Chapter 20: The Party (III).

Chapter 20: The Party (III).

Elizabeth's POV

I... have seemed to have gotten myself into a little predicament on what I would call, babysitting. I was stuck with the duty of accompanying the Duke's daughter, the man who had the gall to assassinate me just this morning.

"This is Mrs. Lolli! And her husband is called Joe!" (Melrose) began to hold two dolls in her hands showing them to me and I tried to smile all that I could in order not to offend her. I acted like I was enjoying what she was doing.

"They are lovely dolls, do you play with them often?" I ask and she smiles, the other children that were near were a little unsure if they should approach us or not.

Melrose Neyemar, my cousin and heir to the Erhenzig Duchy. She has just turned the same age as me and the only thing I could appraise from her personality- is that-

"Yeah! I play with them almost every day! Mommy gave them to me and I love them!" (Melrose) puffs out her little chubby cheeks and I found that part of her a little endearing.

Her whole personality was nothing as I expected, I was hoping to see a spoiled brat or a neglected girl but- she seems to have everything she needs materialistic-wise.

Melrose was a curious, friendly, and bubbly little girl.

Nothing like his father over there in the corner trying to get the other nobles to agree with his small talk.

"Hahaha! I know! I wasn't expecting to see the princess wearing all blue when it's scarlet-red themed! I'm sure she must have misunderstood the invitation's instructions. It's all the same, perhaps she can't read..." (Duke Damien) began conversing with the other aristocrats who began to shift uncomfortably with his words.

They all began sipping their tea or wine, trying to agree but they all knew the accident was rather intentional.

"Hahaha... yes, yes."

"Lovely weather isn't it?"

"Mm... the princess is indeed lovely- I mean not lovely in that gown of hers."

We were still in the ballroom and there were a few guests still roaming around drinking their liquor not minding my rather... unkempt state. It seems that one even found me lovely despite the slight stain over by the side, I am tired of changing clothes.

Lovely classical music would play over us. I observed the place's interior and was impressed with it. The scarlet red theme set everything apart, everyone in their red dress or suits- differently designed and tailored to fit.

I assume... Melrose's favorite color is red.

"Hmm..." I noticed that there was a mountain of gifts not too far away. I have forgotten to give mine out of all the sudden events and invitations for playtime that happened.

"You can be Joe and I can be Mrs. Lolli." (Melrose) tells me happily and I blink at her in confusion, coming back to my senses I looked at the doll she was holding.


Is she that lonely that she needs me to play as the man?

"Oh..." I hesitantly take the doll in my hand to not offend or make the little girl disappointed by rejecting her offer to play. "I suppose... I'm Joe now?" I muttered looking at the doll's big black eyes staring into me with his tan skin and- traditional casual clothes of the land of snow.

"Yeah! You're Joe! Now kiss the doll!" (Melrose) gives me her Mrs. Lolli and tries to kiss it with the doll that I was holding.

"...I think playtime is over."

"But husbands are supposed to kiss their lover before doing the dirty. It's what I heard daddy say to one of my maids." (Melrose) mentioned something that might be useful. My heart leaped out in pity for this girl, to see her father cheating on his wife- I'm not seeing the Duchess anywhere here.

Perhaps she's being kept elsewhere? However, it's her grand daughter's birthday. Observing Melrose's attitude towards her mother... she's in a positive light.

The child's innocent tone threw me off. She saw something she wasn't meant to see.

"...One of your father's maids?" I asked in a curious tone, and she immediately realized that was a wrong thing to reveal to me.

"S-Shh! I-I wasn't supposed to tell anyone-!" (Melrose) places a finger to her lips with a hush.

Oh, of course, the sweet little thing wasn't supposed to see or even know of his father's scandals and affairs.

To use this to my advantage, seeking evidence and recording it would lead me to an advantage if Uncle Damien would dare try to pull another attempt of humiliating me in front of other nobles or people.

"That's a shame... if you tell me we can exchange secrets. After all, aren't families supposed to trust each other and help one another?" I wave her the doll named Joe before pushing it to kiss his doll wife earning a happy gasp from Melrose, seeing me play with her was already winning her trust.

Just a little more push and I can get what I want.

"We might play again but this time, at my castle wouldn't you like that?" I asked, the offer was rather tempting. I would feel safe if Melrose would visit my territory instead, this place- huge and noble-filled as it may.

Still gives me an uneasy feeling.

"The castle-?! I've never gone to the castle yet... my daddy always tells me it's pretty and- something else that I'm not supposed to mention..." (Melrose) tells me as her voice shrinks, I hold her shoulder just at the right distance and start to give what a lonely noble girl could want.

A friend.

The excitement thrills me. However, I'll be using my cousin for information gathering. If Uncle Damien is a smart man, then he'll think of doing the same.

