The pig like creature jumps into the air. I thought that it was digging its own grave because of that.
In midair, there would virtually be no way for it to change direction and dodge our attacks. Anything would connect at this point, especially with our weapons and coordination. Bullets even though are faster, but their nature of flying straight would be a bit hard since the target is still moving, and we have no firearms nor experience in using firearms. So that part is obviously out of the question.
Melee equipments like our chakrams would be perfect in this situation, since The Class Rep can control them in a very sophisticated way.
A golden opportunity has been brought upon us like that, so we have to take action immediately. Wasting such a good advantage would be sinful. Who knows what that animal could do.
Constantly sending The Class Rep the visual, I expect to see a gory image of an animal dissection. Almost passing the speed a normal human can see, the two flying and spinning discs approach the animal while making a near 90 degree upward turn from the ground, which no normal and conventional weapons can make.
Even so, no matter how much of a plan I could come up with in the span of less than three minutes since the ambush of The Creature, I could never anticipate the next thing.
What should have been an easy attack, suddenly turns complicated.
Even though still in the air, after a few seconds the pig's body has lost its momentum, and falls down quickly. As our chakrams move closer to its body, we are only waiting for our weapons to cut through its body.
But it was already expecting us.
The tentacles on the body of the animal turns into black from a meaty pink. Every single one of them combines together, each lies on top of the previous, creating one big and long appendage that looks almost exactly like a big whip.
Then, from the top, the black whip made from tentacles makes a side attack aiming at the middle of one chakram. The black color spreads through the air, forming a dark cresent shape.
The tip of the whip hits the center of one chakram, making a loud boom as the tip breaks through the sound barrier.
The chakram hit by the black whip changes its trajectory and slams into the other one. Although they are still fine, the both of them were instantly pushed far away from The Creature.
And straight at the other students.
[ Bomb!]
Hearing my instruction and seeing the visual, two orbs of metal in front of The Girl disappear.
[ Shield!]
The Class Rep nods.
One orb then reappears where the chakrams are flying towards, and explodes before the very eyes of the students.
Yet, the shockwave and debris from the explosion for some reason did not come near the people. No one saw the invisible wall in a fraction of a second seperated the fire and heat from entering.
But with my thinking speed, I could see an absurb scene.
A clear line formed between the two spaces at the location where the bomb blew up. One is like a fiery, dangerous hell, the other is the safe haven where the students were being protected. It was magnificient, like a really thin piece of glass.
I hear the students all scream for help at once. Some even faint with foam on the lips.
"What is happening?!"
"Why are we under attack?"
Although stunned and shocked beyond comprehension, with the explosion almost next to them, strangely no student is really in pain or hurt.
"Stand up and run!"
Being the class representative, the princess does her job to the fullest extent. In this kind of situation, her voice is completely different from the usual, calming tone.
In fact, it is more like a command.
Some students are still hesitant. Not because they wanted to stay back and help or anything but because their legs are far too weak to even move. I could see some kind of liquid leaking out from a couple of them.
And that is when the princess looks at them with eyes full of threat. Still, she lifts them up with her telekinesis, and tries to make them move.
"You guys are nothing but a nuinsance here. Call for help. ASAP!"
The Class Rep right now is someone they do not know of. Instead of a young and charming lady, she is more of a nobel who commands her slaves.
I have to agree with her, actually.
They are a burden right now. We are hardly able to defend ourselves. So covering for someone else is impossible.
Another one.
We take our time not just to do the talking. While paying our attention to the students, I have already told The Girl to use her power again. This time, the bomb detonates right underneath where the pig is falling down.
Unless it has wings, it will never be able to escape this.
It squeals hard while being consumed by fire.
The shockwave blows it away. Its skin burns into something like a black charcoal color.
[ Sorry, I lost control for a second. That was unsightly. Please don't hate me for this!]
The Class Rep turns her face at me, looking a bit sad.
[ Don't worry too much.]
Looking at her apologetic eyes, I feel a little guilty.
[ He doesn't care about the thirdwheel. So stop whining and focus. That thing might be still alive.]
[ Can't you just shut up for one second?!]
[ It's because you lost control of your own weapons, Miss I-am-so-perfect.]
The Class Rep casts her eyes downward.
I cannot say anything. The Girl is completely correct.
