
These were the last twenty nine hours of Alan's blindness, by the middle of next day he would see again, and hopefully pair his eyesight with his newly acquired vision.

Everyone headed to the back of the castle

"We will be starting from the top and working our way down" explained Ecaura

"But..how will they be able to get up there?"

Just as Alan finished speaking, he could hear flopping noises, Kiplers have the ability to produce a sticky goo out of the bottom of their feet to be able to walk on walls, when they reached the top, their backs bended ninety degrees, making them face the cracks, it was as if every inch of their bodies was freely mobile, and can bend in any direction and any angle, some even let themselves dangle from one leg, did they even have bones? It was such a shame Alan couldn't see any of what was happening, Ecaura levitated and he was instructed to scout the bottom

"How would I be able to feel what needs to be fixed?" He shouted at Ecaura who was levitating above him

"Seismic sense

-excuse me?

-Titri gave you amazing sense of vibration, we trained on it, remember? Put your head against the wall, hit it with your hand, feel the vibration, find the crack, you know the rest"

Ecaura went back to work, Alan stood there a bit flabbergasted at first, but then composed himself and lifted his hand about to hit the wall, then he put it down, he grabbed the Guenara rock he got, held it in between his hands, then violently stomped on the floor with his right leg, he felt a lot of vibration, and equally as many cracks. He then hit the castle's wall with his left leg, and all cracks in the proximity instantly healed, it took kiplers and the Queen a bit to understand what just happened, Ecaura turned to Alan, and suddenly her guenitras lit up, which was the equivalent of a human's pupils expanding, she realised something, and was extremely shocked about it which made the guenitras react.

They stayed lit up, then became brighter by the second, until a buzzing sound came out of them, Ecaura headed toward Alan faster than he could process it, she roamed around him until she devoured him. From the outside, all kiplers could see was a spherical bright white light, but on the inside, Alan was unconscious, in fact his consciousness got teleported to Ecaura's mind.

He found himself in a fully blacked out place, with a ginormous white glowing entity towering over him, bigger than any skyscrapers or anything he's ever seen, the entitiy was sitting on the ground with its legs crossed, it had wings and a circle around its face vertically. Alan started levitating until he got up to its face

"You, are one, of a kind" the entity said, with it talking Alan realised it was Ecaura, she was so different

"What do you mean? Where are we? What's happening?" At this point, when is a time Alan hasn't muttered a thousand questions at once? He does it all the time, but can he really be blamed?

"The curse of Rage prohibited any creature group from ever being able to learn or perform another group's magical ability, because if an entity masters that amount of magic, it may be able to evolve to practicing existential magic, which only the two gods have been able to perform....but you, may be able to be the third"

Alan then morphed into some place else, Ecaura is now in front of him, in a small form, she continued speaking

"What distinguishes Quantum shifters from the variety of other Nocturnal Queendom groups are 7 portals. To understand me better, you need to know that all other creatures beside me are nothing but a mutation of previous Shifters, throughout the years some shifters mutated and the mutations evolved into Kiplers, Titris, and a whole lot of other forms. The Shifters that did not change went extinct when they decided to retaliate, which makes me the only remaining intact Quantum Shifter.

Now that you know that, let's go back to the 7 portals. A portal is a magic technique that if learned, may open doors for other potential forms of adaptation and manipulation, out of all the portals only 7 are special to intact Quantum shifters, if you could perform one, just one, I will be fully sure of your unique versatility. The portals are as follows: the portal of truth, the portal of mask, the portal of Yin, the portal of Yang, the portal of Chi, the portal of Hannee, and finally, the portal of dichodualitarimerginatura, the hardest one to learn.

-haha, WHAT? what was it that you just said? The last portal?

-dichodualitarimerginatura, is there anything wrong?

-thought my translators corrupted for a second, so that was its actual name?...why?

-it's actually derived from four words, "dicho" comes from dichotomy, "dualitari" from duality, "mergi" from merging, and "natura" from nature

-still does not change the difficulty of its pronunciation, but anyway, what are these abilities...or, portals?

-One of the biggest mistakes your people made, that you thankfully realised, is separating what's dichotomous, instead of merging them to created balance and equity, which is what the last portal adapts, but let me tell you first about all of them, in order

The portal of mask's move is called Quantum Locking, it is when you subliminally bound the entity's spirit, and prevent it from either remembering a past event, or expressing their true feelings, the portal of mask can make an entity bottle up so much emotion until their heart stings, the emotional damage spirals up to the physical and it breaks them down, in every possible way.

The portal of truth's move is called Quantum Opening, which is the ability to make an entity confess the pure truth of a story, or of their current or past emotional state, the portal of truth may be manipulated to the point that the entity's spirit gets cut and poked because of how loose it becomes, and the entity becomes defenseless, and very spirituality disturbed

The portal of Yin holds the Hiss move, while performing the signature move, you will hiss like a snake, and you will be able to turn anything living into ruinous and harmful, you will hold the ability to evoke aggression and resentment for a limited amount of time, eventually the bit of white in the Yin part and in their heart will take over again, if you manage to make them resentful forever, darkness will take over their heart, they will hate everyone and everything until they start hating themself, and end up ending their physical existence.

The portal of Yang is characterized with the Humm move, which is one I used on you before, when performed on a life, the life will calm down, compose itself, and not worry anymore, for a limited amount of time, eventually the bit of dark will take over what was once its and the entity will recede back to normal, if managed to be fully conquered, and the effect reached infinity, the entity will become a slave to the public, you may say a "people's pleaser" but no, a literal slave. It will tolerate any weight, any abuse, anything, until it breaks down eventually.

We now finally start with the portals that can't only manipulated entities, but objects too, starting of course, with the portal of Chi, with its signature move, the...