Chapter 19: The Party (II).

Chapter 19: The Party (II).

Elizabeth's POV

Click... Clack... Click…

It was the sound of my footsteps taking a bit of an echo as I walked by the Duke's estate. Many of my uncle's servants would stare before lowering their heads once they saw the tiara above me indicating that I, the royal princess Elizabeth Isoldein Nevemayr only heir to the throne would be visiting their place and attending their little lady's birthday party.

Whom... I've never been introduced to the little lady in my whole existence.

With their eyes cast down, I felt their fear and curiosity upon my appearance seeing the blood stain on my dress even though they were concerned.

Walking past them with haste, I caught an earful of their whispered conversation.

"Goodness, is she the empress' daughter? It's been years... she's already so big I wish her mother would've seen her too- I know she'll grow up to be a beauty."

"She's still a child, Mildred, and she may not grow up the same just like the empress. Our late ruler was kind but- those council members might have already slithered their influence on her like a snake."

"D-Don't say that... sure the apple doesn't fall so far from the tree."


"The blood on her clothes sure gives off something else."

"H-Head maid we don't know the full story we shouldn't assume anything..."

Hmm... My late mother's influence in this place is intact, I support that she did the common people well and treated them fair. However, I'm not rather happy that they compared me to her. I don't even know the late empress.

"Your highness, the ballroom is right this way- but are you sure you won't change first-" The young guard moves over holding the doorknob and looking over at my clothes, I shake my head going with the plan to throw off my Uncle.

"Perhaps after I will change, but I have a party to attend to," I tell him, raising an eyebrow, impatient for him to open the door but the moment he did I was not aware of the situation I was getting into.


I laughed to myself, seeing all the nobles wearing something themed in red. While I was the only one colored in blue.

I immediately felt out of place.

Duke Damien Amora Nevemayr set me up for public humiliation in case I survived. The cunning of him to even think of me surviving, meaning he didn't underestimate the percentages or even become too overconfident that he's easily won.

That bitch.

"...Your highness, this was a trap we shouldn't have come to." (Victoria) glares at the crowd, trying to calm herself. I see her clenching her fists restraining herself to become rogue. "When I find Duke Damien I will shove my hand where the sun doesn't shine."


Victoria seemed serious in her words, if she does find the Duke she will be in for a lot of jail time and even execution-

"... pfft." I almost laughed again on the spot. However, perhaps the blood on my dress helps a little now, making me feel like I'm a bit on the theme now. "How perfect. Don't be too glum Victoria, look at my dress and the red bloody state you're in. Aren't we sort of... matching?"

"I suppose we are, your highness."

I can't afford to lose any morale, I find it rather ridiculous and hilarious for this bit of my Uncle to lie in the letter. While for any noble, it would mean for someone who is not following the theme for one's birthday is an insult... for me, I don't care.

I simply followed his request because I was trying to be a considerate guest- but now that they've revealed that even this was a trap I'm not going to follow any more of their rules.

"Hmm... it seems the young knights here aren't taught any manners." I look up at the young knight, my studies have taught me the knights- or servant announcers whoever is close to the door would make any royalty present announce their presence to the crowd.

One of my elite guards sighs, pushing the young knight of Duke Erhenzig out of the way. Standing straight near the door and clearing his throat he shouts. "Presenting! Her royal highness! The first princess of the land of snow!"

I could hear several gasps surrounding the ballroom. Once my presence has been made public, it seems that the classical music has stopped and now the musicians were in a rush to gather their trumpets.




"...Did someone just trip?" I ask Victoria who tries not to hide her laughter too. The whole estate panicking over my arrival was rather funny but we both knew we can't let our guard down too easily even if ridiculous things kept happening.

"Yep, someone sure did." (Victoria) chuckles before getting her serious face on, looking at a handsome figure that resembles me in a way.

The trumpets played briefly, I finally went down the staircase and saw the nobles doing a curtsy or bowing in my direction as a sign of respect but after that their eyes saw the bloody stained part of my dress.

"I-Is that blood?!"

"How come the princess has it over her dress-"

"Goodness me what happened?"

Everyone was in a panic, but I made sure to keep my calm face, giving a curtsy holding the ends of my skirt, and elegantly bowing my head a little. "Greetings, to all the noble families that have attended the party. Apologies for being late but something happened that almost made me not make it."


"An assassination?!"

"Near here? That's truly absurd!"

While it was fun seeing the crowd stirred up for a while, I could see the figure of my Uncle Damien trying to calm them down but nothing seems to be working. "Please calm down everyone! I'm sure her highness is just-"

"No! There might even be mercenaries in this very room!"

