WebNovelJUST YOU21.05%


The next day , he awakes and he feels his arm is heavy and his body feels warm . He looks and saw her in his arms , hugging him . He chuckles , 'It must be so cold last night' , he thought . He pulled the blanket up and covers her whole body again . He touches her arm to feel if she's cold . "Shit ! So cold" , he's rubbing his hand to her arms hoping she will feel a little warm . She tightens her hug into him . "Xi Mu , so cold..."

Xi Mu looks worried and tightens his hands around her , rubbing her arms and her back so she won't feel the cold . He get off the bed and covered her using more blanket . He takes his phone to call Dr Tom .

"Hello, doctor . Can you come here right now ? I think she's gonna have a fever"

"Sure , Mr. Qin . I will come in 30 minutes"

"Make it fast . Thanks , Doctor Tom"

"No problem"


"How's her ?" , Xi Mu asked . He looks so worried .

"She's okay . She has a slight fever as her wound is a bit deep , so her body is a bit tired from the recovery . Make sure she eats her medicine on time and doesn't let her get too cold . I'll prescribe another medicine later" , Dr. Tom explained as detail as he can so Xi Mu will rest assured .

"Thanks , Dr. Tom . Let me see you out"

"No no no , I'll just go out myself . I'll pass the medicine to Xiao Lu" , he said while holding his left arm to stop him from seeing him out .

"Then I'll let Xiao Lu go with you . Thanks again"

Dr. Tom left the room with Xiao Lu . Xi Mu let out his sigh in relieved . "Thank god her wounds is not infected" , Xi Mu walks to the bed and sits by her side . Taking a look at her pale face yet still gets him stunned . Her lethal beauty made his heart beat faster and faster every time . He caressed her face gently . "Hope you heal faster , girl"


Xiu awakes . Her heads feel heavy and dizzy . She observed the room . She saw many blankets on the bed . 'What's wrong ? Why there's so many blankets here ? Did I have a fever ?' , she touches her forehead .


The door opened . It's Xi Mu . He brings in a tray containing porridge and a cup of hot jasmine tea . "You awake ?! How are you ? Still dizzy ? Still cold ?" , he asked while setting the food on the table .

Xiu shook her head gently and smiled as she find his nagging is becoming longer and longer. "I'm okay , just a bit dizzy" , she said and get off the bed and walked toward the table . Xi Mu pulled the chair for her . She sits on the chair and Xi Mu put the blanket over her shoulders .

Xi Mu takes the spoon and scoops a bit of porridge and blows on it . He tastes a little to make sure it's not too hot . "Here.." , he feeds her .

"Ey , Xi Mu"

"Em ? What ?" , Xi Mu still answer her while focusing on blowing the porridge .

"Do you like me ?" , Xiu asked straightforwardly .

Xi Mu was shocked and choked his own saliva . He faces her with his unexplainable expressions . "Hey , which girl asks straight to the point like that to a man ?!" , he said . His face turns red also his ears as well . His white skin gives away his answer . Xiu smiled from ear to ear looking at him embarrassed like that .

"Forget about it , just eat this" , he shoved the porridge into her mouth trying to change the topic .

"Do you already tell your dad ? About Qi Sheng Hao.." , he asked .

"Not yet . He's traveling with my mum . I don't want to bother him . He's not that young anymore , let him enjoy his life to the fullest" , Xiu said . She looks bright when she talks about her dad .

"You seem to like your dad very much" , Xi Mu exclaimed .

Xiu smiled . "Yeah , I did..." , her eyes look sparkling .