The three went back to school after 3 days.
Their absents caused quite a big ruckus at school. They were thought to get into an accident or some kind of sickness. On the day of their return, people swarmed over The Class Rep and The Boy, asking what they were doing.
They already had an alibi. And it was "a case of food poisoning".
A basic lie for sure.
At least, they got away for the 3 days they did not make it to school.
Since the incident, the three have been spending their time after class and cram school at the mansion, practicing the limits of their abilities.
Currently, they are in a special facility.
It is similar to the chamber that the three all had their first, just with a lot more science equipments and machines. The Mother and many other scientists are also present in the chamber.
It is now The Boy's turn.
He was thought to have telepathy, a type of ability that could transfer their thoughts to other without opening the mouth.
Having been tested, The Boy now knows more about his power.
First, he can use telepathy, that much was obvious. But there is a limit to how many people he could transmit his thoughts to at the same time.
The limit currently is 2.
The next usage of his power is his 360 vision sphere that can let him see everything in third person view. And by everything, he can see through solid matter, with the exception of lead. The radius of the sphere has expanded to about 32ft (10m) since the last time he tried to measure it. Furthermore, he can actually extend the distance to double the normal amount if he uses the horizontal view than vertical. By doing this, he can actually scan the surrounding like a radar. Also, while he is using his 360 sphere, because it is his thoughts only, so time has an effect of being slowed down. This makes it easier for him to make decision.
It was thanks to this that he was able to decide what to do when the trio encountered The Murderer.
The final usage is mind-conditioning or mind-control. However, doing this puts a heavy toll on him. The more the resistant from the opponent, the harder. Also, the order impacts the success rate. Orders such as "eat" or "drink" or "pick this up" does not make it too difficult. But orders that directly render the other person immobile or unconscious such as "sleep" or "stop" is extremely hard to pull off.
If the person was someone already devoted their lives to him, for example The Girl or The Class Rep, the resistant tends to be much less. How they conducted the experiment so that they could determine this fact can put a blush on anyone. Let's just say they did a few lewd things according to The Boy's commands.
The concept of the mental wall was established thanks to the experiment. The mental wall directly relates to the concentration of a person. If the target is maintaining high focus, the chance of success drops drastically. When they were running away from The Murderer, it was the huge stack of bricks that The Girl teleported from above that made him lose his concentration a little. Because of that, the torrent of The Boy's mental power could seep through.
Lastly, The Boy can use these versions of his power simultaneusly. He can basically transmit the thoughts of the 360 field to two people and even manage to do mindcontrol at the same time, with the cost of total loss of consciousness for one day. As he keeps on using multiple powers at the same time, his mental and physical strength drops tremendously. The distance of everything is also limited to the furthest the 360 sphere can reach.
For The Girl, her main power right now is mostly Teleportation.
The distance of her ability is also more or less the distance of The Boy's vision sphere.
At the moment, she could teleport two people at the same time without fainting. Doing one more is possible if she allows herself to lose consciousness.
The amount of items that she can teleport is irrelevant. The important part is the weight, not the quantity. The weight of the items in total must not exceed her current weight which is about 120lbs (55kg). It seems that the amount can increase if she tries, but it reduces the number of times she can teleport. By increasing the weight to twice of her body, she will be no longer able to teleport anything until her body recover.
The Girl was able to able to teleport a pencil into a safe with the help of The Boy. He transmited his sight to her, granting her the understanding of the interior of the safe, thus the experiment was deemed a success.
To test her ability to teleport an object into a solid matter, a clear color jello was used. A pencil was once again used. The Girl was able to teleport the pencil into the jello. The chunk of jello was pierced through. However, repeating the same experiment with a color jelly was unsuccessful. Different matterials and colors were used. All the time, if the materal was clear and she could look through it with ease, it would be a success. It seemed that the reason for the failure was because of light. She needed a clear media for the teleporation to be a success.
In addition, she could teleport something only if it was movable. The Girl cannot teleport a brick from a wall. But if there is a chunk of bricks lying somewhere and she can move it physically, it can be teleported. She can also chose the orientation of the object to her liking.
The Class Rep has telekinesis. She has invisible hands that can use and grab objects that she can see.
The distance is similar to the other two, but with an exception.
Until now, it is obvious that the powers of the trio are somehow synergized. They work together to bring even more effects.
Such is the case of the reach of the princess.
When she is standing alone, without any help, she can only manipulate still objects about her weight (132lbs~60kg). Then, even when they are standing far apart, if The Boy could send his thoughts to her about his surroundings, she could manipulate items in his range and hers.
Which means, they can extend the reach through The Boy. This also works with other aspects of his power such as x-ray vision. She invisible hands can reach the inside of an object as long as she has The Boy's vision.
The telekinesis power of the princess also has another kind of usage. She can push, pull, punch or do various kinds of complicated actions such as drawing. As long as the target remains in her weight and does not move, she can perform well. But when the target is stronger than her and moving, she can not hold on for too long. A couple breaths is currently the longest she can bind someone about 1.5 of her weight from moving.
But The princess can fly. The height is similar to the reach of her ability and the time is still not very long, but it is not short either. It is not really flying, more of a levitation method. It is great nontheless.
The way to improve the reach and power of the abilities would be to practice them regularly, or by increasing the efficiency of the special Neomites that feed on emotion in the bodies. The abilities of the three are very mental or psychic oriented, so overusage would often lead to headache, nauseous, facial orifices bleeding and fainting. Their bodies afterwards would also suffer from muscle pain and basically fatigue.
The principle to improve is similar to that of muscle growth. Practice, overcoming their limits, exercising both their body and their ability is the way to go.
The latter method, Neomites efficiency, connects itself to a certain adult activity. The more orgasm or feelings they can achieve, the more the efficiency.
To which, the girls are very active.