After his first kill, The Murderer became more and more blood thirsty. Something else was awakened inside of him.
Normal cold corpse was not enough for him anymore. He would continue to kill and practice necrophilia over and over again. Everytime he made a kill, lust would fill his mind alongside something else. Something sinister and inhumane.
Prostitutes started to disappear and their dead corpses would be found a couple of days later. The deceased bodies were always covered in semen and every single one of them had the same killing method. To preserve the bodies to his own liking, The Murderer used asphyxiation. He really gave them quick deaths to make up for what he was about to do with their dead bodies afterwards.
He was unable to control his lust and his killing intent. He did not know how to cover up the evidence, either.
It was only sooner or later that the police paid him attention.
Crime scenes popped up in the red light district.
It did not take them too long to figure out who the perpetrator was. His DNA was always abundant at the place and inside of the corpses. What they did not understand was why he did that. His motives, his drives, they were all vague.
They checked his background and obviously did not find anything. He was not abused physically or sexually, he had a normal childhood, he was considered to be an elite even. He was a good friend, social, his friends liked him from the bottom of their hearts.
When did he develop the tendency of a necrophile, they could not understand. How did someone came from being such a good student to a monster in the skin of a human.
The investigators had paid his parents and his school several visits. Even though the parents are devastated after hearing what their child had done, they did cooperate with the officers.
They told him about the time he asked them about a special feeling. Rather than a 'need' what he described was more of a 'loss'.
He had no direct target. Any one of the opposite sex could be his next victim. Which was why prevention was extremely hard.
So they reached out to a psychologist. The officers needed to know more about his condition, his nature, and how he was thinking.
The psychologist after hearing about his condition, stated that he probably had no motive other than to relieve himself.
He did not torture the bodies, he tried to give them the softest death as possible. That was an indication that he did not have a violent side to him. At least at the moment of the inveatigation, every corpses had only signs of strangling and post mortem intercourse. Any other wounds on the body was most likely because of the struggle between him and the victims.
There was not much that the psychologist could say, except for.
"He must be a natural."
Which meant at the time that he would continue to kill and defile bodies. His thirst would never be enough.
That was enough for the police to do some more drastic methods around many areas of the city. Patroling was three times as frequent, some area even had special forces at some point.
That really helped, his activities did go down.
And then.
"Dispatch we need back up. Suspect is in...*BAM*...he is in...A ward. Officers down!" A frantic voice yelled on the radio.
The Murderer was discovered by a team of special force in the middle of the night.
He was having his intercourse with a fresh body when the policemen got to him. It was clear that he did comply to their orders.
When asked to put his hands up, he did just that. And he did not make any excessive movement.
However, they were unable to see his whole body tensed up, and his heartbeat increased drastically. The muscles in his body got excited thanks to the adrenaline.
As one officer got to him with his gun in hand, he switched his position from standing completely still to crouching down.
In a fraction of a second that a normal person could not react, he made an upper cut, hitting the chin of person who was right infront. The impact was so sudden and powerful that teeth and the lower jaws of the policeman got crushed. Blood filled the cavity of his mouth as he was knocked out.
The others although stunned by the sight, did not stand there just like scarecrows.
They opened fire towards The Murderer right at the moment the other officer went down.
By then, The Murderer had moved to his next target. His speed was faster than an olympic athelete. He closed the distance of 40ft (12m) in just more than one second.
As someome came from the special force, the officer was more or less able to see him running towards him, and his gun was already moving.
But he was not fast enough.
A loud crack echoed through the air.
The Muderer grabbed the hand holding the gun and broke it like a twig.
Next, he sent the target away with a fierce kick to the stomach. The armor got dent with his shoes.
The officer flew backwards and hit the door of the car they were using. The window instantly got shattered to pieces.
He felt a sharp pain in his chest after that. Despite that, he did not stop.
The last officer had already called for back up and was hiding at the other side of the car.
"Dispatch, suspect seems to have protection against guns. He is also very strong! We need back up asap!!"
He did not see the officer at first, so the latter had the time to fire a round of bullets in his chest.
His shirt got many holes, blood splattered all around him, but he did not go down.
His muscles had become so tight and strong that the wounds did not penetrate into his organs.
*GAAAAAAAAAAAAAA* He screamed like an animal and charged at the policeman.
There was the sound of a broken skull. The Murderer got close enough to the officer, got a hold of his head, and slamed it on to the ground.
