Chapter 64: The Rage of A Father (III).

Chapter 64: The Rage of A Father (III).

  Elizabeth's POV

The marching band of the small army continued with us being on the front, we had to go through the village catching people's attention. 

"What's happening? Aren't they capitol soldiers?!"

"Mama look! Big horses!"

"Shhh… don't stare."

Their heads peeking out from their house windows, mouth agape, children pointing a finger at our direction and hushed whispers not knowing what was going on.

We all ignored the stare, gossip and whispers continuing our hour journey to the orphanage.

"It's been a while since I visited this place, is it just me or have things gotten worse?" (Sir Lincoln) eyes the streets, some shops being boarded by planks and the bystander villagers having holes in their clothes.