Chapter 46: Village of Möjorhn (I).

Chapter 46: Village of Möjorhn (I).

Elizabeth's POV

"Your highness, pardon me if I raise my voice but where in the world did you get such a scroll detailing of such torture?" (Scholar Misha) nervously picked the scroll back up, handing it to me but I pushed it back towards him.

I talked to Misha on what I'll do with the scroll.

"Keep it, you'll need this scroll for your next task." I tell him, and he does a long 'eh-', his tone being in disbelief.

"If there's any information about this man in any history books we have at our royal library, I want you to find it when we get home." I crossed my legs, leaning down on Misha. "I need my own money."

"That scroll is more than just descriptions of crime and torture to an innocent man, it's the evidence that there's treasure lying around in the castle." I hesitated on telling Misha about the information on the treasure, but I trust him enough with this because he earned my respect years ago for defending me with the head instructor that got fired and replaced with a better one.

"I see that your highness- but what could you even possibly use the money for?" He asks me, and I grin.

I need money for something really big that will take more than half a million gold coins- maybe even more than a million to see the final project finished.

The railway train project. To connect every village, every city, every capital- and with my influence when I'm empress I could strengthen my alliances and trade with other countries.

"Project investments, I'll show you my blueprint later. I know I'll lead a lot of money to be able to make something so big- and I don't want to rely on the taxes of my people."

They're already hurting with the emperor's law that women may not get a job, inflation of taxes and the damage of the human-demon war wouldn't put me much in a good light.

"I'll do what I can to search more about this man and you know what, the walls are thin. I have no interest in money but knowledge- this might prove to be a fun challenge, your highness." He places the paper scroll safely inside his [Storage Ring], earning a satisfied nod and a smile from me.

"I know I could always count on you, trust me- everything that I'll be doing is for the sake of my country and its people." My words weighed in trust, my eyes were serious and unwavering as I spoke with confidence. "In any case seeing that you've come here for pleasure- with the vacation and all I wouldn't worry about that now."

"Indeed! I wonder what kind of environment the former general lived in to make her so- her!"

"Victoria's home- I know she didn't come from an easy life but she still became an amazing person. I have packed gifts for the caretaker of the orphanage she lived in and toys, clothes and other basic necessities." At least a sack full of them to ensure it could last the orphanage a week or two.

"How considerate of you, your highness. I'm sure they would love what you've brought."

"I certainly hope they will."

I could hear Sir Tobias being the leader of the expedition shouting to be off. The coachman used the whip on the horses making them neigh and moved forward.

The carriage moved at a slow pace but soon decently, until I could no longer see the figure of the city gates.

Three days and two nights with our long journey ahead.

I kept leaning over the open window, staring at the snowy fields- and everyone else was already wearing their winter coats.

Misha who was sitting in front of me was already keeping himself busy by reading some books, I'm surprised he doesn't feel nauseous with the carriage bumping often.

"Ambush from the monsters! Everyone take out your swords!"

My eyes widened in curiosity hearing their panicked voices, I poked my head out and saw they were battling with some small goblins laughing to themselves holding wooden clubs.


With their green skin, yellow eyes and sharp teeth- not much rags to cover up their bodies though. I could see every other knight struggling to fend a few off other than Victoria who got down on her house and manifested a [Water Dagger] in both of her hands.

Handling the blade like she was dancing, fast movements that I almost couldn't see- I know she was still injured but maybe it's been healed already?


I watched as my personal maid killed every last one of them with not much as a sound of difficulty coming out from her.

The body of the goblins each had a hole in them, showing they had a tough time getting stabbed. Blood was splattered everywhere and the battle was done.

"Whoa! Former general is so- so cool!"

Misha poked out his head too on the window carriage, eyes shining- both of our respect and admiration grew more for Victoria.

Oh and I guess Sir Tobias did well too.

The sun was slowly setting, we had to stop by on a nice clearing where we could set up a tent and get a fire going.

"Whoa stop there! Tsk, tsk!" The coachman stops the carriage on a good safe spot where it's dry and not many trees around to accidentally spread fire with. The knights tie their horses down to the trees and they all start forming roles on who'll do certain tasks.

"We'll handle the fire general Crumwell- I mean former general."

"Still not getting used to it huh?"

"Apologies, It's hard to imagine our senior has become a maid- still- you still have our respect for the former general." I heard the elite guards talking so highly of my maid who just laughs looking a little embarrassed.

"Make sure to dig a good hole for the fire, find some dead branches and take out the kindling we brought in the carriage- then the others can set up the tent. I'll be scouting the area and see if I can find something we can eat- the meat I bought won't be enough for all of us." (Victoria) tells the other knights who followed her with not much as a question on her leadership.

"Yes, former general."

They all motioned to go inside deeper into the forest but first she had to visit my lonely figure who just got out of the royal carriage, curious on where she'll be going.

"Your highness, I'll be going into the forest with the rest of these knights to find dinner- the goblin meat is inedible only good for potion ingredients. Stay with Sir Tobias who's setting up the tent."

"Alright, but next time you have to teach me how to make a fire next." I suggested and she pats my head affectionately in front of the other knights.

"Good girl, your highness."

Seeing her this relaxed with no restriction- she's patting my head knowing we're not alone…!

"Hehe." I giggled like a little spoiled child and followed her orders, saying goodbye and watched their figures go deeper into the forest, weapons in hand.

We were in the clearing, I saw my Scholar Misha helping out to set up the tent and I offered to give aid seeing that I have nothing much to do-

"Hey you two, can I help?"

