the coven

-those who have less, simply worked less. It is not a difficult concept to fathom.

-tell that to the cosmic striders that have not been blessed with the gift of craftsmanship, tell that to the Meskyors that took care of a whole kingdom while being whipped cold and given morsels of bread to live on. Those who work the most are usually getting the least.

-life is unfair, what can you do?

-I'm not asking life to be fair, I'm asking you to. Stop living for yourself, cut the egocentrism, give your life a meaning, don't drown it in vanity; share your meals with those in need, share your ideas with who's in despair, share your experience with your peers, share. The right amount of sharing does not take anything away from you, it only enriches your existence, enlightens your spirit, and mends your soul.

-oh my soul has everything it needs to regenerate here.

-what do you mean?

-the sphere you entered, is called the sphere of souls, and I am called the Lord of souls, did it click in yet?

-what are you trying to say?

-you were able to float once you enetered the sphere, the only thing in this world that can freely float is the soul, because it is weightless, I harvested souls for millennias, and I condensed them into an anti-gravity matter, filled my sphere with them, and created a place for myself where not even a natural phenomenon can limit me

-you steal...souls?

-oh yes, and unless you give me your third eye, your soul will be stolen too

-do you really think you can imprison me?, Velta said

-I do"

The Lord took over Alan's body, he started moving it according to his will "and you know what's humiliating? -he said- it's that you'll be giving it to me on your own"

Alan's back arched as if he was possesed and his mouth opened wide, Velta came out of it, and started heading towards the Lord's Scepter. Before the scepter could devour her, the spikes that surrounded the Lord got suddenly reshaped into a fist that knocked him out, throwing him off kilter.

"To your information, Tribakwiyan sorcery could be done with the mind" Alan said. He then merged back with Velta, and made eye contact with the Lord, locking him in place, which meant that he was about to perform TEIR, "may your soul, rest for twenty days" Alan then swayed his hands but the Lord did not go to sleep, he only got briefly knocked down. So Alan resorted to a full moon Zancore potion, he threw it at the Lord, and it finally got him down.



"The ground I will shake and distraught

Keep the earth in my thought

Feel every grain, no matter how small it got

I will keep fighting like my ancestors fought

And retaliate, give them a taste of the pain they brought

I shall, I ought",

A seismic event started, the ground shook with rage and anger, anger for the lost lives, and withering souls of the living that have been broken by the occupation. The ground that was once compressing Valenzia, Quintria and Turbia opened and ejected them outside.

"Redemption is upon us, sisters"



Alan's next stop was the shed of the shed pacifist, otherwise known as Lémoire,

Alan knew he has gotten closer to the shed when the grass became greener and more vibrant in the middle of the forest,

And right when he least expected it, he arrived to a place in the middle of the forest that was plain, the grass was lilac in color, the same color the Foys had, but there was nothing, and no one present there, it looked pretty, but deserted. Alan yelled "hello" and only his echo replying was heard, he sat there wondering what to do, then, he saw a carving on a tree on the perimeter of the circle



Together, the three wisewomen stood in a triangle and started swaying their hands, a golden mist generated, and they started collectively casting the longest and most vicious spell they've ever casted in their lifetimes

"The mistreat of our kind will shake the ground

Hide in creeks and ruins but you will be found

We will hover over your body and pound

Screams of wrath will kill with piercing sounds

To the cells you once put us in you will get bound

Rocks will go across your skins to wound

We will fight with a heart that's empty

And forget the existence of empathy

As you did before us, you see?

It's bad when it's the other way around, when we're free

Out of your buildings we'll leave some debris

And we'll burn your corpses then keep the ashes as a memory

Am i scary now that I'm heartless?

I know revenge isn't right but i couldn't care less

An eye for an eye would leave us all blind, I'm happy blind nonetheless

It's about time we take a break from being pacific, a small recess

During which we'll destroy and cause distress

We'll continue fighting you all and progress

Until none of you are left, until we cleaned your mess

Until havoc spreads and we wipe you out with success

Until we cleanse the universe from your existence"



"Think, and believe in your thought"

"Think, and believe in your thought? What does that mean? Maybe I need to feel the pacifist's existence before seeing it. If the mother of pearl is the opposite of the lord of souls, as blue is the opposite of orange, then the pacifist is the opposite of the perplexor, as lilac is the opposite of yellow, and if the perplexor is the embodiment of worry and anxiety, the pacifist should be the embodiment of purity and oblivion. If I let myself drown in those emotions, will he finally appear to me?"



A violent earthquake started shaking all of Tribalchotomous, buildings collapsed and everyone got thrown off balance, all Tribakwiyans got a green shield around them that ejected away any rock heading toward them, and the terraformers got left bare, to fight the anger of the earth element by their terraforming, or at least try to.



Alan took the meditation stance Okko once shown to him, upside down, he then allowed himself to get consumed inside the earth, he felt every single little piece of grass brushing against his hair, he felt devoured and...vulnerable, the second he let the vulnerability get to him, he fainted.

When he woke up, he found himself inside a big straw tent, with someone on their knees brewing tea next to them

"you're finally up, Jasmin tea, friend?

-thank you. Hah.

-what's so funny?

-oh nothing, this jasmin tea reminded me of someone that's all. Are you..?

-Lémoire, the shed pacifist. I am, in the flesh

-you're so welcoming.

-why wouldn't I be? I only appear to those who strongly feel the emotion i embody, if we came in contact, that means the universe has allowed it to happen, so it shouldn't be bad.

-good point" said Alan, then he lightly blew on the tea and took a sip.

"So, would you mind telling me about yourself, giving me an insight to how you perceive reality