"I have plenty of toys to play with and books to read." I offered my first temptation and she smiled with her little green eyes twinkling, "If you have any books of interest such as stories or even studies I would be willing to read them over with you, Melrose."

"We could take a long stroll in the garden, a picnic, or anything you would like for us to do. I would be willing to play."

I gave her one of my sweetest friendly smiles that pushed her near the edge and she was about to agree on the prospect of visits but not until I could feel someone watching our every move.


When I turned around to face that someone, it was Duke Damien, looming over small figures but thankfully I stayed calm. I didn't need to raise an alarm for any threats that might come over his mouth.

Victoria was near me, other people were walking around and dancing. I was reassured I would be fine, but I would still keep my guard up with the man who tried killing me today.

I glanced at his drink, a golden goblet and I could smell the strong scent of wine.

Wine... only something that was meant to serve the highest nobilities of power or really... people who could afford it because even here it was a drink that symbolizes wealth and power.

"Your highness, I'm glad to see you attending the party for my daughter's seventh birthday you're now the same age. Are the two of you getting along?" He asks us, leaning over and I fake a smile responding to his question if we were getting along.

Melrose... is pretty alright.

"Yes, quite the time we have here playing with dolls." I raise the dolls a little while holding them for Duke Damien to see. I played pretend as Joe, the husband who probably resembled Duke Damien's figure, he didn't look too happy seeing the dolls.

I could see him scowling and Melrose suddenly fidgeting, I could feel her body shifting over behind me. "...Ah." (Melrose)

"Dolls... how many times does daddy have to tell your Melrose, you're not allowed to play with your dolls anymore. You're already seven, meaning old enough to study and not play around doing nothing." (Duke Damien) points at Melrose who looks down fidgeting with her hands.

"S-Sorry daddy... I-I won't play with them anymore." (Melrose) mutters as Duke Damien reaches over to take the doll's away from the girl.


So many memories flooded my mind, seeing Melrose go under the same thing as me.

Is the God of tricks playing my heart and morality? Is he making this mirror-like reflection of what I once had to test me on what I will do?


"I will have the servants take care of them so as not to worry." He smiles patting Melrose and somehow I couldn't help but feel the anger rising. He doesn't have the right to tell a child to not play and be well- a child!

"W-Will you give my dolls back later daddy?"

"Honey, I have no choice but to throw them away or let another child servant have them. If such a spoiling environment surrounds you, how will you be a proper lady?" (Duke Damien) tells her what a proper lady should be, knowing that what he was doing was wrong in my opinion. "I love you, that's why I'm doing this for you."

I grit my teeth clenching my hold over the Joe doll.

"We have noble games set up if you would like to participate, your highness. Though, with that dress of yours, I'm afraid you would stand out a little-" (Duke Damien) laughs a little, as if he was telling me that it was all a joke.

"But before that why not let me take care of that doll as well? I wouldn't want my daughter to be a horrible influence over her highness."

"..." (Victoria)

Even from here, I could feel Victoria's glare over at Duke Damien. Meeting him now, he's giving mild threats and no hints that he was the one who assassinated me.

I hold over the Joe husband doll, glancing at Melrose looking sad.

"Hmm... I've grown fond of this doll, such a shame." I held the doll, raising it just over my face, and a grin formed on my lips. "Why don't you take it away from me, Duke Damien?" I challenged him and he blinked in shock at my words.

"W-What are you getting at? Just... Your highness give me that doll. It's nothing special." (Duke Damien) tells me but I shake my head at his request, sighing before waving the doll slightly.

"Can't take a little doll away from a princess? Because you care... Unlike this doll, your reputation around the ballroom... it's something special to you, isn't it?" I taunted him and everyone near me held their breath, the atmosphere becoming so thick.

Duke Damien says nothing, he opens up his mouth to talk but then nothing once more telling me that I was right.

"What a shame... you know I wasn't going to mention this since it's your little one's birthday but I could do a little announcement of thanks... Thank you for providing me with a carriage and a coachman." I laughed, and Victoria's figure became a lot more light, it was clear that she was proud of me.

"A carriage made out of shimmy wood and a coachman that ran away, left for the crown princess and her escort to fend for themselves when the bandits arrived to attack- oh? But then again now that I remember what they were wearing... were they bandits?" The tone of my voice was making him mad.

"!!!" (Duke Damien) widens his eyes and forces a laugh out with a reddened face. "Y-Your highness about the carriage-"

"Ah, no need... everyone must know of your generosity-! You have provided me with such hospitality everyone must know! Surely, uncle..." I stop midway giving him a terrifying look a seven-year-old could have.

"...your reputation after my announcement will exceed your expectations. Want to test me?"