Dense chakra

After a nice breakfast I went outside I was really pleased with my progress with yesterday's practice, today I was planing to work on my stamina and taijutsu so I immediately wore my weights and started running laps around the uchiha compound.


Tough it was hard but my body was adapting to the weights quickly, I didn't want to lose my flexibility so while running around I started parkouring around the walls and even did some wall runs.


I ran till I felt that my lungs were about to burst after which I took a small break, breaks are necessary for efficient training I quickly went to the legendary ramen shop and ordered 2 large bowls of ramen.


After taking a bite I felt my body was already starting to abosrb the nutrients, so I quickly started gulping all the ramen and it tasted heavenly. I now know why naruto was so addicted to ramen, this ramen is just to good.


As I finished the ramen I quickly paid him and ran back home, after reaching there I started meditating I really wanted to test something so I started concentrating all the chakra into my chakra reserve.


All of the chakra from my body was now at my chakra reserve, so I started concentrating my chakra into a small point. At first the chakra didn't stack up but soon all the chakra started to condense into a single point.


It started to hurt like hell but I continued and started condensing my Chakra into a more denser version of my Chakra, the pain still continued but my chakra was also starting to feel more powerful.


After condensing my Chakra into a denser version of it I opened my eyes, I noticed I had unconsciously activated my sharingan. I closed my eyes and disabled my sharingan and opened my eyes again.


My body was completely covered in sweat I was completely exhausted, I quickly went and took a bath to cool my body and also clean it. I dressed up in my usual clothes I really should get some good clothes wearing the same type of clothes everyday is boring.


I quickly went to the training ground and also brought my sword I really wanted to check what effect my concentrated chakra had. I quickly used the basic jutsu.


Fire style : fire ball.


As soon as I said that a gaint fire ball appeared in front of me this was bigger and hotter than my normal fireball it was so hot that even the leaves were starting to burn. The pain was totally worth it.


With the new excitement I quickly grabbed my sword and started channelling my chakra into the sword.


Fire style : fire blade


A wave of fire started to cover the blade and the fire was fierce yet calm, I swinged the sword towards a tree but rather than what I had expected there was a huge wave of fire that just touched the tree.


The fire was too distributed to cut through the tree and there was also a lot of unnecessary chakra used, I tried again but this time I held the sword above my head and concentrated on my chakra. As the chakra gathered around the blade the fire started to grow and then I took a deep breath and swang my sword.


As expected this time a slash of fire travelled through the air and it cut the tree in two and the slash cut a little deep in the ground too. This is really powerful but too time consuming, in a fight this would take too much time.


This time I concentrated just a little bit of chakra on the blade and used a little bit of chakra on my arms and swang my sword.

This time the slash was quicker but smaller, the slash was only able to cut through half of the trees bark.


I quickly made some more improvements and was able to release more than one slash at a time by swing my sword once and using the same momentum to make a stronger slash which would gain more momentum and it would get stronger the longer I slash.


This was the perfect basic technique after practicing that I went to the konoha library and got some earth style jutsus and started practicing them.


Earth style : earth dome


A dome of earth formed around me to protect me i was able to make a while dome but it was too weak. This wasn't going to work for long time defence it could only take one jutsu.


Earth style : mud floor


As I said that the floor in front of me turned into muddy land this will be useful to delay some enemies but it won't work on strong opponents, I touched the mud and tried to manipulate the mud. I was successful but not completely I was only able to move it a little.


But even that is a proof that this jutsu can be evolved into something terrifying, I could use the mud to completely restrain some enemies. I quickly started practicing the some earth style jutsus they were really handy because of their defence.