I wake up in somewhere like a medical facility. My whole body feels tired like after running a marathon and my head hurts a lot. Even lifting my eyelids took me a little while.
White walls suround me. White celing on top of me and a white bed supporting me. There is a special smell of hospitals linger in the air.
Currently, I do not think I have any clothes on except for a layer of coverage.
Looking down, I can see some wires on my body and sensors are attached on my head. They are connected to some other machines and screens. Many of which look very complicated. Beeping sounds occasionally generate from them.
Around me are probably medical doctors and nurses wearing masks and gloves. They seem to be checking my condition and writing down something on their notes. Their eyes are of those I can only describe like kids in a candy store.
"Excuse me. Where...am I?"
I try to speak up. My voice seems to be a little more coarse than usual.
Hearing my voice, they all appear to be delighted.
A person whom I assume to be a female doctor then says.
"Oh! You're finally awake. It took you sooner than we thought. You're at the mantion right now, in the medical area." She then turns to someone. "Please, call the Lord."
After a small nod, the person then goes outside.
"How are you feeling?"
"Tired,...headache,...a little thirsty and hungry." I reply slowly.
"Good, that means your body is trying to get more energy. Do you still remember what happened?"
"The last...thing...is the guy! Is he still out there?"
My heartbeart shot up, thus creating some emergency beepings from the machines.
It is not good at all to leave someone as dangerous as the guy from the ramen stop running amok. Even though we were caught off guard, I have never seen someone who could run so fast and could be still conscious after being dropped from such a height before.
At least, he should have broken his arms or something. The guy just stood up and kept running to catch the princess. I even saw his face and height changed. He was definitely one of us.
He was probably the one the news and The Mother were talking about.
"Relax, you got him." The doctor tries to calm me down.
"How? I only remember trying to force him to sleep!"
"And he slept. You are quite something special you know? Even among the specials."
Hearing the good news, I calm down.
"What...do you mean?"
"You should be hearing this from the Lord, but seeing you like this, I'm just gonna tell you straight. The Murderer was someone far stronger than any of you three in any field. He was cunning, smart, and powerful. And you were able to stop him. Someone strong enough to stay alive with bullet shots!"
"I am not that great. He almost got The Class Rep...If it wasn't just a bit of dumb luck he would have killed the three of us. And...he would have done some heinous acts on their body."
"No. You don't understand. The serial killer is good. He was able to use his power to disguise himself as someone else. Albeit the disguise was not perfect to the poor soul's family and acquantances, you guys who have never seen the original person would have never guessed it."
The Mother opens the door and walks inside. Following her is The Class Rep and The Girl.
I can see The Butler moving behind them, pushing a food cart. There is a huge variety of beautiful dishes. The smells make my mouth water. He stops the cart infront of my bed and bows.
"Dear husband, that was quite a feat." She says proudly.
"Yes, dear husband!" The princess nods.
"You did good!" My girlfriend agrees.
My stomach calls me out.
"Let's leave the question later, okay? We need to discuss a lot after this. But first, you need to have your meal. Your body and mind right now need nutrients. Eat up, and then we will talk later. I have many thing else to do, so these girls will entertain you in the mean time." She leans and kissed me on the forehead.
"Everyone please leave the room for these youngsters!"
After that she quickly walks out. The Butler and other doctors and nurses in the room also follow.
I am too tired to dogde her lips, so I let it be.
Because of that, the eyes of my girlfriend once again turn weird.
"You know I can't do anything about that right now!" I try to turn my neck to her direction.
"I know."
"Then why are you still glaring at me like that?"
"No reasons!"
"Come on! Don't scare dear husband! He is tired you know." The Class Rep then intervenes.
I do not want to say it out loud, so I secretly thank her in my mind.
"Thank you, dear husband. You saved our lives! *chu*" She kisses me on the lips. My eyes open wide because of the sudden attack.
"HEY! What's going on?" My girlfriend pushes her out, covers my body and gives me a hug.
She looks like a mama bear trying to protact her cubs. It feels nice to have...
She kisses me also. And she does it even more than the princess with a french kiss. But I can feel that she is trying to hold back.
I can feel her braces touching me a little.
'What's wrong with you girls?"
"We have been really worried about you!" The Class Rep says.
"You have been out for almost 24 hours now." The Girl replies.
"24 hours?! Seriously?"
They both nod.
"What about my parents? Did they know anything?"
"Mama personally came to their house to discuss a 'special assignment' already. So it's fine, dear husband."
"Don't talk about that anymore. It's irrelevant right now. How is your body?"
"Very tired. You know the feeling of muscle sore after going to the gym for the first time? It's similar to that. And I still have a spliting headache, though not as much as before."
The Class Rep stays silent. Her body slightly trembles.
Seeing that, my girlfriend stands up and go to the food cart. She takes out the plate and starts putting food on it.
"I'm sorry! And thank you, dear husband!" The princess says with an apologetic tone.
"Why are you saying sorry?"
"Because of me you are like this."
"No. It's not."
"Yes! I was the target. Mama would have not let anything happen to me. You could have run away with her to safety!"
"Hear me out. You did nothing wrong. The guy was chasing you, he was trying to get you. It was normal for me to try and help. I would not just run away with my girlfriend. There was a chance you could get hurt."
"But you put yourself in danger because of me, dear husband! You could have died! The Murderer is crazy! Even a squad of officers would not be able to put him down."
"That's my choice. And I would do it again."
At this point, tears started to appear on The Class Rep's eyes.
"You tried so hard for my sake! Your face were covered in blood!"
"You girls were also unconscious, not just me?"
"*sob* But...you are in so much...pain! Don't you care about yourself?"
"Again, that's my choice. Like the other times, they were my own decisions. I did not need to know what came after my actions. I only did it because I deemed it neccessary at the time."
"To me, there is nothing more important than your well being! Do you know how I feel seeing you lying on the bed with tubes and wires on your body? It feels like my heart is being cut down to pieces!" The Class Rep holds my hand.
"I agree with her." My girlfriend, who now has brought a plate full of food, states.
"What about the time you drugged me?"
"That's....different! It was needed for me! For US!"
She is like a cat whose tail was stepped on.
"Is...is it because it's normal to help me?" She then looks at me with puppy eyes.
I want to say yes. But there is also something different. If I say that it was normal to help her because she was my classmate, it would be incorrect.
"What do you mean 'no'?" She presses on the matter.
"No means no. It is not because it was normal to help you."
"Then why is it? Tell me!" She sits on the bed and leans onto me.
"It's just....No!" I try to stay calm, and not letting my thoughts leak out.
"You love me now don't you!! YOU DO L..." *squish*
The Girl throws a bunch of vegetables from a salad straight at The Class Rep's face. She saves me. Such a kind soul.
"We agreed not to take it too far. You got too greedy!" She says coldly.
"Just when I was about to get it from him! You are such a party pooper, you know that?" Wiping her face with a cloth, the princess's voice sounds annoyed.
"The boyfriend needs to eat, haven't you heard from your own mother?"
"She's not my mother! She's my Mama."
"Same thing."
"You stay out of this!!" They both yell at me.