Chapter 45: Persuasion (II).

Chapter 45: Persuasion (II).

Elizabeth's POV

Upon the decision that I'll be taking Victoria with me to visit her home- I went to my father's study seeing the damage he did to this place.

A lot of holes from the ice spikes that he casted- not my fault he has horrible aim.

"So… you want to go back home. I never thought I'd see the day." He held a few documents in his hand, sitting down being fixated on whatever important contents it possessed.

"Father it's my request, I've been doing everything you asked for- and I think I ought to be rewarded." After thirteen years of being inside this castle, I deserve a vacation.

"Hmph, do you think I'll let you go outside these castle walls to the provinces- it's filthy and overrun by the common folk." (Emperor Alastor) finally looks at us glaring, but when he sees Victoria he sighs looking guilty.

Emperor of the year.

Victoria came from that province that's run by the common folk, how dare you hurt her feelings.

I tried not rolling my eyes at his face. Clearly it would be run by common folk- what do you think?!

"Alastor, you have my word that your daughter will be safe. It's just two weeks of visiting-" (Victoria) wasn't even done with her sentence before the Emperor agreed.

"Fine, have it your way."

The both of us looked at each other, expression shocked- baffled and confused. I thought we were going to need more than that to convince him to let us leave but instead he stared at us wondering why we still haven't left yet.

"What… Why are you both staring at me like that?" He asks, clicking his tongue. "I'm busy and I don't need you adding to my list of headaches, you remember the intruders that got inside in my office?"

I remembered our stealth mission not too long ago and my brave gut giving the emperor the middle finger for not being a good dad.

I tried my best to not laugh at the memory and keep a composed face.

"Indeed I have heard about it, with all the yelling it woke most of the servants up."

"They've gained access to something only the royal family would know. The password- the riddle- getting past all the traps-"

Wait there were traps?

Holy shit we were lucky not to trigger any of them.

"It gave me such a fright that the enemy might gain valuable intel. I'll be rearranging the patrol hours, clearly whoever these intruders are, they've got a good understanding on how we do things around here- and they have an earth magic caster as well."

"I will take note of that, my emperor. If there's a chance that they'll come back- I'll make sure to prioritize the princess' safety first." (Victoria) didn't let anything slip, and I kept quiet just to be sure I won't say something dumb on accident.

"Ugh… they better come back. One of them dared to show a disrespectful hand sign in the presence of an emperor." He complained, clearly distraught at how someone could insult such a powerful figure and lived to see the day. "That one deserves the death sentence for insulting a royal! Spies are getting bolder in this age!"

He angrily slammed his fist into the table, "Just because I lead the losing war they have the guts to give me the middle finger?!"

Don't laugh… don't laugh!


"...Pardon?" (Victoria) glances down at me and I look away quickly, acting like something got caught in my eye.


"A bunch of savages, they must have been paid spies for another country." The Emperor waved his hand in motion and well- he's wrong.

You're currently talking to these savages right now but we did this thing for personal gain and I'm trying my best not to smile.

"You have to take at least a dozen elite guards with you." (Emperor Alastor) was actually being reasonable for once with all his conditions and terms.

Guards must be with us, everywhere we go.

No talking with the common people.

Hiding my identity as princess when I visit Victoria's province home.

Before I knew it we came into an agreement that I'll be coming along to go on a two week vacation to the province home of-!

"Möjorhn." I found out the name of her village in the Provincial State of Günhild. I looked at the map of the country that I got from Misha and slumped, seeing how far away it was from the capital city, where the castle is.

"It takes me three days by horse to travel alone, five days by carriage traveling with luggages." (Victoria) tells me, while she helped me pack my things up for the lovely vacation we planned.

"My province home isn't even that deep in the border. Your land is vast, some places take weeks before we arrive."

I couldn't help but look at the other routes we'll be going through, three days and two nights- did we pack enough food and water? What if we encounter monsters? What if I get bored doing nothing inside the carriage at that time?

"That's so far!" I slumped into my bed and rolled a little before wondering why did the emperor let me do as I wanted this time. "Do you think a storm is brewing in the distance?"

Every time something goes right, I feel uncomfortable and my mind tells me to not let my guard down just yet.

"Why is that, princess?"

"You know the emperor never lets me go outside even for the simplest reasons, if he's letting me go with you to your village- do you think he's planning something?" I asked, staring at the marble ceiling, soon enough I won't be able to stare at this same ceiling for a while.

"Your father must've been in a good mood- is what I'm hoping. I found his decision rather weird as well, but I did not say we can't take advantage of it." She finished packing up my things in a bag, and showed me everything I needed for the trip.

"You're right… Hopefully everything will be okay after this." I patted my trunk feeling its weight, carrying it on my own. "Are you excited going back after well-"

I rounded up the numbers of nine years, I wondered if Victoria's sweetheart was even waiting for her return. Knowing how loyal Victoria was, I never saw her fooling around with anyone else inside the castle.

Her attention was only towards my wellbeing- I did hear that many servants have admired and tried their shots at my amazing mother figure, she must've rejected all of them with only one woman in mind.

That woman would be the nun that's in charge of taking care of the children in the orphanage of the village.

