There are two things on the next day that cause quite a stir.
But before we get into that, let's talk about some school rules.
The school is a normal highchool in the region. It is not something too prestigious, but it is also not a school for deliquents that you would see in an anime.
In fact, the school has had a good reputation for the number of students who could go to big and famous universities such as the national university of medicine, or the national university of law. Thanks to this, parents in the neighborhood have forced their children to try and attend this school. Even to the extent of sending them to cram school every night.
Be it famous as it is, for the most part, the school's discipline system is just as anywhere else. "Respect your elders, respects your teachers,..." Things like that.
It only has two additional rules that has been applied since the founding of the school.
First, no vehicles allowed infront of the school gate except normal bicycles. This applies to electric bicycles as well.
Second, love is allowed inside the school only if the students behave in a mature way. This means no kissing, no hugging, no 'physical activities' at school. Uncensored hand holding is allowed.
The first rule was applied due to the worries of parents about accidents. Also, poor income students when seeing a car might be self-conscious about their conditions and develop mental issues. Having almost every students coming to school on foot would put them on an equal stand. At least that was what the founders hoped.
The second rule was applied due to the low birthrate and the dwindling number of the human race in total. At this point, the world population is about 3.5 billion, only about half of 18 years ago. The number has been increasing, but the rate is not nearly enough to reclaim the world behind the walls.
Thus, the governments around the globe has decided to let love roam freely, boosting the number of children. The campaign worked, it still is. Thanks to that, couples are free to express their love to a certain degree on the school campus.
In the morning of the next day, students are stunned.
A long, black and shiny limousine was parked right infront of the school gate.
Something that the students would only see in movies are now there right before their eyes. Some are fascinated by it and take there smartphones out to take a picture. A student who is probably an influencer even streamed the whole thing as she was going to school.
"Wa!! What is this? This limousine is so cool!!" She talks on her phone to her fans.
Some students are disturbed by the car. They frown their eyebrows and sneer at the car for being "flashy" and "arrogant", which is completely understandable.
However, what all of them is thinking about the most, is the person inside the car. Whether or not they are a student going to school not knowing the school rules, or they are an adult here for some kind of business.
Gazes are directed at the black limousine, eager to learn the identity of the master of the vehicle.
The door opens with a soft click, and a goddess comes out.
It is someone that everyone knows. She is a princess of a world-wide company, the heir of an empire. She is the beautiful, dignify, Class Rep.
But the introduction process did not end there.
While she was trying to walk out of the car, the people around her see another person.
A plain guy.
There was nothing special about him.
Well, maybe he looks a bit cool with the expressionless face, but that is about it.
No compliments can be given to his appearance more than that.
The thing that suprises them is that his hand is being held by her hand.
The princess is trying to do the uncersored hand holding in public with that plain guy.
As far as they know, no one has ever gotten that close to the princess before. Some did try to approuch her, though. Only those with a family to a certain caliber can talk to her like equal. The rest of the boys usually can only think of her as an interest.
Pathetic, they know. But they would never see themselves as someone who can provide for her in a relationship.
Not that she cares about them. The princess does not care about anyone other than herself.
Her megalomania, is something a bit disturbing. She believes she is on top of the whole world. She believes The Mother to be smarter than anyone. She thinks with her power, anything can be achieved.
She is the best. Everyone else should bow down on their knees for her. The way the people around her act is only fueling that gigantic ego of her.
She has never tasted the feeling of being looked down upon. And when she did receive it from The Boy, it just worked.
The taste of humiliation sets fire to her body. She wants pain, she wants to be choked, she wants to be stepped on.
The more people think of her as a goddess, the more she wants to be a slave by him. The princess thinks about what she would do to him tonight.
Soon after The Boy gets out of the car, the people around them are once more shocked.
"Isn't that?"
"That's her!"
"I heard that she was in a relationship yesterday. So it is this guy, huh."
"Wait, if he is holding her hand and the princess is holding his hand, what is their relationship?"
"I don't know?! What do you think?"
"Not a couple. For sure!"
"Of course it's not a couple, dumbass! There are 3 people."
"So it's a triple?"
"Wait, maybe they are not in a relationship. The plain guy and foul mouth girl probably. The princess probably was just picking them up. Ah! What a kind soul she is!"
"Ye...Yes of course!! There is no way the princess is going out with someone like that! She has received letters of admiration from real handsome guys before!"
The lies and deceptions these people put on themselves just to even their mind are simply ludicrous. Rather than accepting the truth, the try to find roundabouts to make ammends of their true envy.
And for the girlfriend, she has never had such strong gazes before.
In the past, whenever she was coming to school. She would not meet anyone's eyes. Actually, they would not look at her in the eyes because they felt intimidated.
When asked something, she would give her true and honest feelings. People did not like that so much. In the end, she was left alone in her small isolation bubble.
She does not like being looked at so intensely like that.
They have only been a couple for two days, and on the next day, someone else has already intervened in a way that both of them could not help it.
She really wishes to kill The Class Rep. In her heart of hears, she really does.
The Girl now knows what she can do. She knows that she can use teleportation even though it is really limited to once per day. So many times the girlfriend has thought about plunging a knife into the chest of The Class Rep, tearing out her limbs and ripping out her womb for the sins of receiving his seeds.
The Girl would do that, and force The Mother to eat her clone's flesh.
But she decided to stop. She would try to live with this person together along side with him.
Last night, when The Girl regained her consciousness, she was in a good position. The man she loved was sleeping next to her, his sleeping face was so peaceful, so cute. His scent was so mesmerizing that put her into a trance. She caressed his face while smiling happily. 'Happiness', the feeling that tied her to him...
And the mother and daughter pair was also near by. In that moment, she could have choked the life out of those two whores. She could have break something in the room to stab their eyes. And then she would wake him up, show him the aftermath, and once again they would make love on the corpses to celebrate. She would let him do it inside her as many times as he wanted to. Because prior there was someone else aiming for his seeds. She knew how important they were to her, and she spat on her old self for telling him she did not want his children at that time.
They were her seeds. They should have been her children. Every single drop of him should have been inside her, not someone else's.
She did not notice how her face was like.
If The Boy had woken up, he would have seen a face of pure darkness. The Girl's eyes were hollowed and she had an insidious grin, her body trembling under the excitement of murder.
There was almost another spark of emotion. She was so close to commit not a crime, tying herself with the pleasure of the hunt. Once she has had a taste, she would never be able to go back like the serial killer out there, who was roaming the night to satisfy his taboo needs.
If everything The Mother said was true, then The Boy's life is already tied to her and her disgusting daughter through 'disgust' and to The Girl by 'hope'. She would never want him to be hurt, let alone dying. Thinking about those sad things, her body trembles.
Her boyfriend notices her discomfort, and stands infront of her. His back feels so big.
This morning, when they were told to use the car, they refused. Too much commotion would be on them if they did so.
"What about the killer?"
Just one sentence from The Mother, and he had to obey. She really knew how to keep him under her control. Actualy, everything has been under her control. From the vaccine 18 years ago to today.
It is obvious that The Boy cannot even protect himself at this point. He has told his girlfriend that he would be there for her. To do that, he will at least need to learn to defend himself.
Martial arts, yes.
And he would like to study his abilities, as well.