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The Love Triangle

When the school bell rang to inform all that lunch time was coming, The Class Rep was still busy with her work.

As the class representative, it was not uncommon that she had to do many things for the teachers. Those small tasks were usually simple like gathering homework papers and distributing new study materials.

No matter how small the tasks were, she would always do her best. Which was why sometimes it could take quite a while for her until when she could have her own private time to herself.

In the past, she just went and had lunch in her private room prepared by The Mother. Her family did contribute a lot into the founding of the school, afterall. A private place in the school just for the princess was always available thanks to all of the donation her family made. In that room, there was a chef who specifically made food just for her with ingredients and techniques that one could only dream of.

Since her attention was shifted to The Boy, she had been secretly following him to lunch. Not that he paid any notice. And the special room was more or less abandoned.

After finding where he was sitting, the princess would then sit far away to keep him in check and had her lunch at the same time.

At first, she was sending all kinds of invitation for lunch, which thankfully did not cause any stir since he was always sitting alone. The Boy never accepted any thing that she recommended. Even when she suggested just to sit next to him, he would then try to finish his lunch as fast as he could and returned back to class.

He was putting on a nice smile and a friendly attitude towards her like a 'normal' person would do. Then he would take it off the moment he walked away.

He helped her twice, and never asked for anything in return. And when she tried to get him something, he would decline. In the beginning, she did not feel anything too strong towards him. It was simply curiosity. As time went by, the curiosity turned into something like a need.

She was confident she could get anything, and anyone. With the genes of someone who was called The Genius, she must be able to get his heart. She really believed that she was the top of the top, and The Boy would sooner or later obey just like everybody else.

One day, he would also call her his goddess.

However, The Class Rep, with all her perfect aspects, could not get him to open up even once. His true feelings were always out of reach. And that made her more and more intrigued. She was a spoiled princess who did not get what she wanted. It only made things worse when there was a connection between him and her that was made when he helped her.

From trying to find out how he really was, her interest started to become more and more posessive. As her feelings for him grew, the desire to take of his facade and for him to look at her with his true face was also growing.

For someone who could afford everything, The Boy was the only one thing that she could not have. It was a completely new feeling to her. She felt envious.

She started taking images of him in as many angle as possible. She would skim and scan at the location he was sitting on for hairs and fallen items. She would create a shrine for him at home. Every morning, she would see him rare expressionless face. That made her full, but also made it more uncontrollable when she was looking at him.

To the point that she would 'borrow' his blood sample when he got sick in a hospital. And that was when she found out that he was someone similar.

She had always had a feeling that he was stranger than anyone else. But never did she think he was also like her.

There was something about the genetics of the Homo emovere. The presence of male was always less than female. Much less. The male to female ratio was only 1/5.

Which made her doubt he was also like her. Nevertheless, after getting the sample, she immediately went to the lab with The Mother, and they tested it with theirs.

It was compatible in many ways. Their offsprings would be even more developed. The key to evolution, to a completely new species, a species that inhuman, was in his body.

The Mother, and her daughter, wanted him. Their love, their obsession, was not just his feelings anymore. It was his entire existence that they wanted.

A plan was made.

If they could not get him to open up, they would need to make him feel something else. As long as they could get The Boy. No method was too much.

They succeeded.

Today, it was a special day. It was the first day after their success in capturing his attention. So The Class Rep really wanted to spend her lunch time with The Boy.

By the time that she had finished her class rep assignment, The Boy was already gone, along with The Girl.

She was not happy about that.

In the morning, they were on the same ride without any lunch boxes. If they were running anywhere, the first place for The Class Rep to look for them was the school cafeteria.

And she was right.

Sitting in the corner, they were right next to each other, laughing, giggling, blushing.

She walked towards them stealthily.

Then, from behind him, she reached out her hand and grabbed the cone bread that The Boy was about to bite into.

Suprised, he turned backwards to see the princess holding his favourite meal.

