As the last attempt to stay alive, The Boy went all out. The place, the time, the method, he sent his telepathic messages to his girls, while maintaining The Link between the three and calculating possible outcomes.
The Link was exceeding everything they could ever hope for. Rather than their normal thinking speed, the girls were buffed up, to the same level of The Boy's mind. Detailed information gathered from his visual sphere kept on pouring inside their heads, and every actions and feelings, even the pain he was feeling from his arms, were being shared between them. To his suprise, they did not even faze.
For The Boy, he felt that his girls were sending him their care. He could feel their thoughts of wanting to replace him and take his damage for him. And he could also feel anger, hatred, and somkind of a deep dark feeling he could not yet understand.
For his girlfriend and the princess, they could also feel his feelings for them. Which was a warm, fuzzy, full of love. And they could feel their feelings towards each other. To be able to manifest a link, the trio clearly trusted each other more than they ever thought. But they were then aware that they both wanted to become his number one, and if possible, they would get rid of the other person as fast as possible.
It was not the time for them to let those feelings explode yet, so after all, they cooperated with each other, and directed their negative feelings on The Creature. The girls clearly wanted to smash the thing into bits.
Upon receiving his instruction, The Girl teleported a bomb to right in front of him alongside some titanium blade spheres. And The Class Rep immediately dropped her control of her chakrams and started making an invisible shield with her ability around the bomb.
When it blew up, a small openning was released, and that opening was aiming at the tentacles that were trying to pierce through the body of The Boy.
The bomb was detonated. Then a huge flash appeared which was contained into a small and confined space.
In that hellish space, the titanium blades were spinning constantly because of the huge pressure.
The Class Rep facial expressions changed. The explosion was too strong for her to handle easily. Even when the stress was shared evenly thanks to The Link, her face was still distored.
But alast, the plan worked exactly like The Boy expected: a canon shooting out metal blades, targeting the tentacles.
The Creature's appendages were enloped in fire. The sheer power crushed the black appendages so hard that cracks appeared on it. Shortly right after, the metalic spheres flew out from inside of the invisible canon with rediculous speed, cutting through them cleanly.
If it was a normal situation, the tentacles would not have been cut that easily, but the explosion prior had rendered them weaker, and the black skin of The Creature was not holding up properly anymore.
The blackened tentacles dropped on the ground. Some were still attached to The Boy's arms. At one end, clean cuts could be seen with blood of the thing still dripping out from it.
From underneath the ground, sharp screamings of pain could be heard easily. The Creature seemed to be in extreme agony after having its limbs cut off. Those were the tentacles from the inside of its mouth. They were the strongest weapons that it had, and it was obviously in so much danger now as it was without a good mean to defend itself. Trying to withstand the pain coming from its inner mouth, The Creature desperately tried to clawed its way forward in order to escape. It saw the abilities of the three, and it had no method to fight back at the moment. Facing only one of them, it was certain that it would be able to kill one, but when the three was working like that, the hurdle became unpassable.
To get to this part, it really took the trio everything single thing they had.
From the sophisticate usage of their current weapons like the bombs, the discs, to the abilities they had, and then to the calculation that made it worked, and the unmatch speed of the titanium blades which flew out with tremendous speed, they ultilized everything.
Finally, that was The Link, which binded their powers together, creating one singular entity. If one of them was missing, the result could have been vastly different.
Yet that was not the end. The Creature was still underground, and The Boy must try to mark its location. They needed to kill it as soon as possible, unless they want to be ambushed again. The Boy did not know whether or not the pig still have something up its sleaves, and they did not want to have any more suprises. He would no longer underestimate it, or anything in that sense.
The Boy extended his visual to underground, trying to look for The Creature's hidding place.
Almost instantly, the thing was found. It was still trying to claw away underneath the surface. However, without its most powerful tentacles that can create a drill out of them, it was moving at a much slower speed. An invisible wall wrapped it up, making The Creature completely stuck and the whole thing was transported above the ground.
[ Should we kill it?]
[ We leave the decision to you.]
The Girl held her metalic spheres in her hands.
[ Dear husband, I cannot wait to crush that thing and disect it with Mama.]
The Class Rep already had her chakrams ready by The Creature.
It turned its face towards them. Inside its body, the blood that it got from The Boys was already absorbed.
GIIIIIIIIII. It made a loud scream.
[ I think we should...argh!...]
[[ Argh!]]
Suddenly, huge migraine attacked the three at the same time. The Link was cut off instantly, and they all lost the feeling of unity. The trio headed straight for the ground like they were being knocked out in a fighting ring. Inside their heads were feeling nothing but pain, as if they were being crushed by hammers every second.
