Chapter 66: A Dull Blade (I).

Chapter 66: A Dull Blade (I).

  Elizabeth's POV

The orphanage has been rebuilt, from head to toe. No more holes on the walls, we found better sisters or villagers that were willing to take care of them for a minimum fare. My heart was set and no longer heavy, I can breathe knowing they'll be fine without me.

"A second letter from the emperor, your highness. It seems we've stayed for far too long that he needs your presence."

"I suppose two whole months in this place is long." I take the letter in my hand, opening it, eyes rolling upon reading the formal contents of orders that I need to go home soon if not I'll be punished.

"How is that man just so impatient…"

It seems we'll need to get going soon because of my father's orders to come back home.