there everyday and all the time, for your information. Are they really keeping us away from wild animals?"

He stops and thinks for a while.

"The guns are not there to deal with the animals, but they are there to kill. They are there to eliminate those who are trying to go out without permission and the twisted ones who are trying to go in."

"What are you talking about?"

"Dear husband. The remnants of the old world are still out there, outside of the walls. The virus still lives. It is only eradicated here. Those pregnant women who were about to die 18 years ago somehow managed to give birth, had created extreme deformated babies infected with the virus. The mutated nature of the C virus has given those babies powers of the Modifiers. And not just humans. Animals too."

"So we are now dealing with mutated humans and animals?"

"Not us, not yet. But in short, you're correct, dear husband!"

"This is too much information for one day. It all makes sense but...it just feels so sureal! The C virus, the new humans, the abilities and now this?" He holds his head with both of his hands.

"Then how about we go to bed...together?! We will help you...relief your discomfort!" The mother and daughter say at the exact same time.

"Please no!"

"Hey, let's sleep together!" The Girl says to him while looking away.

"You too??!!"

"Hah, let's have a fun night!!" The psycho pair yells.

Later that night.

The Boy is now on a bed in a guess bedroom.

The inside of his room looks like the exact replica of his room at home, just bigger.

It is now 11PM, and he is trying to sleep. Before going in, he has made sure to lock the door many times. However, he knows by heart that it would not make any difference.

This is their mansion. Locking a door inside the owner's mansion does not sound safe.

He feels tired after a long day, but tries to keep himself awake. The moment his eyes close would be the moment they attack him.

The clock keeps ticking, but there has been no movement from anyone.

Still, he maintains his focus. He does not trust the other two. He has been using his ability to check the outside of the door, and has seen no one but a maid.

But then, gas starts leaking in the room.


He passes out soon after.