Under the mansion is a gigantic research facility.
On the surface, the mansion looks like a place for a wealthy royal family, with exquisites scuptures, exotic trees and flowers in the garden, and a pompous fountain.
However, The Mother has built a secret laboratory right underneath her house.
For her normal, public researches, she would do it at the pharmaceutical company. Although she has gotten great fame and fortune thanks to that, she has never felt happy doing those. She finds them borring and redundant, as any one could have done something like that.
What she loves as much as The Boy right now, is her human researches.
It has always been a taboo in the ethic community to conduct scientific researches on humans. And The Mother does not care about the ethic community.
Which is why she used her fortune to build the secret labs. The one under the mansion is only one among others.
Their main purpose is to do experiments on the limits of the human's body. Especially those of the Homo emovere.
Recently, they have acquired a great specimen, namely The Murderer.
Thanks to the efforts of the trio and the absent of the police department, they were able to get their hands on the serial killer first.
He has been kept alive but not given anything to satiate his necrophilia and manslaughter. Because of this, The Murderer has been feeling uncontrollable symptoms of withdrawal.
After encountering the trio, even though he was mostly unharmed, he was detained.
That is the weakness of the Modifier type.
They are weak to mental attacks of the Psychic. And vice versa, the fragile bodies of the Psychic would get crushed by the modifier.
By keep on indulging themselves with their carnal pleasures, the Homo emovere can improve their physical and mental capacity. The Modifers can withstand more of the mental attacks from the Psychic, and the Psychic will have better physical abilities. But the weakness between the two types will always be present.
The fact the the trio were not killed by The Murderer, who has been constantly improving his body through using his power and necrophilia, was simply a miracle. At the cost of 3 unconscious people, 1 powerful Homo emovere captured was not a bad deal according to some.
But The Mother was furious.
Her daughter and her beloved were under such a harsh condition. If it was someone else, she would have lost her daughter. The synergies created between the trio was something never before seen. And it was because of that that they did not lose their lives.
Simply put, everything was pure luck.
The Boy could have had any ability, but he developed something that could work together with the abilities of others. Even after years of research, The Mother has never seen an ability that can be combined to achieve more effects. The Boy was the key to their survival.
The chance of something similar happening again, is even smaller than the existence of another, identical Earth.
The genius mother was the one who was in the car driving to get the trio.
As soon as seeing their conditions, rage built up inside her body, tears filled up her eyes. But she kept her cool.
Giving orders as needed, she held back the volcano that was about to burst. On the car, she gently caressed The Boy and The Class Rep while doctors and nurses quickly check for their vital signs.
When their measurements were confirmed to be in a normal level, The Mother sighed in relief.
Their faces were twisted in agony. But The Boy had it the worst. His whole body was shivering, trails of blood were present, even the muscles on the body and veins on his forehead were constricted to an abnormal level.
She dropped a tear onto his face as he made a moan in his vegetation state.
It was strange for her to care for anyone else than her daughter. It was strange how someone whom everyone thought was so insignificant, could matter so much to her.
Words could not describe how she was feeling when the first time The Class Rep sent her emotions.
Strong and deep desires which she had never felt before, stormed through her lonely heart. They were the same, but also different. They have the same view of world, the same feelings towards people, so whatever the princess developed, The Mother also had it.
She had never experience love, not to mention the feeling of possesion. And somehow she wanted The Class Rep to get him for themselves.
Seeing him in such a state, seeing her own creation in such a state, The Mother made absolutely sure that The Murderer would have enough of torture before dying.
First, The Mother ordered to have the serial killer heavily sedated. A Modifier has stronger resistant to anything, so they needed to make sure that he would not wake up.
Then, she called her team of scientists and researchers to prepare.
While The Boy, The Girl and the Class Rep were having fun in the medical facility, The Mother was disecting The Murderer without care.
To protect themselves from any harm, the procedure was done via robotic hands and the person who was ordering everything was standing in a safe room.
The first thing they wanted to do, was to find out whether or not The Murderer can subconsciously heal himself. To do that, they cut many areas with different tools and depth. The answer was yes.
His body would heal on its own.
To determine how much his muscle would grow in combat, they woke him up and skinned him, agitated The Murderer to the fullest extent. It turned out that his muscles could grow to almost three times in a specific location in order to defend himself.
The painful, desperate yellings of The Murderer would continue in the research facility for days, many notes, videos and experiments were conducted.
In his final moment, the serial killer could only mutter "Sorry."
His bones, tissues and organs were then all collected for further research.
Somewhere in the world, there is a council.
After the almost destruction of the human race, every country has decided to create a new and improve council in order to govern and exchange resources better. Every year, the leaders of the new world would gather at a specific location to discuss world-wide international matters.
The only thing is that this council does not exist in public.
They call it The Human Council.
Their purpose is to improve the human race as a whole, not as seperated countries. Because of the difference in ideology and culture, the human race was nearly driven to extinction. They cannot take another disater such as the C-virus ever again. Which is why The Human Council exists.
Right now, the representatives are gathered in a large room.
"This year, we are looking at a 1.4% increase of population. This is a good sign!" A leader starts the conversation. He is a middle-aged man, probably in his 50s. His hair is yellow and his eyes are a sharp blue. He has been hosting the council for 3 years now and he has a good reputation with almost everyone else.
Everyone nods at him. They have the same opinion.
"I know! Since the implement of the school rules, babies have been popping up here and there. Quite a good sign if I do say so myself!"
"Don't get your hopes up too high. Your country is dealing with higher rates! At 2%! Are you sure you can handle that? We don't want to create another 'disaster'!" A female representative says, looking at the one who made the previous comment.
"No worries. We are fine! No need to be so cautious!" The man chuckles.
"I'm not worrying. I just hope that you keep your people under control a little. If you guys keep letting everything go unsupervised, things are prone to happen. Again!" The woman frowns her eyebrows.
"I know. I know."
"Okay!" The host says. "Next, we need to discuss about the reclaimation of the old world, the world beyond the walls. Anyone has something to say first?"
The middle-aged man scans around the room to see a few hands.
"Yes, please!"
"Thank you, sir! This year, we have been trying to push the boundaries backwards. There has been not much resist from the old world. We are advancing quite rapidly, but it feels too easy!"
"Yes, me too!"
"I have the same feeling!"
Many other representatives agree.
The host nods.
"For us, it is also similar. It has been too easy. There has been less resistant from the old world. It has been quite suspicious! The infected animals seem to have disappered. Anyone has anything else to add?"
The crowd stays silent.
"Here!" The Host takes out his clear-looking phone. "I have something amazing!"
"But first, what about the C-generation in your countries? How are they doing? Did you see the news about the new psychological conference?"
The crowd stays even more silent.
"Come on now people! We need to work together! As the human race! Don't tell me you have no idea what they are or what they are capable off?"
The host looks frustrated as he turns his gaze towards every person in the room.
"We all now that they should be ripe by now. Those edgy 18 year-old! Homo emovere, they're called! Some consider them to be the new human race. Such a ridiculous thing to say! That woman dares to even suggest a new type of human! Blasphemy!" His smile is still vacant, but his eyes are strange.
"But why am I talking about these people? Could there be a link?"
He stops for a minute. The phone starts sending out a holographic image.
"We have proof that the C-generation exists outside the walls!"
Outside of the concrete walls, to the ruins of the old buildings, there is a figure. The figure looks to be chasing an animal three times the size of it.
It is a 3D image of a young female hunting an animal.