Chapter 65: The Rage of A Father (IV).

Chapter 65: The Rage of A Father (IV).

  Elizabeth's POV

"Wait- slow down no need to drag me, princess!" (Katia) looked around a little anxious seeing all the soldiers that were there to help us.

"We have to hurry, who knows where those fake sisters are!" I replied finding Scholar Misha who was tearing through his blonde hair looking at the map and roads of this area. 

"Um… we'll have  a squad roundup here and then here- make sure the road is blocked off. Tobi, make sure you get this side too." (Scholar Misha) looks at Sir Tobias who nods, bringing in a whole squad with him to check the road.

"I'll get going then make sure they don't one up us." (Sir Tobias) held his sword and was about to mount his horse, thankfully I ran just in time to stop them.

"Wait, stop, don't go yet! I have someone with information that can help!" I exclaimed while dragging Katia with me with a wide smile on my face. 

Katia's ears dropped and hid her tail.