Utterly pathetic.
What am I thinking about?
How on earth could I be so extremely selfish like that?
I am disgusted in myself.
A person both weak in strength, and weak in thoughts. That is who I really am.
Everything has been taken for granted since I was born. There has been minimal struggles in my life, so when an adversary comes like this, I instantly let it be.
I always thoughts things were logical. Every action has its consequences, be it good or bad. What one does would create a product, and they needed to accept that no matter how much it pleased or disturbed them.
Because of that reason, my mind was always trying to rationalize my thoughts. That was how I had trouble with understanding different people emotions. Everything and every emotions, especially my own, seemed like nothing else other than prescripted lines of codes on a computer. Predetermined, it came to my realization.
In the end, I forced myself to appeal others by putting on a facade. It pained me everyday to be the pierrot, smiling while not understanding the joke, or to discussed things I did not like. But that was how it was supposed to be.
Even when I forced myself to become something that others would perfer, I would be fine since it was logical.
I hated it.
Death was the same to me. If something died, it died. There was no need for remorse, no need for grief. It was simply just the natural way of life in my mind. Why shed tears when death was already knocking at your door ages ago? Old people should be expecting that, then why were the younger generations crying? Dying because of an unfortunate event? Well it was not like things could not happen. There was always a percentage of accidents that could occur. Ridiculous accidents like dying due to cow attacks did and still happening. Going outside was already venturing into that percentage. So why kept on weaping?
However, now, when it is my turn, I can feel it, the despair others might have felt facing their demise. The things we did in the past, the time we shared, my confession, the time at the mansion, the date at the amusment park,... Those moments flood my mind.
They are all coming into an end. Lights are almost out.
Still, embracing death, waiting for my end to come? Is that how I would like my story to unfold? Is that how things will turn out? A stab in the heart, that is it? Am I sastified with wiping our history like on a web launcher?
And what comes next after this? Will the girls be able to run away just like what I want to? Or they will fight until the very end and share the same fate as me?
Knowing their personalities, there is a great chance that they would do the latter. They would probably unleash hell upon their bodies, pushing their cells over the edge in order to find more power, kill and destroy as much as they can. And then, when they cannot even stand anymore, they would follow my footsteps to the otherworld. The girls would definitely fight until their strength are no more to avenge my passing.
I do not want that!
Sacrificing maybe considered a noble act in many people's point of view. But for me, it is but a pompous, most sugar-coated way to say:" This is it, I give up. There is no other way."
I finally have a glimspe on what a normal person feels.
There are responsibilities that one must always remember regarding their loved ones. And I need to uphold those standards. Not because I feel obligated to do so, but because I feel the need to repay them for what they have done for me until now. My feelings for them matter so much to me. They are like anchors that are desperately holding me back from being washed away into eternal darkness.
I spent most of my entire life to do the things that others would like to do.
It is time that I do want I want to.
There is no way I am dying today.
To get out of this current situation, I am entirely on my own.
It would be easy if The Girl could just teleport me out of it instantly. There is only one gigantic drawback. Her power does not work if the target is being held back by anything. If she could, she would have been able to transport me back in the days at the mansion, rather than switching place with the princess. She cannot teleport the pig also since it is tied to my feet. Living things can only transfered one at a time.
To survive, I need to push my body over the limits. Luckily, the medications The Mother made has its own wonders.
At this point, my heart starts beating extremely fast. In my chest, it does not feel like a drum, more like an engine roaring. Comparing to a normal person, my heart rate right now should be faster than them at least three or four times. Thanks to that, blood circulation in my body increases exponentially. Every fibers and cells are being provided with so much energy that they are increasing in temperature. I can feel my body heating up. Strangely, there is no uncomfortable feeling. At least not that I can feel right now.
Secondly, to provide me with enough oxygen, my lungs and breathing also change. With each long inhale, a tremendous amount of air would be absorbed into my lungs. When I exhale, white and slightly hot streams would come out. I am honestly really similar to an old style steam engine.
The muscles in my arms tense up and harden. I cannot change my bone structure like our previous opponent, so this will have to work.
Then again, my muscles are not my worries.
With all the blood and oxygen, my brain can now suprass its previous status.
The visual sphere of mine becomes larger than ever, and my thinking speeds up into turbo mode.
Time seems to be even slower now, more than ever before, which has given me the luxury to ask for help.
Even when my thoughts has been accelerated, the speed of the thing still appears to be really fast. Its black tentacles are only about two inches infront of me.
I need to act immediately if I want to live.
To stay alive, I need to either cut the tie on my feet and be teleported out of here, or to defend myself against the black and sharp claw-like appendages. Between the two, the first one seems more promising.
The Class Rep is having control of the flying discs. Using teleportation ability of The Girl to my place at this time is not impossible, but it will cut of the connection the princess has with the weapons. Thus doing transportation recklessly may cut both the grasp and my legs. She needs to be aware of their position all the time to be able to have total control over something that dangerous.
Yet it seems like there is one way that we can bypass that.
There is one thing that I always wanted to try. I got the idea from The Mother and The Class Rep.
For some reason, my ability works like a pathway for each of the girls. Whenever we are in a conversation, I could act as a media so that the two can talk with each other telepathically without having the power themselves. Our previous tests also showed a strange sense of unity between my power and theirs. If they are alone, their range is not as good. But when I am present, my range of effect will be added into the equations.
So I have come at a conclusion that I am probably a mediator, or a navigator that can help them at unifying their abilities and mine together.
If somehow I could force our mental thoughts and our points of view together, we may be able to both control the discs and teleport them at the same time as if only one person is doing that.
We have never tried combining our minds together like this since I fainted many times. The mental burden was simply too much for my body to handle. Further more, there is a mental barrier that I always need to go through unless the person allows me to subconsciously. No one wants to have other people in their thoughts.
With my current strange situation, there is no better chance to test it but now. It is either do or die.
The visual sphere is then projected into the girls minds, alongside with my instructions.
[ Establish The Link!]
The girls hear my thoughts. And while they are suprise, they do not object my action.
I connect my telepathic pathways to my girls and to my suprise, I immediately get through their subconsciousness. It is like the mental barriers did not exist in the first place.
They do not have any hostility towards me, even at this kind of level. There is no way I can betray that trust.
Upon entering their minds, an extremely foreign feeling comes into our heads, but not an unpleasant one. It feels like we are in another vessel, another body or person that has vision over all three of us. The sensation is just simply indescribable. It is like we are one, yet different, we are using our own body, but at the same time using different bodies.
Every single one of us can still move on our own, but others can feel closely what we are doing.
We are one, and we are many at the same time.
Time to see our plan comes into fruition.
[ Teleport the chakrams!]
[ Maintain position!]
The discs immediately appears out of nowhere right before my legs.
After that, they come into contact with the tentacles that is holding my legs and begin cutting those carefully. Thus, the thing screams in pain, but it does not stop its claws from attacking me. Now, the claws have reached its target. There was not enough time to fully cut the ties.
A flat piece of rock appears in front of my arms , strengthening my defense a little bit. In the position I have, there is no method for me to lessen the impact anymore. Any little bits help.
Still, the claws pierce into the rock and breaks it like nothing.
My arms feel an excruciating pain that I scream out loud. Nonetheless, I need to hold on. The muscles tense up even more, even when blood splatters everywhere.
I feel like the bones in my arms are completely broken although it is still managing. No teleportation right now for me so we need a change of plan.
[ Bomb!]
No need to discuss anything, we understand the thoughts of each other instantly.
An orb appears in front of me.
The chakrams suddenly stop moving.
Everything happens in less than a second.