For some reason, her eyes were fierced. Deep, dark swirls covered the entire pupils. She was also smiling. There was no happiness in that smile, though.

"Having fun!? Dear husband?" Her voice sounded normal, too normal to be exact.

People started paying attention to the three. Some people had already begun whispering.

"Yes, we WERE having fun. Until a couple seconds ago."

The Boy coldly replied.

His answered not only did not make her feel discourage, but it also made her breath a little more rapid.

"Mind if I join you?" She requested.

Sensing the crowd putting their attention to his area, The Boy sighed.

"Please sit."

The more he rejected her, the more she would feel delighted, and the more people would notice them.

Currently, allowing the princess to join them was the best decision.

"So, this is what we are having today?"

"It is. Sorry if it's not up to your standard."

"Oh, dear husband! There is no way your choice wouldn't be good. Even if it did, I would still say that it was good! That's how much I love you!!" She dropped a bomb.

Quite a number of students heard the "I love you" part. The curiosity slowly spreaded through the whole area.

"Are they serious?"

"I mean...Didn't you hear she just said that she love him?"

"But isn't he already in a relationship?"

"I don't know. Are they having a three-way?"

"No way!! It's the princess we're talking about! Do you like to have a third person in your love life?"

"If it's the princess, then yes."

"You freaking horndog!"

The Boy heard all the whispers, and he was a bit annoyed.

He would have preferred The Class Rep to leave both of them alone, even if it was for just a couple minutes.

The person of interest seemed to pay no mind to what she had done. Again, The Boy sighed. His normal days were over, he thought to himself.

The Boy turned to his girlfriend.

"Let's continue our lunch. She has my bread, can I take a bite of yours?"

"Sure. Go ahead. If you don't mind my saliva." The Girl nodded.

"What do you mean your saliva? After everything? All the things we did?" He said.

"Just eat it!" She shoved the bread into his mouth.

However, by the time The Boy was about to make the bite, the bread magically moved backwards.

"What? How? Did you do that?" He was suprised.

"No, I didn't! I wanted you to have it!" She denied.

"Then, was it you!?" The Boy looked at The Class Rep.

"It was me. You can have it after my first bite. This cone bread is yours, afterall." She said.

"No, you can have it. I don't want it anymore."

The princess breath became a bit heavier. She was enjoying his responses.

She took a big bite, and put it right infront of his face.

"Yes, you do, dear husband! It's really good! Here!"

No matter how he fought back, his head moved on its own. Once he got close enough to the bread, his mouth opened and he bit the exact same place that The Class Rep just did. There was no doubt that she was controlling him.

"See? Delicious!" She happily said. Her eyes sparkled.

"There is no need for you to do this!"

"But if I didn't, you would never be able to have your lunch! You need energy, dear husband!"

"I can enjoy my lunch with my girlfriend just fine. Thanks!"

"Correction. GirlfriendS. You need an 'S' at the end of 'girlfriend'."

"I never said anything about you being my girlfriend." The Boy started to become a bit annoyed.

The princess smiled after hearing his words.

"Of course. I am your wife. Not your girlfriend."

"This is enough!" The Girl stood up. "Leave us alone for a few minutes, will you?!"

That was her first time expressing her anger. She was also very disturbed by The Class Rep appearance. They were having fun with each other before she same.

"Trying to talk back today, aren't we? What if I stay here?"

"Then we will leave." The Girl took The Boy's hand, pulling him up.

"Then I will also leave." The Class Rep took the other hand of the miserable guy.

Seeing that, The Girl shouted.

"Let him go!"

To which, The Class Rep replied.

"No! He's mine."

At this point, it has become a cat fight. A genuine, generic cat fight. Everyone was putting their focus at the three. The Boy's lunch time has turned into something unexpected.

At least, he got to see the sides of his girlfriend that he has never seen. Even when angry, she was still cute.

Judging the situation, if he was still staying silent, nothing would be solved. So,

"I need to go to the bathroom."

The easiest way to deal with conflict, is to run.