The head bursted like a watermelon with red and grey color. Chunks of bone could also be seen.
He ran away from the scene after the last action. He had really done it.
At first, it was a corpse.
Then, he killed a prostitute. Followed up by many more prostitutes.
And next was the police force.
His hands and body were full of blood. They are his and theirs mixed together.
His lust became unsatiable, and the desire to kill kept growing. Expectially after he had killed those three men.
His trouser was bulging because of the thrill of the hunt. The feeling of adrenaline rushing through his body was only comparable to reaching orgasm.
He descended even lower, to the darkest corner of his soul.
It was filled with lust. Lust towards the dead, lust towards the dying.
It was filled with malice. The intent to kill, to make more dead bodies.
His eyes started to become hollow. He needed to relieve this, or else he would feel withdrawal.
To him, necrophilia and manslaughter were heroine and crack. He could not get enough of them.
However, he could not wait to call a prostitute. His private was do hard it could tear his pants. He had to do it urgently.
Looking to his right, there was a house.
He dashed right in.
That night, 12 women and 9 men and 3 armed officers died. The children were left alive.
The incidents were in A ward, the ward right next to Y ward.
Because the government worried that they would bring chaos to the community, news were cover up. They only let the deaths of the three officiers be public under the disguise of "gang war". And the rest of the victims were put under "missing".
More police officers were dispatched after that. They were more heavily armed to be ready under any circumstances.
The activities of The Murderer stopped.
But all knew he was going to make another move soon. His needs would burst at any second.
Some days later, a trio was walking to school.
They were The Class Rep, The Girl, and The Boy.
The Girl and The Boy were going to the cram school, while The Class Rep was only joining them.
It was not dark, but the sun was setting down.
Looking up the sky, anyone could have seen the splendid colors of yellow, orange and red mixing together, creating something that looked like art.
"You know, it is really nice to be able to spend time with you like this, under such a beautiful sky!" The Girl told The Boy.
"Me too. Breathtaking!" He nodded.
"I have to agree!" The Class Rep said.
"It is better to have only the two of us, though. Someone else is not needed." The girlfriend looked to her rival.
To which, the princess chuckled.
"Fufu. Someone is just jealous of my attractiveness. She worried that I would steal you away, dear husband."
"I will always be with you!" He said.
The two girls then started their staring contest.
Thinking what to say next, The Boy felt someone looking at him. Not exactly him, but The Class Rep.
It was the guy at the ramen store.
There was definitely something wrong with him. His eyes were hollowed, void of light. It was not black like the eyes of his girlfriend when she was mad, but he felt like it was the eyes of something not human.
Sensing something insidious coming in, he talked to the princess using telepathy.
"The guy behind us looks like the guy from the ramen shop. He has been following us for a while looking especially at you. Call your mother."
And he talked to his girlfriend as well.
"That guy. Did you notice him? If it is possible, can you teleport him somewhere far away?"
"Yes. He has been behaving weirdly. I will try."
They continued walking and talked normally. On the surface, they were talking about school work and teachers.
However, underneath that, the princess has already put a notice to her mother, back up should be there soon.
"How is it?" He talked to his girlfriend inside her head.
"I can't. The further I think, the more exhausted my mind become."
"I figured. Guess we can't run home."
It was obvious that she had a limit. If not, he could have asked her to teleport the guy to the sea or somewhere even further.
"Sorry. First time I noticed this too."
"Don't worry about it. Just act normal. Both of you. Class rep, how long until back up arrives?"
"At least 5 minutes."
"We just need to hold out until then."
The Boy then used his ability, the 360 degree sphere quickly filled his entire visual field.
It was then that he saw the action of the guy.
He dashed towards The Boy with ridiculous speed. His fist clenched tight and held close to his body. The guy was ready to give him a punch from the left. With his speed, the punch would surely send him flying.
A conflict was about to happen.
There was no time for him to react. He could not say anything to the two girls. He could not push both of them away. The only way for him to avoid the lunch was to be pushed and pulled at a specific angle.
Facing certain danger, his mind worked in its fullest potential.
When the guy was in his vision sphere, he could see every single detail from every angle. Thanks to that unobstructed view, he could more or less determine what to do, but his body was not nearly fast enough.
Thoughts were always faster than action. No matter how fast signals from the brain to reach the organs, there was always a slight delay. And to converse something to the other person would create even more lag.