"After nine years of being away?" I asked her, opening the door out of my room and we walked side to side talking. I could see her nervously breathe in and out the same technique she taught me whenever I would panic or be nervous.

"I am… I keep thinking of certain scenarios that would happen- but- I do miss Mary and I want to see her again." (Victoria) smiled and it was infectious.

I can't wait to have another mom soon! What's better than one present for Christmas is two!

We carried all of our things, picked a couple of carriages beforehand and insisted on bringing gifts for the many children- I kept Sir Lincoln's personal letter for his daughter and some money.

I told Sir Tobias, Scholar Misha and my little cousin of where I'll be going. I wrote Melrose a letter, Scholar Misha tagged along in the journey because Sir Tobias was coming with us.

They also packed up their things and met up with us at the entrance.

A couple of Elite guards will tag along, by father's orders. I was thankful that the knights he picked were people who I was familiar with.

Victoria showed them the routes they would be taking, getting a big map and started taking notes on where the usual surprise attacks happen- whether it be magical monsters or bandits.

" We're going to the legendary Victoria's Crumwell childhood home?!" (Scholar Misha) happily unloaded his things, a few books on the road.

"My hometown is just right next to yours, Victoria." (Sir Tobias) commented pointing at the glorious ice mountains in the map. "Just over on the other side, if we pass this route you'll see a hidden village- well known for their love for unicorns."

"I still want to see a unicorn! Victoria, if we have time, can we visit Sir Tobias' hometown?!" I held her arm and shook it violently.

Imagine! Unicorns! Horse with horns! Ones that I only see in books and drawings!

"Unicorns are only a myth but- if you ever see one- the mystical beast will judge your heart. If it's pure as gold, the unicorn will give you its wisdom." (Sir Tobias) explained to me grinning ear to ear.

Scholar Misha popped out of nowhere and added. "And if your heart is icky like mud! The unicorn won't hesitate to stab you for protection with its long horns!" He gave such a horrible fact that I lost interest in wanting to find the unicorns anymore.

My heart isn't really pure-

I pull on Scholar Misha's cheek, "Thanks for spoiling my fun- but I still would like to visit your hometown Sir Tobias. I'm sure there's other fun things we can do there than unicorn hunting."

Sir Tobias laughs, asking me to stop pulling on the poor scholar's cheek. Only because he asked nicely I let him go.

"Ow, ow, ow. Your highness, you meanie." (Scholar Misha) held her cheek, not it looked like he was a small hamster having a small little tantrum as he rubbed it up and down.

"Yes, your highness there is. There should be several ice ponds that's good for ice skating- once a month or two my village would hold festivities and celebrate the very talented people of our village." (Sir Tobias) tells me and despite living in a country named land of snow, I never once tried ice skating before.

"Other than ice skating, are there any other sports the common folk participate in?" I asked, seeing that everyone else was still busy packing their things into the two carriages we bought.

One is beautifully decorated with a royal emblem, the other carriage is for luggage purposes. "Hmm… its not on our village but there's a sport where a whole group will have to make their sled in under fifteen minutes- and then race down the mountain full of obstacles first one to win gets a lot of prizes."

"Interesting, if we have a few more times in the future I would love to visit them." I tell him and he bows his head.

"I would be honored to escort you there, your highness. I will have to talk to one of my friends about it and we'll have our local tour guide with a small fee." He joked and I chuckled.

I turned to Victoria who was still to the other knights planning everything, from the escape routes and where we could run if we needed help. I was surprised that every knight was listening properly and I didn't hear anyone complaining why a maid was ordering them around.

"Your horse, former general." One of the knights gallantly pulled a blonde mare, for her to have. Seeing that Victoria is also on vacation I told her to wear her most comfortable clothes.

Travel clothes consisted of pants, and a black vest.

"Thank you." She smiles widely patting the gentle tame mare. Muttering a few words lets the horse be comfortable with her presence before getting up the saddle and putting her feet into the stirrup.

Holding the saddle she clicks her tongue, "Tsk, tsk. Good girl."

That scene made everyone a little envious of the horse.

I haven't learned horse riding yet so I decided I'll be spending my time inside the carriage for now besides wearing a dress.

"Scholar Misha, you'll be sitting with me inside." I gestured to him and we went inside the carriage. The short scholar kept me company sitting down on the other leather chair.

"Ah… thank you for letting me inside the royal carriage- your highness. I'm not a very good horse rider and I'm not good with the cold." He scratches his cheek, telling me.

I looked outside the window and was glad Victoria was having fun with this short time of freedom. I'm seeing a new side of her I haven't seen before. She was ordering the knights' position around the carriage for when we left in an organized and tactical manner.

"No need to thank me, I called you out here because I want to give you something to examine." I turn towards the scholar taking the paper scroll I stole from the hidden archive.

"Gasp! You always bring me peculiar things to examine, what could it be this time?" He asked and I gave him the paper scroll. He takes it gradually and analyzes the outside design of it.

Old, crusty, smells funny, and dusty.

"Something a bit unsettling for my taste, I would warn you it could make your stomach churn from the way it was written." I told him and the moment he opened it he understood the meaning of my words.

"Oh good god in heavens." He held his mouth in disgust before throwing the paper scroll on the side of the carriage. I took no offense in that action because I would've done the same.