"You know how sensitive we are after the last empress died of an assassination attack!"

"It is not safe here, we need to leave!"

Oh... How karma delivers justice.

Uncle, it was already clear who planned the assassination and you dare hide it.

Now you will pay the price for even daring to humiliate me in public I will enjoy the show and let the chaos unfold itself then-

"D-Daddy... I-Is everyone leaving my party?"


A little girl stood by his side, with the most beautiful scarlet red dress ribbon I'd ever seen. She called the Duke her father so I'm assuming that this might be my cousin, whose birthday is today.

"She seems like... a good girl," I muttered unknowingly.

An innocent girl tangled up in her father's web of demise.

"Melrose- daddy is a little busy right now trying to calm all the guests to not leave! Just- go into a corner and come out when I have everything under control." (Duke Damien) tells his daughter who was almost clinging onto his pants, looking like she's almost about to cry.

"Sniff... but my party... I thought- we could celebrate it together. You told me we could sing happy birthday together." (Melrose) with her crying gray eyes made me remember a nostalgic memory.

It's as if her face had taken mine.


"I thought we could celebrate my birthday together, with mama."Those were the same words I told my father about my past life, he only responded with hurtful words and broken trust that day. I never celebrated any of my birthdays with him and I wouldn't do it now even if I was returned to my past life.



Without a moment to waste, I walked down to the table by the side that was filled with sweets and tea. Taking a cup and holding the spoon, I held it in my hands and started hitting the cup with it making a loud 'ting' sound for everyone to hear.

Ting! Ting! Ting!

The tea inside the decorated ceramic cup vibrated, doing it a few times made the whole crowd go silent turning their heads and attention onto me waiting for me to talk.

"Oh?" I dabble in question looking at all the nobles with their eyes watching my every move. It made me a tad bit uncomfortable, I was not one to make speeches without a draft however I have no choice but to continue.

"Has everyone calmed down now?" I smiled, and I could hear Victoria's whisper of praise behind me for doing a good job. Now, it was up to me to get the party back on track- for... the sake of that little girl.

"You have not let me finish what I was saying, you may rest your mind of worry for I have my elite knights taking care of the problem." I smile at the crowd and they all breathe out a sigh of relief.

"So it was bandits..."

"My heart..."

"Still bandits are dangerous to run into, we should be careful."

Everyone was washed over with a sense of relief by my words.

I felt a little bad for the lie I gave.

But it's a white lie that might keep them safe from Uncle's shenanigans. It's not worth ruining a little girl's party with no clear evidence to point at him. I have to salvage what I can and keep everyone calm.

"The ones who have attacked me were bandits, and all... are indeed taken care of really well by my elite knights who you are seeing standing before me, perhaps praise would be in order and call them my saviors instead." I joked, and everyone began to laugh a little, not expecting such humor from the princess that was locked inside the kingdom for years.

I excluded Victoria even if I wanted everyone to know how much she did for me in that attack. I have to keep her strength a secret, in case they might try and target her next.

She's already a target for being my maid and caretaker.

What more could she be? She's a world-renowned General that got into hiding. The last thing she wants is to get her name out in public once more.

"Please let us not dilly dally any longer, we should continue the party for my beloved cousin who deserves to have the spotlight today." I raise my teacup over to her and she blinks in surprise before giving me the widest smile I've ever seen.

I look away and can't take the flowery effect from her eyes.

"Ahem... to... my um..." I wanted to toast in her honor but I never got her full name. I would have to stick to what I know for now and go with it. "To my cousin, Melrose Neyemar. May you long live and prosper, nostrotia!"

I raised my teacup in her honor, everyone soon followed by taking a glass or cup of their drink. Nostrotia is a word you say at the end of your drink, and since I may not be able to drink wine yet due to my age tea would be the proper alternative for such an occasion.


"Nostrotia, your highness!"

"Thank you for keeping us safe!"

"May you also live in prosperity, your highness! Nostrotia!"

They all toasted drinking, and my heart couldn't stop beating from making that speech that I wasn't even sure that it would work.


"Tch, Nostrotia."

Uncle Damien grabs a wine glass with force, looking thankful and angry for me stepping in to save his reputation- but at this point, I knew in my heart he was not calming everyone down to make sure his daughter gets the best birthday she has.

Melrose, my cousin on the other hand smiles another in my direction- and I noticed she... had a missing little tooth making her look more adorable than it should.

"Yey! Nostrotia!" She cheers, holding a cup of juice in her hands and drinking it before walking towards me looking so happy. "Come! Play with me pretty please!"

Melrose has invited me to play... I don't know if I should accept or decline.