
..the Wayx, it holds attraction of water, if you master the Wayx you will be able to manipulate water, if perfected, you will be able to manipulate anything, or anyone, derived from water, like blood and leaves, and you will be able to kill a lot of creatures, instantly.

The portal of Hannee has the Liths move, which allows you to generate heat, anytime, anywhere, and the possibilities of it being used ruinously is endless.

And the last, but definitely not the least, the portal of dichodualitarimerginatura, I will be referring to it as DCM from now on, with its signature moves, that's right, moves, Kawazma, Akkina and Lathinsé. Kawazma allows you to levitate and move around in the air freely, Akkina makes you able to instantly acquire the shape of any being you touched once, and morph into it whenever you want, Lathinsé is the ability to be subliminal to the point you start hearing thoughts, smelling emotion, and even...connecting with the spirits of the dead.

DCM is undoubtedly the hardest portal to perfect.

It may seem like we've been here for long, but we did not pass 10 seconds in the physical world, so now let's go back, and finish the cracks, with your Praying Terraformer ways, then we'll talk more about the portals"

And just like that, the white boulder vanished, Alan woke up, Ecaura was beside him.

As the work progressed, Alan got a better hold of his terraforming capabilities, and just as he was close to the end, while he scouted one of the regions he was about to terraform, he, as usual, stomped on the ground, he did feel the cracks, but also felt a hollow space underground, he knew Ecaura knew about it, but he didn't say or do anything, for now, but he knew it was deliberately created, as everything in this Queendom was, but why?


"Done" said Alan as he clapped his hands together to get rid of the dirt

"Good job..and I mean that" Ecaura replied, and she did, she was very proud of him, he improved a lot from the first time she met him, "well humans may be immature but they're definitely bendable, at least this one is" she thought to herself

"What?" She then suddenly asked

"What is what?" Alan replied, really confused

"The weight on your brain, it's a question, what is it?

-how can you tell? Every single time

-it has only been a few hours since I've explained Lathinsé to you, you know, the one where I can hear your thoughts with, have you forgotten that quickly?

-no, I was just...caught off guard a bit

-okay then, tell me, what is it?

-while feeling the ground the last few times, I felt a hollow area underground, it felt empty, and overall really strange, I was kind of wondering about the reason of its existence

-there's.. two.. there's.. two

-two of what?

-two rooms....there's 2 rooms

-why are you taking long pauses between your words as if it's an emotionally heavy subject to talk about?

-that's because it is

-would you mind telling it?"

Ecaura's narration started:

"You already know that Quantum shifters do not die from age they only die from harm. Long ago, when a lot of us, intact shifters, used to roam the nocturnal island, the way we used to repopulate and reproduce by were those two rooms, a Quantum shifter would be in a room, another Shifter would be in the other, between the 2 rooms on opposite sides of the island is a tunnel that connects both of them to a small spherical area in the middle, both Shifters will simultaneously channel their energy through those tunnels, the energy accumulates in the sphere and creates a new Quantum shifters, and of course it comes with a cost, which is that one of the two shifters gets one portal taken away from them, forever, and the others gets all portals taken away from them temporarily, until the newly made shifter masters them themself, then it will come back to the other.

That was the main reason behind these mutations, some shifters participated in the making of others so much they only had one portal left, after that one portal goes away, their existence gets reshaped and their Quantum shifting abilities disappear, for more simpler ones to come by.

I am the last Quantum shifter, I can't make a new one, and I never will, after I die one day, my race will be gone, forever. Those rooms have not been visited for a very long time, and they will never be visited, again"

Heavy silence dominated the eerily quiet area, until Alan disturbed spoke up

"What is the energy used in the process?

-an energetical manifestation of Kawazma, Akkina and Lathinsé. The three signature moves of the last portal"

"Energetical manifestation?" He thought to himself, how many terms and phenomena does he need to know before understanding Quantum shifters well?

"How do you manifest moves into energy

-the same way you make moves from energy, by finding the energy pond of what you're trying to connect to in your spirit, there really isn't a fixed clear path to mastering portals, it just comes, but once it does, it never leaves, even if not practiced, it'd be forgotten but not gone, it will linger around in your mind and soul, for when you need it again. When do you want to start your training?

-tomorrow, I'm tired now, oh also, since it's night, can you remove titri from me, I'm eternally thankful for the way it helped me open my eyes, in the metaphorical sense of course, but I think I can continue on my own now, plus I'll have my vision back by early tomorrow

-of course."

Ecaura took Alan's form and touched his head with both her hands, Titri glowed and then ejected itself out in combustion out of Alan, then took its raven form and flew into the Queendom.

The next day rolled by, and Alan opened his eyes, and saw..he saw.

He cried, never thought something so desideratum, taken for granted, would ever be gone, or missed this much. He did not know its true worth until he lost it.

He went to look for Ecaura, and found her on her throne

"Ready for your training?

-I don't know if I am, but there's only one way to find out, and we both know it

-absolutely, follow me, let me guide you to where our first stop will be, Queendom, section Zelta, better known as the Queendom's captivity and conversion center, where we take dysfunctional members of the Queendom, find out the reason behind their retaliation, then pacify them.

-why are we going there?

-to awaken the first pond in your spirit, the truth pond, the energy that manifests into the portal of truth. In simpler words, we will be testing to see if you can perform Quantum Opening, its signature move.

We'll be working on Xymopal, the creature group responsible for alerting the Queendom of any inner or outer damage, it communicates with me and Kiplers, and they fix it. For some reason, it's the group where the most misbehaving entities generate, they not only keep quiet about damage, but...