"Oh your highness- you're a crown princess they shouldn't be doing any dirty work." (Scholar Misha) is reminded of my ranking, knowing that royalty shouldn't be out to work but Sir Tobias shakes his head looking at his lover.

Sir Tobias turns to me shaking his head apologetically. "Don't mind him, your highness. Please grab a hammer. I'll be teaching you how to set up a good tent."

"Tobi she's royalty-"

"I don't recall any books I've read that say a crown princess can't set up their own tent, Misha."

"True- alright then if you don't mind your Highness can you pass the long rope too?"

The way that these two argued- I should be getting used to it right now. As long as the scholar was met with the logic of a handsome knight immediately he'll agree to anything he says.

"Thanks to you both, this is my first time camping so I was hoping I could learn a lot from it." I took the hammer in hand and helped Scholar Misha with the rope.

"Camping is a good survival experience, especially if you found yourself stuck somewhere and get lost you'll need to set up a camp." (Sir Tobias) helped me hammer a few nails down.

When we finished setting up a tent, my hands were a bit red from the cold so I decided to sit down on one of the logs that had a little white puffy mushing growing on top of it.

I paid no attention to it at all but when Misha notices it he plucks it out looking happy to find it. He held it in his hands, observing its cotton-like shape before showing the mushroom to me.

"Knowledge about food growing around the area is also helpful- and could also save your life!"

"What kind of mushroom is that then?"

"Oh this is edible cotton-shroom, we can eat it later when the knights start a fire- it's really good barbecued with a sprinkle of salt on the top." He tells me of what it tasted like, apparently it's a good meat substitute and very nutritious.

"If that's the case want to go gathering a few of these? They're everywhere on some other logs and tree stumps." I suggested and he took kindly to my offer, walking with me freely while plucking a lot of mushrooms for us to eat.

I would love to share these with the other knights around as well.

"Hey look at this one! It's shaped like a hairball."

"How is it even shaped like a hairball? I can't see the resemblance." I poked the cotton-shroom with my hand looking confused about how he sees it like a hairball.

With all the mushrooms we were taking we needed to place them in a basket and bring it back for Sir Tobias and Victoria to see.

Misha and I each held a basket full of edible mushrooms in hand talking more about the winter wildlife. We didn't stray away from camp, we found our way back quickly.

"Too bad we couldn't find any berries in this area, maybe next time-!" He kept me company for the hours we've been together and I was happy that even with Victoria gone I have someone to talk to.

I don't feel alone at all.

"Ah there you are! The former general is back bringing game meat!" (Sir Tobias) called us over and we went to see what was going on.

"Game meat?"

"Oh that's what we call any kind of meat found and hunted in the wild- not domesticated one that's been farm raised." (Scholar Misha) was kind enough for me to explain.

Soon we saw the knights laughing and cheering amongst themselves while carrying a huge reindeer looking creature, his legs being tied up with ropes.

"Dinner everyone! Comrade former general Crumwell caught our dinner!" One of the knights patted her back happily telling her how much of a good job she did.

The beast that they brought looked like a reindeer but- its long antlers were so- so huge! At least fifteen to twenty meters long.

"I hope everyone prepared the fire, we'll be eating good tonight for dinner. I'll be cooking." (Victoria) announced to where her knight companions happily fastened their pace on setting up the hole putting dry wood and casted fire magic over it.

I held the basket of mushrooms in my hand shyly walking up to her and tugging at her long sleeves.

"...? Oh! Your highness, what is it that you have there?"

"Some cotton-shroom for us. Misha told me that it's edible and I thought maybe you and everyone else would like some vegetable to pair with the meat you caught." I held my chin up hoping for the praise I was always given after doing good work, cheeks a little red.

"Thank you, princess. I'm glad you look like you're having fun with the others. I'll tell everyone about your good deed." (Victoria) took the basket full of cotton-shrooms and patted my head.

"Let's go make you a good meal, shall we?"

That night at camp, I had the guts to watch the other knights prepare the venison meat- skinning the fur and draining the blood. I was disgusted and amazed by the sight of them preparing the meat with such ease.

"You have strong eyes and will to watch that, your highness." (Scholar Misha) held his mouth looking nauseous at the scene.

"I can't say the same for you, Scholar Misha.""I-I think I'm good with the shrooms." He told me, walking away from the butcher scene.

They made a good fire pit and placed clean logs around the area for us to sit on. I sat down and watched the fire cackle, hearing the sound of dry wood burning and the smell of smoke.

The knights were a bit uncomfortable with my presence- being in the presence of royalty they dared not to act uncourteous and disrespectful. They all sat away from me and I understood their intention.

However when Victoria comes along and starts assuring them to be themselves but still be on best behavior- preparing the cooked venison meat and our gathered mushroom.

"The crown princess has gathered us some wild cotton-shrooms, let us indulge in them and thank her with stories of our adventures!" (Victoria) happily started telling my good deeds and my wish for improving the kingdom to get some brownie points from our companions.

The awkward air left us and soon we were talking, laughing and each one told me their family home stories that I indulged into. We all ate good meat- everyone said thank you to Misha and I for bringing wild mushrooms.

Victoria was more free being outside that stuffy castle. I leaned my head over to her shoulder feeling a little sleepy, the cold air was relaxing and the night sky was full of stars tonight.

It was a beautiful sight to see.

"My first camping trip was fun, thank you- Victoria."

"No… Thank you. If you hadn't proposed the idea to come back home- maybe I wouldn't be feeling this free in a very long time." I smiled, closing my eyes.

I decided to sleep while leaning on her shoulder.