So The Boy thought about something else. Rather than giving them instructions, he would project his 360 vision image to them and send them his thoughts at the same time.
In that instant, the two girls knew what to do.
And a crushing headache immediately fell on The Boy. His projection to the two girls took a big toll on him.
The punch of the guy came close to his face. The wind from the fist was right infront of him.
As the distance grew close, the punch got derailed by a few inches, and he was pulled away from the middle of the to girls.
The Class Rep used her telekinesis and pulled the punch away from The Boy. But with the velocicty genereated, she could not do so much. Expected that, he also sent his thought to his girlfriend to pull him out of the way.
It was a split second, but he managed to stay unscratched.
"Run." The Boy transferred his thought to the girls.
They sprinted.
And the guy followed.
"Where are the back ups coming in from?" The Boys asked the princess.
"From the school direction."
"Head that way!!"
But then.
"Dodge to your left!"
A hand reached from behind The Class Rep and almost got her if not for his thought.
"Can you bind him?"
The Class Rep then looked at the guy, his body appeared to be held tight as if there was an invisible rope wrapping around him.
The guy struggles made her beautiful face distorted. She looks like she was in pain.
The Boy could not do anything but look, but there was something more urgent. The princess has given them a chance.
"Girlfriend, teleport him as high as possible in the air, head down."
The guy's body immediately dissappeared and reappeared 12ft (~4m) in the air.
The guy dropped down, hitting his head on to the ground. There was some blood.
The trio did not stop and look at that scene. The instance he sent the thought to The Girl, he also sent one more to tell them to continue running.
After a while, the guy got up. He looked at their fading figures and started running after them. His whole body slowly changed into The Murderer. In that form he could focus on the prey than before.
To avoid being found, The Murderer had killed a person and altered his bone and muscle structure to the other person. Although it was not perfect, he was able to lay low.
His muscles tightened, and he ran like the win towards his targets.
They were similar to him. People with special abilities.
He once again got really close to the beautiful girl.
But then his legs somehow got tripped, he fell down with his face, and a pointy object was facing straight up at him.
That was thanks to the instruction of The Boy, the telekinesis of the princess and teleportation of the girlfriend.
The timing of The Boy was impeccable, he knew the distance made a big impact in the success of the ability of The Class Rep, so he waited to almost the last second to send out the thought.
The telekinesis of the princess was performed splendidly, with the whole body of the guy falling exactly to what The Boy envisioned
Lastly, the teleportation and the placement of the broken bottle was perfect. The Boy sent the image of the bottle to The Girl, and she did an excelent job in placing it right where the guy was falling down.
There was one drawback.
They underestimated the bones of The Murderer.
It left only a slightly deep wound on his forehead.
They kept running, but the girls were clearly reaching their limits.
The Girl had used her teleportation, The Class Rep nose had been bleeding, her face all pale and there was a spliting headache inside her head.
The only person who could withstand was The Boy.
The Murderer caught up with them for the last time. The Boy was ready for him.
He thought that if he could sent thoughts inside the heads of others, maybe he could control or force them to do what he wanted.
"Sleep! Sleep! Sleep! Sleep!"
It did not work.
The hand of the guy reached for the collar of the princess's uniform.
The boy immediately grabbed that arm directly. Seeing that, The Murderer used his other hand and ready to hit him in the face.
The Class Rep used her ability one more time to bind him, forcing his entire body to stop moving. Blood came out even more than before along with tears, her body shook all over because of the mental and physical pain causex by overworking herself.
The Boy's thoughts kept flowing out to the other person. It suddenly reached a barrier, a wall. It must be The Murderer's mental barrier.
The boy kept sending out signals, attacking the wall. Everytime he did so, his head and his whole body felt like being crushed by gravity.
Red blood started coming out of his eyes, his ears, and his nose. His voice became coarse, and his vision slowly fade.
He did not give up.
Desperation started overwhelming him when The Murderer already started moving again. It was then a large chunk of bricks appeared on top of his head. They fell down at the same time, crushing The Murderer's head and making him distracted for a just a split of second.
A crack appeared on the mental wall of The Murderer. And The Boy's flow of thoughts started pouring in, breaking more and more of the wall.
Behind him, the two girls are already unconscious. He needed to stand, but his body is giving up.
"Sleep! Please, sleep!"
He begged. He felt despair.
As his body gone limp, the other person also succumbed to slumber.
He could not stand, so he knelt down. The last thing he heard was a drifting sound of a car.