There is one clear weakness of the princess's telekinesis that we have found after our practices. Her ability to control objects links directly with her speed of thinking and analyzing.
Which is why when there are more objects to control, her accuracy drops. Or when the objects suddenly move at a speed faster than she can comprehend, she loses all of her control. The situation went exactly like that. The discs were pushed away with supersonic speed in less than a tenth of a second, but that was enough to break off the connection of The Class Rep.
The creation of the whip was really unexpected. However, since I knew that she might lose control of the discs the moment I saw it. Our contingency plan works wonderfully. In retro spec, the tip of those whips can easily suprass the speed of sound, and not one of us right now can deal with that kind of speed. Honestly, I cannot really blame the princess, also.
[ Don't be so hard on her.]
She lights up immediately.
[ I love you, dear husband! Please let me have your children! You are welcome to be hard on me anytime!]
[ Focus, thirdwheel. You are also a pig just like that thing.]
[ I'm gonna shave your head after this!]
[ Try it.]
Thanks to my thinking speed and the visual sphere, we are still managing more or less. Our conversation is telepathic, so it travels very fast. Info can be shared faster than normal speaking with my ability so the girls take advantage of that really good with their own type of converstation. By now, I am more or less used to it.
What we should focus right now is the pig. If that animal keeps showing off more and more bizarre abilities, we might not be able to hold it off.
Hopefully, the blast was enough to keep it there.
Looking at it right now, the outer appearance is completely different from what we encountered.
Its whole body is now burnt, with patches of red here and there.
[ Girls, please be careful. We will finish it off. Ready your weapons. First, bomb, second, slice and dice.]
[[ Got it.!]]
At that moment, just before we are able to finish it off, my visual sphere gets flooded by other animals.
Gorillas are leading everything.
Another boulder is flying at us. I can see the culprit this time. A white back gorillas, standing on its back legs. Its arms bigger than its whole body.
[ There!]
The rock turns into dust in mid air.
[ We need to move!]
The girls nod.
A sound comes from the underground.
I hurriedly focus on what is beneath my foot. Soon after, my face turns pale.
The place where The Class Rep stood on suddenly breaks open and appendages burst out from many spots around it.
[ Shield yourself!]
An invisible shield forms around the princess.
The tentacles hit her protection layer and bounce right back.
The result is different from what everyone i
was expecting, so we share a look of astonishment.
[ How is your shield so strong? You are a bit more competent now.]
[ I have no idea. And I swear on my Mama I'm gonna shave your head once we're done.]
I want to say something as well, like "You did good." or something like that.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
Protruding from the ground, 3 sharp spears travels extremely quickly. Each of them points at a different body part.
The head, the chest, and the stomach, all aiming at me.
Misdirection. Such a simple tactic, but as long as it works.
Once again, I bend my back and knees, lowering my body, trying to dodge the attack. The 3 tentacles fly by face similar to before.
They say that do not try to deceive the opponent with the same move twice. Yet this is the second time today I do something like this.
Still, I manage to dodge it just in time without scratching my face.
Nonetheless, I am still very ignorant. Just as I have a thought that this is over, the attack turns back to me like homing missiles.
While what I am doing is the same, the animal is not. My feet and waist are completely tied up by smaller black tentacles while I was busy focusing on dodging. There is literally no place for me to move.
It has learned from me.
It has seen what it did, how I did it, and it has created a plan to stop me.
Unlike me, who think of it as less than I am, it thinks of me as an equal.
For the mistake of underestimating my opponent, I must pay the price. Strangely, others would be sad, their life would be like flashing in front of their eyes and they would see their past lives even. For me, I feel no sadness whatsoever in this situation.
Never have I been truly living, until those girls saved me.
They gave me purpose.
I reap what I sow. This is my responsibility. I am not going to tell the girls to save me in anyway.
Should have told them to leave at first. I thought to myself.
That said, not without one last struggle am I leaving this world.
My body is still being boosted thanks to the medication The Mother gave me. Thanks to that, I can still control it better than anyone can with their own.
In this type of situation, I cannot break free from the ground. The only thing that I can do is to protect my head and chest. Direct contact can help me with mindcontrol, but it takes too long.
My arms are put in front of me, and I hide my face behind my head.
I brace myself.
This is going to hurt.
[ Run.]
That is my last word to the girls.
I just want them to be safe.