Teams and training

All the student had entered the class and were sitting beside their friend and talking about things like how cool it would be to be a ninja but they still don't know that being a ninja is not easy. I feel pity for those kids.


Soon the teacher entered and all of the students quieted down and looked at iruka sensie excitedly while I just continued to look out the window though i was completely focusing on iruka sensie to see if anything had changed from the original.


"good morning class today I know you all are excited to see your team but don't cause too much trouble for me"


After hearing this everyone looked at iruka seriously and didn't utter a word.


"good" said iruka and nodded he then started speaking "ok the first team will be..."


I didn't pay attention to the irrelevant teams they will be of no use.


"team 7 will be Sakura, sasuke and naruto"


Sakura had stars in her eyes as iruka sensie said my name but instantly turned gloomy when se heard narutos name, I was planing to make naruto, Sakura and Kakashi stronger but first i needed to be stronger.


"Team 8 will be hinata kiba and shino"






After the teams were devided the class was dismissed we were going to meet our teacher on fryday meaning the test will be on Saturday


[I don't remember if naruto met with kakashi immediately after the teams were devided so if i am wrong just tell me]


After the teams were dismissed Sakura tried to pester me but I just straight up ignored her and went on my way to training, I liked the adult Sakura way more her personality right now is trash. I will deal with her later, I dont have any feeling for her as of right now if I develop feelings for some one else i will just reject Sakura.


I quickly reached home I was going to practice all day I wanted to impress Kakashi during the bell test, so I quickly grabbed some weight from the uchiha storage and some genjutsu jutsus I really thought that genjutsu was really underrated.


I started practicing genjutsu and also learnt how to break free of them, even the clones that are taught at the academy is underrated if combined with shadow clones they are a great weapon.


I was planning to learn shadow cline jutsu during the bell test since naruto is gonna use it I will just memorise the hand signs and learn the jutsu. The weights were truly heavy and were putting a lot of pressure on my body.


But my body was quickly adapting and getting stronger I could feel it, after training with genjutsu which I used on a bird and made him think that the sky is the ground he quickly flew staraight into the ground.


That was one of the most basic genjutsu just enough imagination the genjutsu can also turn into a deadly weapon, after training with genjutsu I started training my shuriken jutsu. Tough I could not overcome itachi talent but I can overcome him by my strength.


After training with shuriken just for a while where I first hit the perfect target then threw the second shuriken into the previous on perfectly, after I was able to do it easily I staarted hitting the shuriken on moving targets. I was doing all this withoit using my sharingan to make sure that I wasn't too dependent on the sharingan.


After shuriken jutsu practice i went out to buy some fuinjutsu seals I was gonna learn fuinjutsu it will really be useful to be able to create my own tag, fuinjutsu has endless potential.


I bought a bunch of paper with chakra ink and also bought a basic fuinjutsu book where all the basics were mentioned, I used my sharingan to see how the storage seal works and similarly I started replicating the seals and started practicing.


After a tough fuinjutsu session I went back to the uchiha storage and brought a bit of fire jutsus, there were a lot of fire jutsus in the storage which was expected since uchihas were the best fire users.


I learned these jutsus just to get the basic of the fire element I learnt fire wall, fire roar, fire claw and more. After this i really wanted to try something.


I quickly went and brought an old sword from the uchiha storage, the sword was preety rusty but looked really beautiful. The sword had a thin but sharp blade its hilt was golden with fire logo and it looked really awesome.


This was the perfect sword to test my theory on, it had already started turning dark but that wasn't going to stop me so i started testing my theory on the sword.


I activated my sharingan and started sending my Chakra into the blade the blade shone and the rust started to come of slowly but that wasn't it I wanted to see what would happen if I used fire chakra on a blade.


I already had an idea that it would start to melt of I directly poured my fire chakra into the blade, so I covered it with my normal chakra to have a protection layer on the sword.


And then I coated it with my fire, and the result was magnificent the blade lit up with fire and the fire chakra was being amplified by the sword. Something unexpected happened the fire logo that was present on the hilt of the sword suddenly lit up with an orange colour.


All the rust disappeared and the sword was back to its fill majesty again i looked at the sword with pride I had actually created a jutsu. I started practicing basic uchiha swordstyle, uchiha taijutsu and fighting styles were all topnotch.


I started to move with precision and power the fire danced according to my will when I wanted it to be powerful it became powerful, when I wanted it to be defensive it became it became defensive.


I didn't have enough chakra to continue the fire but I still kept going until my chakra reserves were empty