Everything that they were in control went dark for a second. The Boy's visual sphere was cut off, The Girl could not do any teleportation, The Class Rep dropped her chakrams on the ground. The Creature's bind was also released, although it could not move at all and seemed to have passed out. It did something that resulted in the disconnection of the three before being out cold.
Blood started to run out from their noses and eyes as they struggled to stand up. Especially for The Boy, who was trying to be the coordinator for The Link. He was affected by the last attack the most. Not just his nose that was bleeding, the sclera of his eyes were covered in red, and blood was also coming out from there. Actually, blood was coming out from every orifices of his body.
Because of the heavy consumption of oxygen that his brain needed, The Boy's unknowingly was pushing his body over its absolute limits. And even though it was somehow regulated by the medication The Mother created just for him, after The Link was broken, the burden was now put upon his body once more. The blood vessels in his body were heavily damaged after the disconnection. The pain was like having an endless amount of blades cutting through his frail body. On all four, he started to vomit and cough. Each of his cough was full of red blood, and he was feeling like he was just about to die.
"My love!"
"Dear husband!"
The girls hurriedly headed towards him when The Boy was about to drop again. On their faces, tears were flowing as they saw his current status. On each side, one of his girls was holding him up. They were in no mind of fighting between each other.
No way to transmit his thoughts, and even though opening his mouth was difficult, The Boy wanted to make sure the thing was killed.
He then closed his eyes.
Grief was filled in the hearts of the two girls.
"You stay with dear husband. I'm going to finish the bastard!"
"Just make it quick. He needs the both of us."
"Rare for you to put it like that."
The Girl did not respond to the princess. In stead, she was just stroking The Boy's head lovingly.
Never had she ever felt so powerless. She did not have the strength to reply The Class Rep.
Her inferiority complex resurfaced.
She felt like could not really do anything without him. And while that in itself was not neccesarily a bad thing, he has been the one who carried her through everything. From their confession, to their date, to everything else, The Boy was always making his advancement forward with her.
She wanted to be his main strength, she should have been so. Still, he was the one who asked her out, he alone made The Link possible, he actually saved himself out of this mess. The Boy used their combined abilities rather than them helping him. She felt like if The Boy was given all of the power they currently had, he would just be fine on his own. The Boy would not care to have girlfriends.
If she did not become his girlfriend, if she did not follow him, if she did not step into his life, would it be better for him?
The Girl gave The Boy a lap pillow. She tore a piece of her cloth of and started wiping the blood off his face.
She could not hear anything but the sounds of the animals approaching.
In her mind, something was changing.
The Class Rep headed towards the place where The Creature was lying. She could see that it was still breathing, albeit slow.
Her fingernails were clutching closely into her palms, which made blood dripped on the way she was walking.
Her face was calm, but her mind was not.
She has been humiliated heavily by The Creature. Something like that made her beloved suffer. It broke his arms, it binded him, it nearly drove him to death.
She was only able to react thanks to The Boy.
He was truly magnificient. His orders, his demands, his true thoughts and feelings from when they were unified. He was like a God.
Such a beautiful, magnificient entity, because of her incompetence and negligence, was now being nursed by her biggest rival.
The princess was furious, she was a volcano waiting to explode. The pain in her palms did not matter since what she was feeling in her heart could easily be a million time more painful that physical pain.
She needed to diverge the pain to something else.
The Creature was the best option at the moment.
Chakrams once more started flying, heading straight towards the almost lifeless body.
She needed to see it die.
However, that was just wishful thinking.
By that time, the other animals have arrived. And one particular wolf grabbed The Creature and ran away.
Her chakrams could only cut the tail of the wolf of.
She could not do anything to stop it. Then, The Class Rep looks to the distance where the wolf was running.
Grumble grumble.
She saw them.
They have come, the animals from The Old World.
But then.
"Time to rest."
A female voice. Stronger, but very kind.
She put a hand was put upon The Class Rep's shoulder.
"Leave it to us, go back with him."
The princess turned her eyes which were in total suprise at the person talking.
She was wearing a military outfit, holding a metal staff.
Behind her were at least six people with the same clothes, each equiped with an unconventional weapon.
"We are the same as you guys. And we will need him too. Well, in the future, for population control. Let's get along, okay?"
The female soldier, who seemed to be the leader, smiled at The Class Rep.
"No, he is mine. But thank you for your help."
The Class Rep ran back at the two other people. She did not care how the ladies would be fighting against such a horde of enemies. In her mind, the safety of The Boy was the most important.
Looking at the trio leaving the scene, the leader of the group chuckled.
"Just like in the report, huh. They are certainly interesting. Three psychic in a row, and a man at that. That woman is clearly up to something."
The leader then hit her staff on to the ground. Just like that, a crater bigger that the impact from an explosion was formed underneath her feet.
"Ladies. CHARGE!"