Chapter 12

New goal! Pop any water ball without disturbing the others.

After 30 minutes of practicing, I increased the size into a head and then repeated the practice.

After an hour, I can now freely control the water balls

I created 5 head-size water balls and then threw 1 of them into a nearby tree. The other balls stayed without popping then I tossed 2 balls this time in different directions, I looked at the remaining 2. Good, still stable. Then I created 1 fist-size water ball. I now have 2 head sizes and 1 fist size hovering silently in my hand.

[Your mastery of the Water Chakra Coating technique achieved 100%]

[Detecting several Chakra Control Techniques. Asking for permission to combine Leaf Concentration Technique, Tree Climbing Technique, Water Surface Walking Technique, Perfect Nature Control, and Water Chakra Coating technique]

'Of course'

[Combined into Perfect Chakra Control - Can smoothly use chakra without wasting a single bit (+100% boost on jutsu, +10 speed on hand seals)]

Finally, I can now freely control my chakra and I can create a stronger clone with the 100% boost.

I tossed the water balls into a tree. As for its strength? It's weak as I made it for playing only. But It can serve as a distraction when used properly.

After my practice, I went to the library to recreate my clones. Because of my 100% boost, their CP doubled and my hundred clones can last for 3-5 hours now when constantly using Sharingan. Since it's still 1 tomoe, the consumption of chakra is not worth mentioning.

I went to watch Sasuke and Naruto train afterward while giving some pointers.

When it was lunchtime, Naruto treated us to Ichiraku's Ramen. While waiting for our orders, I went out for a while as I needed to take care of the root member in charge of Naruto.

I went to his hiding place in cat form as it was better to sneak out on someone than in my human form. When I'm in position, I jumped and slashed his neck

I transformed into my human form and then carried the dead body to one of the anbu in charge of Naruto, I tossed it to him

"I can agree with an anbu watching Naruto but not a puppet of that greedy bastard. Say to the Hokage that he should warn that man as I'll kill every root member I saw spying on anyone I made friends with.

Also, say to the Hokage that he shouldn't bother trying to spy on me as he'll just waste his time," I said then left without waiting for an answer.

Hiruzen's POV

As I was busy with my work, the anbu in charge of monitoring Naruto arrived then activated a scroll,  releasing a dead body

"Hmm? A root? What happened?" The Anbu then told what happened in detail.

"Ashe?" I took my surveillance Item as I have the habit of watching the seedlings of Konoha. (Really?)

I tried looking for Ashe but I couldn't, As if something was blocking him. Including everything around him.

"Hokage-sama, there's more" The Anbu continued after seeing what the Hokage is trying.

"What is it?" I asked

"The kid said not to bother trying to spy on him as you'll just waste your time," The anbu said without getting nervous for saying something like that. As everyone knows, the Hokage won't get angry.

"Hahahha no wonder I can't see them" The last time, I spied on Ashe and it worked just fine. He probably felt me spying on him that time so he did something to block it. (Nahhh, It's just a coincidence)

He probably killed the root to hide his secret, I felt assured that Ashe trusted me enough to let the anbu continue watching but I shouldn't let others know much about that kid.

"Starting today, every time Naruto is with Ashe. Stop following them and just wait till Naruto comes back to his house" The anbu has no complaint as he might be the next victim of that kid. He didn't even notice him before he talked to him, so it must be easy for that kid to do something if he willed.

"Call Danzo before you tell your partner about my command" I commanded, He bowed and then disappeared.

After 5 mins, he finally arrived.

"What did you call me here for? Hiruzen" Danzo asked as soon as he arrived.

"Why is there a root spying on Naruto? I asked straightforwardly.

"What are you talking about?" He denied so I showed him the dead body of a root.

I watched his expression after seeing the body, he might hide it well but my experience told me that he knows what I'm talking about.

"I'm asking again, Why is there a root spying on Naruto? I already dispatched an anbu to watch over him" I asked in a serious voice.

"I didn't know anything about it" I sigh hearing that, Still denying it? Then I'll just warn him since I know he won't hurt the interest of Konoha.

"I just want to warn you not to send any root to Naruto or he'll kill them all," I said without telling Ashe's name.

"The one who killed this one?" He asked

"Hmm" I agreed.

"Who is it?" He asked

"I'm sorry but it's a secret" He won't know even if he investigates as it's nearly impossible for a 5-year-old kid to do that. Especially the one that can be easily mistaken as a girl. If not seeing him naked, I might think of him as one too.

But he'll be able to see a connection still, Ashe should be able to handle it? I already did what he wanted anyway.

"I'm part of the council and your friend yet I'm still not allowed to know him?! He might be a threat to Konoha!" He said. Should I tell him? He can be trusted anyway.

I suddenly remembered what the anbu said when he repeated the exact words of Ashe, He called Danzo a Greedy Bastard.

I think I shouldn't tell him as it looks like Ashe hated my friend.

"I really can't, I'm sorry" I said after thinking for a while.

"Hmph, don't go crying help me once he became a threat" he said before leaving.

Can he really become a threat? Should I take precautions? but he might get angry and start killing.

I've long stopped treating him as a kid and he'll become a genin soon.

But then, he's just a pitiful kid who got orphaned. What if..what if he's a spy? Sighed! I'll just see what happens for now before deciding.

Ashe's POV

I went back to Ichiraku, I saw them eating already. I ate mine too and as usual, Naruto ordered more while I and Sasuke waited for him

"How's your training?" I asked

"I can do it with my whole palm already but Naruto is still stuck at 2 fingers," He said with a proud expression

"Hmm, that's normal since Naruto has over 100 × more chakra than you, making it harder for him to control it. He will be having a hard time using low-level jutsu that requires low chakra consumption." I said