potion history

they cannot grow two next to each other, if one is out another one can only grow at least fifty meters away, they also only live a week, and on a random time that week, they gush blood out of their tips that if touched by a living thing disappears, it also disappears after three minutes of a living creature seeing it, or when it drops to the ground. We need to have someone sit by a plant from the second it sprouts, to capture the blood with special leaves, once cultivated the blood would not disappear anymore.

You were going to crush it.

-why is it so complicated? What is the plant used for?

-it's used for four potions, Wherecore, Xancore, Yincore and Zancore.

Whercore: Qyn daggers

Whercore potions make an Artely able to know when a Gwaxy or Guen is in the proximity, and their exact location too.

Xancore: Qyn dagger bases

Xancore potions highlight anyone thinking about or looking at you, the effect lasts a whole day.

Yincore: Qyn dagger tops

Yincore potions makes the drinker able to smell 2 smells on people, Yourami and Hannea, you smell Yourami if the person is more good than evil, Hannea if the opposite, if the person is neutral you will smell one smell out of each nostril

Zancore: Qyn dagger blood

Zancore, one of the most complicated to cultivate, brew, and use, Zancore is at the top of the rarest and most sensitive potions of the whole AZ planet.

If brewed at day, a Zancore potion will make you able to hear the thoughts of one person.

If at night, it will give you the ability to talk to them telepathically without them knowing who you are, you could mind manipulate them, or trip them out.

If brewed in a bloody moon, it will make you able to control their body.

If brewed during a full moon, it gives you fifty hours of sleep you can give, for example you can make one person fall asleep for fifty hours, or fifty people asleep for one hour each

If brewed directly under the moonlight, it grants you a Guengriv effect, where you can make someone see, feel, smell or taste something that's not there.

-....wow, these potions are omnipotent, especially the last one

-we only have a few Zancore potions, every type is very specific as you now know

-I never thought brewery could be this complicated

-oh you should see the Xwyz potion, we only have one in stock, and it's the rarest on all of AZ, arguably the universe, Zancore is nothing compared to it, literally nothing.

-would you mind telling me about it?



"The divinity Scraps of Gwaxyguen",

part II: Xwyz,

take VII: Her Algae, Bloody Bubbles

The Her algae are a type of algae that grow within a hundred meters of where the shrine of goddess Qyn is situated, once every bloody moons, Her algae exert bloody bubbles out only thee moment when the moons are perpendicular to them, the bubble fly from the algae to the surface at the speed of sound, then perish, you need to put a cover over them before they fully disassociate from the algae because once they do you won't be able to catch them, however the bubbles are violent and stubborn, they will attempt to hurt you and won't calm down after you catch them unless they make contact with a Guenara rock, good luck trying to do that without them escaping from the woven sac first, then, and only then, could you take them back home. There a new adventure starts, it consists of collecting at least fifty bits of different flora types and beating them together in a paste, submerging the now solidified bubble for a week in the paste, then washing it off, mixing it with some shards from an emerald guenara rock and a violet one, all three into a paste. Because of the dichotomy between the energies green and purple Guenara rocks store, they annihilate each other and start making the bubble wither with them, so now you need to work fast, you need to toss the paste, called Herfilia, into a cauldron of boiling Kadea nectar, it emits a violent smoke then evaporates fully, leaving the place empty, three days later a few milliliters of a gooey red liquid will loom at the bottom of the cauldron, and that, is the Xwyz potion.

Xwyz potions allow you to make a 2 wishes, with rules

-you cannot directly or indirectly change the winner of the next Goraxwazy battle

-you cannot wish for any change of location, island wise.

-you cannot wish for death upon any entity

-you cannot wish for unlimited or new powers

-after you make the wish, you will forget about it

-any wish you made will be realised at least a week after

-you cannot wish for something that's permanent, the effects of your wish must come to an end at a time Xwyz deems appropriate.

-you cannot wish for more wishes

-you cannot wish to remember what you have wished for

-you cannot wish for two emotions, love and hate, upon yourself or others, you cannot make anyone love or hate another"

Alan took a long pause then spoke again

"All of this...for a potion?

-Alan, you have no idea how complex every island in Gwaxyguen is, what you never gotten to know about Tribalchotomous, the Nocturnal, and Neris, is way more than what you did get the opportunity to know, Nyangotrama is the second most complex, after the Nocturnal, we have over two thousand potions, flora and fauna that even we don't know all of, creatures with composite parts and working mechanisms, a lot of history, a lot of places, a lot of traditions, a lot of rules, a lot of everything. Each creature tries to give you the bare minimum of what you should know, just enough so you can understand the dynamics, and that's what I'm trying to do, but potions are something you need to know because they help, for example Usrov


22- Usrov: Nyoran fruit

When poured on the ground, Usrov will make a circle of 40 meters in diameter that if stepped on, would not make you able to be sensed by Logachtiges, the effects last for 15 minutes only.


you could use one to get away from Logachtiges

It helps to know, just knowing them is a strength, I want to expose you to as many of them as possible"

The notorious buoyancy electrical sounds of the Nyangoshrooms gradually filled the air more and more

"Wers, alert Bixers, the récolte is here" Orahy ordered

Wers touched a Gurrs potion and closed his eyes


8- Gurrs: Toslup berries

Gurrs is a communicative potion, if an individual is touching a Gurrs potion, they have the ability to communicate telekinetically with any other person touching a Gurrs potion at the same time as them


All Bixer Artelys swiftly got the message and fluttered their wings toward the shrooms, cutting them appropriately in a matter of seconds, and having everything ready, Cixers counted after them and made sure the number was right and no shroom was rotten. Bixers then called for Logachtiges to put the shrooms in baskets and prepare them to be presented for Sworvik.


"What are bixers?" Alan asked

"Haven't you learned about the seven cosmic strider types, and the different Nocturnal creatures? Artixer is a way we classify Artelys based on their roles...